1| Lana Jaegar

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Silenced.................................... what does that mean? to be quiet? or to just not speak?.

prevented or prohibited from speaking.

"A generation of silenced voices"

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(You may play the music now)
Lana's Pov (year 844)

I was never normal in this cruel world. In this world we hid ourselves away from human eating creatures known as Titans. People who live inside the walls think they are safe, safe from the outside. I never believed that. It was only time until something disastrous would happen here.

"Lana dear will you go do the shopping for me?" My mother asked. "Yes mom, also where is father and Eren?" I ask curiously. "You're father is out working and Eren is with Armin I believe" she explained. I nod and smile. "Alright then, i'll be off" I say as I leave my humble home.

I walk into the centre of town to start shopping, there wasn't much I needed to buy. Just some bread and vegetables. I look around and admire the peaceful town I lived in. Many people were walking around with huge smiles on their faces. Everything was normal if I'm honest. The military police and Garrison strolling around. Some Garrison soldiers were sat drinking whilst on duty but what would they be needed for? Titans were outside of the wall and it's only the scouts who really leave the walls.

huh. The scouts, the bravest of the brave in my eyes. Many people beg to differ from that opinion. Many lives are lost on every expedition but their sacrifice meant something towards humanity. Only if the others could see it like that.

I snap from my thoughts and continue walking around the town square to find the supplies I needed. I bought some carrots, lettuce and potatoes. These should be enough, now for the bread. "Well isn't it little Jagear" i hear a voice from behind, i turn to see Hannes, a soldier from the garrison that i knew. "Hello Hannes, nice to see you" i say. "Still aren't in the military kiddo?" he asks.

Many people had expected me to go to the military at 13 due to my skills in hand to hand combat but i didn't really want to at the time. I know i could help out there but i had another thing that was stopping me. My parents, i knew if i were to join the military i would join the scouts. Ive always wondered what beyond the walls look like. I will be honest, staring at walls everyday isn't all that interesting, unless you are some wall cultist that worships the walls.

"You know my parents Hannes, besides someone needs to look out for Eren when he gets into fights" i say. "That brother of yours has fight in him ill say that. he won't back down if his life depended on it" Hannes laughs. "i'll agree with you on that, he's just as stubborn as me and i hate it-"

"COME BACK HERE!" I hear a voice scream, that belonged to one person. My brother. "I'll see you around Hannes" i walk over to where i heard Eren's screech. I see three boys surrounding Eren and beating him up. Eren being Eren fights back with what strength he has left. I grab Eren and pull him away. "You boys need to get along" i say bluntly. "Oh crap! The sister is here! Scram!" one of the shouts as they run away.

"I HAD IT! YOU DIDN'T NEED TO HELP ME!" Eren shouts. I sigh. "You were outnumbered and besides you were losing, your movements are very easy to read Eren so learn to fight and then i'll stop" i say. I only earn a huff of frustration from Eren. This was a daily thing, i always swooped in and saved his ass all of the time. I wish someone could take that job from me. Don't get me wrong i like having Eren as a brother but it's annoying when his 20 year old sister has to swoop in and save his ass all of the time.

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"Eren you must stop getting into fights these days" my mother lectured my young idiotic brother as I spoke with my father. Recently he and Eren had been visiting a family known as the Ackerman's, apparently they had a daughter around the same age as Eren so maybe this would be a chance for him to make more friends than just Armin.

"Eren, I will be checking up on the Ackerman's once again tomorrow if you would like to assist me with that" My father says looking up from his news paper. "Sure" Eren replies. I smile at his enthusiasm. Only if I had that.

"Alright i'm going to my room" I say bluntly as I close my door. I take the cardigan I was originally wearing and place it neatly in a small closet that I own. I sit down at my desk and begin reading a book. I liked reading in my spare time, I made me dream about a world without titans and how different It would be.

As I was reading I noticed some words that would inspire me.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

"There is some good in this world which is worth fighting for"

"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not"

These were just a few that were placed in this book. I didn't notice that I've been reading for many hours so I decided to go to sleep and get some rest. I get changed into my sleepwear and collapse onto the small bed I had. I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will try and post a new chapter soon. Levi won't be in this story straight away but you will meet him eventually otherwise what's the point of this story?


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now