19| The abnormal

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The squad was in the middle of keeping a lookout for any approaching titans. "Jaegar, move out we are going to move location" a soldier said. As we began walking along a rooftop i heard a faint high pitched scream in the distance. Someone had most likley just been eaten.

I saw a tiitan approach us an Mikasa went to deal with it. I will admit, she's got good skill for a rookie. We moved over to where the citizens were, but before we actually reached there loud thuds could be heard. Suddenly a huge titan started sprinting towards the group of people. I grab my swords and i launch my hooks off.. Damn this thing is fast

We began chasing the titan "Someone wanna tell us why that son of a bitch is ignoring us?" one man asked. "It's an abnormal, stop trying to figure it out!", "Hes too fast! There's no way we could overtake him before he reaches the citizens". "You people forgot that you have a scout member with you" I press the button and i sped up fast towards the abnormal and swing my swords back waiting for the perfect moment. I launch the wire onto the nape of that titan and slice. The titan then falls to the ground. I stand up and wipe the blood from my face.

I look over to a sea of people surrounding a cart. "Would you mind explaining what's going on?" I ask, "Couldn't have asked fro better timing! Force these useless morons to push my wagon!" A merchant demands."I'll pay you handsomely!" he yells, I scoff "How selfish are you? Soldiers are laying down their lives as we speak! All because this is taking too long" i state. "Yeah that's their job! You expect me to shed a tear cuz they gotta fill the duties they signed up for, they are supposed to be willing to lay down their lives! Don't get all highended on me just because you gotta earn your damn keep after all of these years" He argues. I raise my eyebrow and step down from the titan and walk up to the man.

I notice MIkasa land down not far from me. "Yeah no arguing with that statment, you're absolutley right sir. Guess it's what you call the greater good. Well sometimes it's not a soldiers death that makes the impact here" i say as i approach him. Two men run in front of him to protect him. "You're commander and i are old friends, one word from me and you'll be court martial!" the two men run towrads me. I kick their ankles and they fall to the ground, "You gonna tell him from six feet under now?" I raise my sword to him. "And clearly you are blind. I'm no trainee, i'm a scout. So if you want to complain to Commander Erwin about my attitude, by all means do so"

I see the merchant sweat drop due to my actions but this was the only way they would move. "Pull the damn wagon out" he says. They eventually pull the wagon out and everyone flooded through the gate. "You're awsome!" i hear a little girl say, i turn to her "You saved our lives, we are in you debt" to what i assume the girls mother said. I nod and salute to them before walking away.

/ / /

"Nice job you two, Ackerman you did a good job on assiting her there" the soldier in command said "I did what i could sir, but Lana is the one who dealt with the problem really" . "Yeah well i'm not perfect, i dulled my blades doing that" i say switching the blades out.

The rain started to pour down, we were slicing titans from every angle. MIkasa was shcocking me with her skill. "When did you get so good Mikasa?" i ask. She just looked at me and i knew she was thinking about the time me and Eren rescused her.


I tackle the man and I didn't know he had a knife and i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side. "LANA!" i hear my brother scream. I felt my side get warm due to the blood pouring out of my side. The man got uo and strangled Eren once again. "T-take him out!" Eren yells to Mikasa who was standing there, frozen in fear. "Fight or die in this world. Fight!"

Flashback end

We all saw the inner gate close. "That's it, we're done. Scale the wall Ackerman", "I should help the vanguard withdraw" Mikasa says as she speeds off. "Ackerman wait!" the leader yells. "I'll go help her, don't worry about me" i say and follow after her.

I catch up to her, "Shouldn't people be heading for the wall?" i ask. " Yeah, but why aren't they?" she asks. I sigh. "I hope Eren is alright"

We spot some other trainees and Mikasa takes off. I follow behind her. "Annie! I know how bad things have gotten, it's selfish but in personal matter have you seen Eren's squad?" she asks. "Some squads made it bac but i'm not sure about Eren's" the short blonde girl said. My heart sunk. Could Eren be? No. He has to be alive, he was an annoying shit nbut i can't lose my only family!

