35| Breaking promises

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"They'll be okay right?" my brother asks for reassurance. I look back at him. "They wouldn't have turned around and charged towards her unless they knew they could take her" and Eren nods. "They'll make it back. They're hard as nails" I say having trust in my squad. I wonder how Nanaba and Lynne are doing? They were placed far away in the formation so they should be fine.

I shake my head to push thoughts out of my head due to that I had more important things to worry about at this point in time. My damn brother. I turn back to look at Petra and Oulo slicing down the Female titan's torso and Eld was slicing her arms trying to weaken them so she would remover her hands from her nape. I could tell that they had blinded her leaving them 60 seconds before she heals but that wasn't the case. I saw Eld go for another attack but the female titan's reflex was too fast and she bit him in half and spat him out. "ELD!" I shout as I fight back the tears, Eren flew past me and headed back over to them. "Eren No! Get back here!" I say catching up to him.

I realized Petra was in a panic over how quickly the female titan had healed and how she focused the energy to her one eye. "How can she do that!?" she shouts as me and Eren approach them but she was getting chased down by the female titan. My heart began to race rapidly for Petra's safety. "Petra! Get yourself out of there!" I yell "Pull yourself together!" Oulo shouts following behind her but she was a lost cause by now until the very end. I close my eyes and a snap was heard and I new what had happened and my tears that I tried to hold back had now escaped.I open my eyes and see Petra in such a position now one could make like that unless dead against a tree. I will avenge you Petra. I swear Me and Eren were still rushing back to Oulo to maybe help him out but his fate was concealed to when he was thrown into trees and the Female titan stood up from the large kick she had just performed.

Once me and Eren had caught up to her. I could basically feel the anger radiating off of Eren, whilst I was trying to keep mine in tact because I don't know how i'd react. "I'm gonna-" "Eren" I say looking at him about to bite his hand. "Let me do this" but he didn't listen. "I'm going to kill you!" he screams and biting down on his hand not think about how close I was and I was sent flying into the deep forest, hitting my head on the ground but I would live. I stand up and grab my blades, I had blood dripping down my face but I knew that would heal in no time. I flew off using my ODM gear. I heard a huge scream indicating Eren had now transformed. I'm sure everyone in the whole survey core heard that, I was just worried on how Levi would react when he finds out about the squad. I shivered at the thought.

I followed Eren's scream and I found him on top of the female titan throwing punches at her. He was going ballistic and started screaming in her face, I saw his head started to twitch. He was loosing it until the female titan pushed him off but Eren went for another attack. She kept avoiding his attacks, she seemed scared? Eren was blinded by rage in this moment so I knew I had to keep my distance. Another scream was let out and I saw the facial expression on the female titan's face change as she was trying to avoid all of Eren's merciful attacks.

He managed to knock her onto the floor, but she recovered quickly and started to run away but was heading for the tree I was on so I moved an I spotted Mikasa. "What is he doing!" Mikasa asked landing next to me. "He's gone mad-" I was cut of my witnessing my brother's titan forms head being sliced off almost instantly. "Eren!" I shout and began charging forward along with Mikasa beside me. The female titan opened her mouth and bit on the nape of Eren's titan. "Eren no!" me and mikasa yell as the female titan put Eren in her mouth........

"Please no" mikasa said, I felt like she napped then and there. I held her back.

/ / /

Flashback (Age:17)

"Lana remember what I said." father reminds me. "I know" I mutter, "Now say it to me" he asks. "I will not transform for any reason unless my life was in absolute danger where I see no other way out of it" I say

"Right." he turns away to head down into his office. "But what if it's to protect someone? Like Eren for example" I ask and my father sighs, "Like you said. but if they are someone you care about deeply such as eren and they were in huge amount of danger you can. Just be aware of the consequence. People fear the unknown" he finishes and I nod

"Promise me Lana"

"I promise"

/ / /

"I've made my choice." I say and Mikasa looks at me "What-" "Mikasa go about 20 meters away from me" I sigh "This'll be fun later" I mutter to myself. "What do you mean Lana-" I look at her and go to bite my hand. She realises what I mean and backs off and I then go to bite my hand.

/ / /

Ahhhh sorry! This is kind of short but at least we got to Lana's transformation now.

How do you think everyone will react?

Also I might do a q&a so if you have any questions for me. Just comment them and i'll answer them!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and what are your thoughts?

Until next time!


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now