2| Battles in the midst

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Okay so this chapter didn't save properly I'm sorry I fixed it and I had to re publish it :/

I wake up to the sound of Eren banging against my bedroom door, i checked the time and noticed that i had slept in. "Lana come on!" i hear my little brother yell. "Alright give me a second" i reply in my best awake voice. I throw myself from my bed and get changed in my usual daily attire which was a top and skirt with a woollen cardigan.

I walk out of my room to see Eren and father preparing to leave to visit the Ackermans. "Lana would you like to go with your father too?" my mother asked. "Will you be okay?" i ask. She nodded. "Alright then". I go back to my room and grab a scarf and hat just in case the weather would suddenly change from it's usual sunny day. We would be travelling for a little while due to thhe Ackermans living on the outer borders of Shiganshina. "Are you ready to go my children?" my father asks. I nod and so does Eren.

We climb into a carriage which would be taking us to our destination. Eren began blabbering on about how tough he is against those boys who he fights often. I wasn't paying attention to be honest due to reading a book. "Father, why is Lana so strong?" Eren questions. Me nd my father look at each other deciding what to say. "She trains a lot Eren as you know so that's why" my father says. I sigh

Sorry Eren we can't tell you the truth just yet.

/ / /
Play music now

We arrive at the Ackerman's household. It was raining slightly so I was grateful that I brought the extra clothing. My father knocks on the door but there was no answer. "Her name's Mikasa?" Eren questioned. "Yes and she's just about your age, try to get along okay? There aren''y many children around here and I don't want you growing up as an outcast" my father replies.

"It depends if she's nice to me" Eren says. I sigh. "Eren, if you look for the bad in people you will find it" I say. "Your sister is right Erem, hmm that's odd, Are they home?" my father asks. He knocks once again on the wooden door. "Mr Ackerman! It's Dr. Jaegar!" he pushes the door open slightly. He gasped at the sight. I look from over his shoulder and see the view. Two lifeless bodies just on the floor. This was a murder

"Eren can you see the daughter anywhere? Maybe she's outside?" My father says checking the bodies. "I don't think so" Eren replied. "Go to the foot of the mountain and wait for me, I need to alert the military police while the trail is still warm" my father says.

/ / /
Mikasa's pov
Third person

"She's cute but I wouldn't go for her myself" the one kidnapper says using his foot to roll her onto her back. "But she's young, wouldn't go for her myself honestly" he continued. "Well good thing you aren't the one we are selling too. Folks would pay premium for this one, she's exotic or more known as 'oriental' you know about that right?" The other man asks. "When there were different breeds of humans back then people from the Far East started scrambling in, shes the last of he kind though, the rest of her kind died out" he says. "Well is not like she's a pure blood, the father wasn't oriental" The younger one states. The older man snaps "Well we were only supposed to kill the father!", "what did you expect me to do! The bitch was crazy and attacked me!" They argue. "You couldn't have knocked her out?!"


1st person

A knock was at the door. "Speaking of him, there he is" my father said. They knocked again. "Just a second!" my father opens the door and stops. He falls to the ground holding his stomach. My and my mother see him collapse. "Sorry i hope we aren't interrupting" a short fat man said whilst pointing a bloody knife our way. My mother went to reach of scissors. "Let's take this nice and easy, i don't imagine anybody wants their skulls split open any time soon". Once another man said that my mother charged at the guy with scissors. "Bitch is out of her mind!" he yells. "Run! Mikasa! Run as fast as you can!" my mother yells.

"S-stop it you're scaring me"" i reply. My mother looks back at me. "I want you to be scared, move it! get away from here!" she yells. I stood there frozen and glanced over to my father "Dad?". I can hear my mother screaming in front of me whilst she tries to hold back the men who tried to kidnap us. "Screw it!" i hear the man shout as he stabs an axe into the side of my mothers neck. I freeze even more. My mother cried out to me as she collapsed to the ground. "You stupid bastard! the only plan was to kill the father!" the short one shouts. "She was nuts!" the other argues.

The man who killed my mother walked up to me. "Hey let's not get any bad attitude alright?" he picks me up "If you are feeling feisty this is what you get!" was the last thing i heard until i was knocked unconcious

/ / /

The door opened and a young boy appeared from behind it. The younger man stood up "Don't move from that spot you little vermin! How did you even find us!?" He spits. "I- I was in the woods and got lost, i saw you rcabin and-". The man looks at the other one. "Lost in the woods huh? Kids like you shouldn't be out in the woods on your own in the first place, big bad wolves could pounce on you from no where, it's alright though. Me and my buddy will take care of you-" he gets cut off my a dagger into his heart.

/ / /

Lana's Pov

I was standing around the corner as i saw my brother do that. I knew why he would do that but it's not the right thing to do here. I run in after Eren to see him hiding away in this closet but quickly comes charging out with a broom with that dagger on the end. He charges the dagger into the mans chest before I had time to react. I walk up to Mikasa. "Mikasa right? Are you okay?" I ask, "where did the other guy go?" She said quietly.

Another man from behind grabbed Eren and strangled him. I tackle the man and i didn't know that he had a knife and i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my side. "LANA!" i hear my brother scream. I felt my side get warm due to the blood pouring out of my side. The man got up and strangled Eren once again. "T-Take him out!" he yells to Mikasa who was just stood there. "Fight or die in this world. FIGHT!" Mikasa grabs the knife and starts to charge at the man. I felt useless. I did notice a change in Mikasa she suddenly snapped out of her fear and killed the man from behind. I tried my best to stand up but it only lead to me losing consciousness.

/ / /

Few hours later

1st person

I wake up in my room and I realize that my wound was mostly healed. That's good I guess I thought to myself. I walk out to see my mother reading a book on the kitchen table. "Hello mother, where is everyone?" I ask. "Eren and Mikasa went to find Armin and your father went to check on patients" she replies. "Oh okay" as I said that someone knocked the door. My mother went to answer it and her face looked shocked when she opened it. "Good afternoon Mrs Jaegar is Lana Jaegar here?" I hear a deep voice ask.

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Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin