25| Stating facts

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I was stood beside Levi who was next to the commander in the courtroom as we await for everyone else to arrive. "this is nerve racking" i mutter to myself, "We'll save your brother Lana" Erwin says "I know you're stressed but just try to focus on the task at hand instead of looking at the future" he says. I nod.

The doors creaak open and there were a few guards surrounding Eren who was in handcuffs. He was staring at the ceiling with fear in his eyes. Damn it, Hanji probably didn't explain anything to him did she? "Move it!" a soldier shouts as he pushes Eren with his gun.

"On your knees now" Eren gets on his knee's and was tied to a pole. He began looking around and he spotted me but i quickly looked away. The judge walked in and sat down "Alright. Shall we begin?" he says, "Your name is Eren Jaegar, and as a soldier you have sworn to give your life for the good of the people, Is that correct?" Zacharias asked. "Yes" Eren replied, "As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military docturn demands your tribunal be held as a court marshal. As a commander of the armed forces this matter is left to my discretion. Therefore i will decide wether you live or die. Any objections?" He starts, "no sir" Eren replies. "Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us proceed, as expected concealing your existence has proved impossible and unless we publicly disclose your existence, one way or another. We risk the outbreak of a widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made, and i will decide to which regiment will take charge of you, The military Police or the Scout Regiment" Zacharias continues.

"To begin, the Military Police will now discuss their case" he finishes. "Thank you. My name is Nile Dawk, Commander of the Miliatry Police. Our reccomendation following a thurough examination of his physiology. Subject Eren Jaegar should be disposed immediatley." My eyes widen. "We acknowledge that Jaegar's ability played a part in turning back the latest titan incurison. However as been stated, his meer existance is creating a swell of rebellious centiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information as possible we would see Cadet Eren Jaegar made a fallen soldier" Dawk finishes. "Like to see you try" i whisper to myself earning a side glance from Levi but he said nothing.

"Unacceptable! This verminous feind has defiled the might wall!" a wall cultist started aruging. They are finally getting Clout for once in their lives but it doesn't mean they actually help us. "And now I'd like to hear the Scout regiments proposed plan" Zachary said. "Yes sir. As the Commander of the Survey core. I Erwin smith propose the following, let Eren join our ranks. Re instate him as a full member of the scouts, and we utilize his titan abilities to retake wall Maria. That is all" Erwin states, soon after people began whispering amongst themselves.

"Is that it?" Zachary asks. "Yes, With his assistance sir I'm certain we can reclaim wall Maria. I believe our top priority is perfectly clear" Erwin answers "Quite bold. Assuming you were given clearance where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commader Pixis, the wall in trost district has been completely sealed, is that correct?" Zacahary questions, "Yes. I doubt it's gate will ever open again" Pixis answers. "We'll depart from Calaneth District to the east, from there we will make it for Shiganshina. A new route can be established as we proceed" Erwin says.

"But that's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all of the gates. Their the only part that the colossal titan can break through. Let's reinforced the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!" A merchant yells, "Shut your mouth you spineless merchant dog! With a titan on our side we can finally return to wall Maria!" someone argued. "We can't afford anymore of your childish antics or your delusion of grandude" the merchant argues back.

I was about to say something before Levi cut in, "Squealing louder doesn't help your case pig, whilst we're blustering our defences. Do you think that the titans will sit idle by? And when you say 'we can't afford' are you speaking for anyone else besides you and your fat merchant friends? Do you Pigs even realize that most of our people are struggling to survive off little land we have left?" Levi says monotone. "I'm simply saying, that sealing the gates is the only guaranteed protection we got!" "Hold your tongue you vile heretic, do you suggest meddeling with wall rose? A gift from us on high?" a pastor says.

"Why are they even here?" I whisper to myself, "I don't like them either but the amount of power they can have is sickening. I don't trust them." Levi says. I didn't expect him to hear me but I was surprised by that. "Order! I ask that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate time. Now, Eren I have a question. As a soldier you have made a solemn pledge to answer Humanities call, can you still serve by controlling your ablilities?" he asks. I can see where this is going and it doesn't look good. "Yes I will sir!" Eren replies. "Oh? Well the report for the battle of Trost contradicts that statement." Zachary pulls a piece of paper to hand. "Just after transforming, seems you made an attempt to crush Mikasa Ackerman and Lana Jaegar" as he said that Eren looked over at me with wide eyes.

I saw Levi slightly flinch at that note. I cover my scarred eye with my hair. "So that's how that happened" Levi says not looking at me. "And who is this Mikasa Ackerman and Lana Jaegar?" he asks. "Me that would be me sir" I hear Mikasa say, I raise my hand "I'm Lana sir". " Alright then, is it true that Eren Jaegar assaulted you two whilst in titan form?" he asked. We both hestitated to answer because we knew we wanted Eren out of this, "Yes sir. That fact is true" I say. Eren looked at us and Mikasa apologetically. "He's a wolf in sheeps clothing" I hear someone say

"However. I saw Eren save Mikasa once when using his titan ability. They were about to get killed by canon fire but Eren stepped in" I say, "He saved me another time as well MIkasa adds, "Shortly after Trost fell. I was nearly eaten by a titan ,but Eren came and protected me! Please take these facts into consideration"

"Objection!" dawk cuts in, "I have reason to believe that personal feelings play a large part in there testimonies. Let the record show that Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned at a young age and taken in by the jeagar family. What's more our own internal investigation, left us with the most shocking discovery. Lana and Eren Jeagar along with Mikasa Ackerman, at the tender age of Twenty and Nine. Dealt with three adult kidnappers by stabbing them to death" people gasped and Erwin looked at me, "Granted this was done in self defense but one can not question the nature of the act. Knowing all of this, should we really invest in him? Money? Manpower? Perhaps the very fate of us all" he argues.

"Maybe he's a titan that snuck in here and is in a human form" "Maybe they're ones too!" someone yelled pointing at me and Mikasa "I bet they aren't human either, dissect them too to be safe!"

"Hold on a second! Just because I'm a monster that you want dead, you leave them out of this! They're innocent!" Eren defends us. "They must be one if you protect them!" a mechant yelled

"Will you all shut up for one second?!" I shout grabbing their attention."I bet you think you're all so high and mighty" I say making Commander Dawk gasp lightly. "Mikasa was kidnapped and naturally we went to go find her. I tried my best to avoid combat with the three men but that ended up with me nearly dying by getting stabbed in my side. If you think that this is some sob story I came up with i'll gladly show you the scar. Here" I say pulling my shirt up to reveal the scar and some people gasped at it. "So don't put facts out there when you don't know the whole story behind it you idiots!" I shout and the place went quoet for a while until Eren spoke.

/ / /

This chapter stretched along a bit more than I thought it would lol

Hope you enjoy the story!

Also, I've started school again so I might not be able to post chapter as frequently due to this is my A level year (Advanced levels) and I need to focus more on them due to these are the lessons which will help me get into university in the future. But i'm not saying I won't update. I hope you understand.

- Em :)

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now