45| Worry

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Levi's Pov

It's been too long for my liking since Hanji's squad and the others had left. Military Police decided to actually show up for once.

"What a joke! I thought this was supposed to be an emergency" A soldier speaks, "Yeah, we just came here to be sat on our asses or what?" another laughs. "Aye! Levi!" I turn my head. "Where ya hiding out the titans?" they ask. "Problem? You seem egar to get eaten alive soldier. Sorry we couldn't make that happen for you today. Plenty of opportunity outside the walls if you're looking, Many scouting expeditions, I'd be more than happy for the help. We can all fight titans together" I stare blankly at them as they had a stressed look on their faces. idiots.

"Well, y'know we gotta work in the interior so-" He was cut off. "Hey! The advanced squad is back! Tell commander Pixis.

/ / /

Pixis didn't take too long to get here and everyone was surrounding the group which who were chugging water down their throats. "No breaches? As I thought" pixis said, "But sir! a situation has developed. We ran into another group on the way back to Trost. It was the squad lead my Section commander Hanji. there were recruits from the 104th cadet core with them, none of them, whom had equipment. It sounds crazy but three of them, Were Titans!" the soldier pants. Lana you better be okay you brat. Jean began questioning the soldier on who they were but they seemed to still be in shock. Erwin stepped in. "Jean calm down. What happened when their titan forms were revealed?" He asked.

"The scouts engaged the armoured and Colossal Titan as best they could sir! But by the time we arrived on the scene it was too late. I'm sorry" most of out a gasp. "Do you know if either Jaegar had a chance to transform?" I ask calmly. "From what we saw. Eren had but Lana was already injured and unconscious sir, so clearly she had no chance to " he explained and I looked at Erwin with slight worry.

/ / /

Lana's POV

I woke up with a painful headache, I look to my side and I saw Hanji there with burn marks. What the hell happened? I sit up and rub my head due to it was still hurting but I could tell that my titan powers were healing it though. I saw Mikasa and Armin sat over on the wall. I limped my way over to them. "Hey kiddos" I smile as I sit next to Mikasa. "He's gone." Mikasa muttered, "I couldn't save him, Lanan. I'm sorry" she says burying her head into her scarf. I rub her back. "It's not your fault. I'm his sister after all, I should've been there but I got myself knocked out. I can take a guess on what happened but I promise you Mikasa, we'll get him back. But one thing I want you to do one day" Mikasa looks at me. "I know you love my brother, so tell him. I know it's not easy but just do it, If he's an asshole about it i'll smack some sense into him for ya okay?" I say which earns a small chuckle from Mikasa and Armin who was also there. I pull both of them into my sides for a hug.

"We'll get him back alright?" I say looking over the view in front of us. "You always have a way to make us feel better about stuff don't you Lana?" Armin slightly smiles at me. "I try, besides I had to deal with that troublemaker all my life". "You two are awake, here's some food" Hannes says making me turn around. "Hey Hannes" I say, "I like the new hair by the way" he says looking at my silver white hair. "How'd you get it that color? Are you just that old already?" he lightly punches my arm. "Ha.ha. Very funny. But I honestly have no idea why my hair is like this" I sigh looking at the packet of crackers we always had. Hannes took a bite of his food. "This feels familiar. You three are always chasing after that hot head since the good old days. Obviously these are different times but it's still the same problem, am I wrong?" He asks, I hear a small chuckle from my favourite blonde coconut.

"Seems that way" I say taking a bite into the plain flavourless cracker. "The bullies we faced weren't quite as tall but I do see similarities" Armin says smiling lightly. "That's our Eren, can't hold his own for shit but is always looking for a fight. five guys wanna take him on? he wouldn't back down for a second. It's just the type of person he is, but by the time Mikasa or Lana would get there he's beaten to hell and then Poor Lana would carry the brat back home on her shoulders" Hannes says. I laugh lightly at the memory.

/ / /

I was walking through the market looking for something for Father's birthday but I was having no luck.

"THE BRATS ARE RUINING MY STALL! " I hear a man shouts. I made my way over to see where the commotion was and I saw that Eren and Mikasa were fighting those bullies again. I sigh. "Give it back you jerk!" Eren says chasing these boys down the street after an MP showed up. I saw Mikasa was being held back to try and stop the fighting even more. I quickly realized which way he was running so I ran that way to catch him.

I heard him approach and I turn the corner at the last second and pick up him. "LANA LET ME GO!" I place him over my shoulder and walk home

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Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now