44| Those who say lies

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"Y-you guys aren't making any sense" Eren says, "Reiner your mind is going all weird again" bertholt said. I could tell he was trying to cover it up.

"Right, I wasn't thinking straight was I? I barely know what i'm saying here. Ive probably gone of the deep end" Reiner mutters to himself and I look at Eren telling him to come to me and he begins walking. "Let's go" eren says before starting to walk to me and Mikasa. The sound of a flag pole snapping from the wind made this whole situation more eerie.

Everyone stopped and it was complete silence. By now I had a tight grip on my blades, Mikasa too, she also sensed that something was definitely off here, I mean. For goodness sake, they admitted to being the Armoured and Colossal titan. Reiner began muttering stuff to himself once more which I couldn't hear fully. From what I could tell, he was scolding himself.

Reiner lifted his sling over his head and lifted his arm out, steam rose from the wound. "Shit! They weren't lying!" I began running over there. "Eren get out of the way!" I yell. Mikasa was already attacking the two. "GET OUT OF HERE!" she cried to Eren. I grab him and try to pull him away but he was frozen. "Eren snap out of it!" but before anything else lightning struck the top of the wall and I felt a large hand trapping me and Eren who was trapped in the other hand. I couldn't move to transform. I felt useless. "Eren!" I yell looking over at him who was still in shock.

"LANA!" I hear Hanji cry out as we started gliding down the wall. I was done for, I couldn't transform like this. I'm a useless piece of shit. But as I lost some dignity in myself, Eren managed to bite his hand and transform and landing a punch on Reiner, letting me free from his grasp. I was caught before I could make contact with the ground, I look up and see Hanji who brought me back up to the top of the wall, where Bertholt was still placed. "What are you doing! You'll get yourself killed!" I yell at Hanji. "I'd rather not argue right now Lana!" she yells back as we land on the wall. I was about to run and transform but Hanji stopped me.

"Don't Eren can handle this, we need your combat skills to take Bertholt down" she orders, I couldn't exactly argue when she gave orders, she was higher ranked than me. I look over to see Eren and Reiner on the ground which was surrounded by smoke. "Move! Everyone!" I hear Hanji yell from behind me and I look and realized Bertholt was reaching his hand out to take us all out. I landed on the wall and kept an eye on Eren whilst everyone else was still finding their feet after what had just happened, "Damnit Hanji" I say to myself.

I noticed that everyone was going back up to Bertholt so naturally I followed behind. " Try and take out his hand Lana!" Hanji orders so as Bertholt reaches out for us I sliced down his arm, like Levi did with Annie back on the 57th expedition. Mine wasn't as effective due to the arm basically instantly healed from my attack. I make my way to everyone else to attack Bertholt once more but we were hit with a huge blast of heat which none of us could stand. "RETREAT!" I hear Hanji order and I did so but the power of the wind that was generated from that heat had pushed me back, making me crash into the ground.

Making everything black. I heard a cry from Hanji and Armin but i couldn't move.

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now