13| To you, After 2000 years..

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I made my way through the main part of Shiganshina on my horse and i began to make my way to my house. Some people smiled and waved at me due to me being in uniform. I turn the corner and I can see my house not too far. As i come up to my house I get off my horse and tie the reigns to a nearby fence.

I walk up to my door and knock it. Mikasa was the one to answer it. "Hey Mikasa" i smile. A small smile appears on her lips. I walk in and see my mother prepping food for dinner. "Oh Lana! Welcome home!" she comes up to me and hugs me. "Lana!" i hear a familiar voice shout, i turn around and see Eren coming up to me. "You were gone for so long! Did you kill ay titans? What are they like?" those were a few questions he yelled at me. "I'm sure your sister will tell us all about it. Come have dinner Lana" my father said. I smile and sit beside him.

My mother begins plating up the food and gives it to us. "Mom, it's okay i already ate" "oh hush you're still my child!" she says. "Hey, where are you off to dad? A patient?" Eren asks, "Yes, some folks in the interior, i should be back in about a week or so" my father replies. Mikasa puts her plate down. "So uhm, Eren is thinking about joining the scouts" Everyone stopped after she said that. "Way to keep a secret" Eren yells, my mother runs over to him. "Get that idea out of your head, no son of mine will be fodder, do i make myself absolutley clear?" "Stop yelling at me!" "Don't you dare!" my mother gets cut off. "It's a nightmare Eren. The outside. You really have no idea" I look down. "Yeah i get it okay? But it's gotta be better than this life, i'm not stupid, i know it's ugly out there and there is death around every corner, but we can't just give up on it. Cuz otherwise this nightmare is never going to end!" Eren yells. "Eren don't push it, dad is right, as someone who has experienced the outside for themselves it's worse than you think. So many people died on this last expidition. Heck, i nearly died but it's survival of the fittest out there Eren. Think about that" I say.

My father stands up, "Your sister is right, she's been out there herself. Now excuse me, i'll be late for the fair" he says heading for the door. "Darling wait, scold the boy for heaven's sake" my mother shouts, "Scold him? Dear please think this through, mere words won't hold back the boy's curosity" he turns to Eren. "Eren, behave while i'm gone and i'll let you in on what i've been doing in the cellar. Agreed?" Eren's eyes lit up. "Yes sir you got it!" my father puts the key away.

"Have a good trip!" Eren yells. "i meant what i said" my mother says "the whole idea is just irresponsible". "HUH!? Irresponsible?! So what? It's more grown up to have a dream instead of living behind a wall in fear for your whole life!" he says running off. "Eren!" my mother yells. I sigh. "Mikasa, the boy needs to be protected from himself, no matter what happens promise me that you'll have his back" my mother asks. Mikasa nods and goes after Eren. My mother sits on the stairs to our house and sighs, "He's still so stubborn", "I mean, it's kinda unfair on him mom, I'm in the scouts yet, you aren't allowing him to be." "You are old enough and mature enough to make those descisions. He's 10 Lana, you are 20" she says.

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"I'm going to find Eren" I say to my mother. I leave and jump onto my horse and began riding around hoping to find wherever Eren ran off to. "Is that Lana Jaegar I see in Scout uniform?" i hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see Hannes, "Yes, that would be me,just came back from expedition" i say "I see you are unharmed, your squad took care of you then" he says. "Well uhh not really, i got eaten by a titan but luckily I escaped" i laugh nervously. "Y-you got eaten?" i hear a young voice. It was Eren. "Yes I did, but i'm here now aren't I? I wouldn't let myslef get killed so easily" i say, Eren hugs me "I don't want you hurt Lana", he's such a softie sometimes.

I crouch down to him and hug him back. "I'm not going anywhere, besides i can spend today with you" i smile. Hannes nods and walks away to probably go back to drinking. I walk back around to the river where Armin was sat reading his occasional book. I sit next to the blonde boy. They were talking about what's beyond the walls. "Idiots" Eren says throwing a rock into the river "Why has it got to be this way? Why can't people just let us dream?" he asks, "The walls are a powerful idea, we've survived a 100 years because of them, no one is keen on tempting fate. I may not agree with that sentiment but I can see where they are coming from" Armin says "It's human nature Eren, when all said and done the government's policies is a reflection of our fear" I think about that for a second. "Yeah the rest of the herd maybe, I say to hell with them" Eren scoffs. "Someone is going to hear you, keep it down" Mikasa buts in. "Yeah, your sister is here as well she could rat us out" Armin says. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me" I say. "What do I care? You rat me out either way!" "What?" armin asks. "I never promised you anything".

"Your folks know about the scouts?" Armin asks. "Yeah, they didn't take it lightly, well mom anyway". He looks down "Yeah big shock. Its sad, what most people are willing to settle for in exchange of some free sense of security you know? Make no mistake it is absolutely fleeding. The walls can't hold forever, only a matter of time". I sigh. We sit in silence for a small time.

Suddenly a bright light shot onto the ground and made the ground shake making us go flying. I use the ODM gear I still had on and hooked to a nearby building. "Is everyone okay?" I ask. "What was that?" they all start running off. "Hey guys wait!". Too late they were gone. I fly onto a nearby roof and look up and see a huge red hand on the wall. "It's a titan" my eyes widen. The head of that thing rises above the wall. "This isn't good, I need to find Eren and that". Suddenly the gate explodes and rocks go flying everywhere. "The wall has been breached!". Everyone starts screaming and running. Wait... mom. I launch my ODM hooks and make my way over to my house. I hear Eren scream "MOM!" my heart was racing hoping they were okay. I land there and I see my mother trapped underneath all of the rubble. "Lana help me!" Eren cries. I try and lift the log but I wouldn't budge. "It's them, you have to get out of here! EREN! just take Mikasa and Run!" she yells. "I want to! but I need you on your feet!" Eren yells back "Eren my legs have been crushed, I wont be able to run if I even get out of this, there is no time" my mother says. I feel tears escaping my eyes, I knew how this was going to play out. "Whatever! I'll carry you!" Eren shouts, "Eren will you just listen to me for once in your life! One thing i'm asking! One thing!" Mikasa begins crying as well, "Lana take them please!" Hannes suddenly appears.

"Take the children" my mother cries. "Come on Carla, that's not our only option, hey i'm a trained soldier my skill set is killing titans and saving lives!" he says running off to the titan that was closing in on us. " No wait! Lana go! You know how this ends!", "Mom I can kill it-" "NO! take EREN AND MIKASA!" she yells. Hannes comes running back and picks up Mikasa. "Mom... i'm so sorry..." I say picking up Eren. "Don't be Lana, I love you all!" I begin running away along with Hannes and I have Eren screaming at me. "PUT ME DOWN! WE GOTTA SAVE MOM!" "I LOVE YOU! YOU HEAR THAT? STAY ALIVE!" I hear my mother yell which makes me cry more as we continue to run. I turn my head and see the titan picking up my mother. "STOP IT!" I watch as the titan grabs here and throws her in it's mouth. I close my eyes and more tears escape my eyes.

I look away and continue running determined to keep my brother and Mikasa alive.

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Welp this got dark fast..........

anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now