"We found Armin. He's over there" a tall muscular blonde haired boy said. I walked over to Armin. "Hey Armin" by the way he looked, he had probably seen some stuff no one would want to see. "Armin!" Mikasa yelled. His eyes only showed more panic when we both arrived. "You alright?" i ask kneeling down to him. "You're not hurt are you?" Mikasa asked. He was most likley mentally hurt, which is even worse.

I grab Armins hand as he starts to get worse, "It's okay". Mikasa stands up and starts looking around. "Where's Eren?" she asks, Armin breaks down as he looks at me. I knew what he was saying. Tears esacped from my eyes, "the cadets of squad 34, Thomas Wagnar. Nack Tierce. Milieus Zeremski. Mina Carolina. Eren Jaegar! These 5 upheald their duties. They died valiantly on the field of battle!" he stutters over his tears. My head hung low as i tried ot hold back my tears. "I'm sorry Mikasa, I'm sorry Lana. It should've been me that died not your brother!" he yells. My eyes widened as i listened to him, "I'm worthless"

Before i could say anything MIkasa stepped in. "Armin, calm yourself. We haven't hot time to get emotional right now" His eyes widened and he stood up. I look at Armin wiping my tears, "MIkasa is right and Armin?" "Yeah?" he replied. "Never blame yourslef for what happened. It will tear you up inside"

I wasn't really paying attention to what Mikasa and this so called Marco boy were discussing. I was trying to reassure Armin about this whole situation. My attention was misguded when i heard Mikasa say "I am a warrior! Know this, i have the power to slay all of the titans that block our path. Even if im alone." She reminded me of Levi so much. "Yes but we need someone in command here" Jean said. i walk forward "You rookies have no idea what you are planning, it's an idea. The only one we can come up with at this time in fact. But experience is more than skill, If i say we need to pull back. We do exactly that, got it?" I order. I needed to take charge here due to these kids would end up getting themselves killed if they just marched in thinking they were the best, that's not how it works.

"The only way to win is to fight" Mikasa says as she flies off. "I was expecting something more motivational" Jean said. "Well tough luck Jean, this plan is th only hope we have at the moment, so suck it up". Jean stands up, "hey! we can't stand here! We can't let our comrads face this alone! Unless you are all cowards! and if yoou are then stay here and die!" he yells. I was taken back, my little shout actually motivated him? Who knew i could be motivational.

We all took off and i noticed Mikasa was using all of her gas. She was going to lose mobility any second. "Mikasa your gas, it's gonna run-" she ran out of gas. "Mikasa!" Armin yelled as she crashed.

I landed on a rooftop, i saw someone who ran out of gas and then two other cadets went to help. "Wait no!" i yelled. I couldn't bare to waste anymore gas, that's what i had learnt over the past 4 year sin the survey core. I had to stand by as i heard the screams of crying for help. I hated this. I knew not many of us were going to make it.

An ear piercing scream could be heard. I knew it wasn't smart but flew towards Mikasa along with Armin. We managed to get her to safety. I really hope that the scouts were on their way. I shouldn't be the one leading here, but i knew i had to. Mike, Captain Levi, Commander Erwin, None of them were her. But i am, i have to do this for the sake of saving others, it's my duty!

"Oh crap! Two 15 meter titans!" Connie says. "No" Mikasa starts "That one's different" she says talking about the long haired titan that stood before us. I felt like something was very familiar about that titan. A shifter? No, lightning would've appeared when they transformed, but it kinda reminds me of fathers titan. Maybe jut an abnormal? A very strange one at that.

"How?"Armin asked, the titan let out a scream which was followed by a reply but the other one. The muscular Titan got into a fighting stance and proceeded to knock the head off of the other titan, killing it.

/ / /

Well that was one hell of a chapter to write XD

Hope you enjoyed it! Don't worry, i know there isn't alot of Lana and Levi action at the moment but there will be in the future. I promise!

- Em

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now