14| Escape

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We managed to get far away from the house and Eren hits my head. "YOU COULD'VE SAVED HER!" I took him off my shoulder and knelt down to his height. "She wasn't going to survive okay?! Her legs were crushed! She couldn't have ran or anything Eren!" I yell, Mikasa ran to Eren and i just looked at Hannes. "There was nothing you couldn't have done for her you understand? You're a kid, you're weak" Hannes said which pissed Eren off as he went to punch Hannes. Hannes catches his fist "i'm worse,  when push came to shove i was too frightened to hold my own. YOU MOTHER DIED BECAUSE IM A COWARD!" he yells.

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We made it to the ferry docks . "You two take care of eachother alright?" i say, "You're- You're coming right!" Eren asks, "Eren, i'm a soldier, I need to stay and help here, I promise i'll be okay" i hug him and Mikasa. "I'll see you guys again okay? Mikasa keep looking out for Eren and Eren you do the same for her alright?" They nod and i ffly off using my ODM gear. I take one last glance at them and head towards the gate.

"Stop dragging your feet!, I need these canons loaded!"  A garrison soldier yells. I look and see titans making there way there. I Pull my swords out and land beside the garrison soldiers. "I'll try and take as many as i can out! You fire the canons!" i say zooming off after some titans. I slice the nape of one. I see the gate of the wall close.

I turn around after hearing huge thuds. "Shit" i say as i look at the 15 meter titan covered in armour. "GET OUT OF THERE! I yell to the soldiers. The titan crouches down as if it was a race. It begins sprinting towrads the gate i knew i couldn't stop this. "MOVE!" I yell. That armoured titan charges through the inner gate. I fly through the gate and begin slicing the nape of a few of themm but there were too many for me to handle. I knew i needed to get back to base. I whistle out for my horse to come back and soon she came. I jump down and land on the saddle and make my way back to the Scout base. I blocked out all of the emotions i was feeling at this time, i just needed to get back.

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I eventually get back and head inside. I knew people would pick up on my behaviour due to what i've just seen but i didn't care. A few of my comrades knew where I went today aso they tried to see how i was but i brushed them aside and went into my room and collapse onto my bed. Hanji wasn't here so I just hugged my pillow and my emotions escaped. I started crying into my pillow,  I stayed like that for a while until i heard a knock on the door. I stand up and wipe the tears from my eyes and open the door. "Oh Captain Levi" i fake smile, "I heard about the incident in Shiganshina, are you alright?" he asks. I sigh "I would say i'm fine but I can't lie to  you sir...I'm not okay" i say looking down. "Need company?" he asks, this was unexpected to be honest. I didn't think he would actually care. "I don't want to waste your time sir, i'll be fine-" "Don't be an idiot, besides i'd rather do something other than paperwork" he says entering the room and sitting on the desk chair. "So what happened?" he asks. "I don't want to go fully into it but i witnessed my mother get eatenn by a titan. My younger brother and adopted sister witnessed it as well, I know these things happen when we are out on expedition but i couldn't handle this" i admit.

The short Captain places his hand on my shoulder "It's okay to feel this way, we all loose people we care about at times. It will get better, trust me" he says in a calm tone. I wipe away the small amount of tears that escaped my eyes. "Thank you sir, i'll be okay" I say. He takes his hand off of my shoulder and heads for the door, he hestitates to leave but he does eventually. I feel slightly more relaxed after Captain Levi came to talk to me for some reason. He's probably comforted people about this before.

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4 years later
Lana (age 25)
(This makes Levi 27)

Shadis stepped down as commander and Erwin smith took on the leading role. Shadis proceeded to go into the training core. He might have trained Eren, knowing Eren he would've joined the cadets. I wonder how Eren, Mikasa and Armin are. Hopefully they are still safe and sound.

I was currently on my way to Commander Erwin's Office due to he needed to tell me something. I knock on the wooden door and he lets me enter his office. "Ahh yes Cadet Jaegar, I need you to do me a favor" He asks. "Yes sir" I reply, "may you travel to trost district and have a meeting with Commander Pixis? I should do it myself but something else has come up and I trust you to do that for me" He says. "What about Captain Levi sir?" "He's busy with stuff as well, are you okay with this?" He asks, "Yes sir, when do I leave?" I reply, "in three days, oh and also the newly graduated cadets will be there just so you know" he says. I smile "okay sir, that's shouldn't be a problem". Erwin dismisses me and I decide to try and get to the training field whilst avoiding Hanji. Recently she's been going crazy over some titan stuff she's cooked up but I've dealt with it for four years and my poor brain needs a rest.

I nearly made it to the door until i heard that voice "Tinyyyyy!" Hanji yells, I sigh "Hanji i need to-" "Shorty wants to see you in his office" she cuts me off. "Tell him he can wait i need to train" i say as i walk away, "Damn you are getting sassy" she laughs. I walk out to the training fields and i see Nanaba and Lynne going over some training moves on the ODM gear. I decide not to interfere and I go and train.

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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