9| Expedition outside the walls -Part 1

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Lana's POV

I was in the middle of packing the pouches that were attatched to my horses straddle with the signal flares. "All ready to go Lana?" Lynne asks me. "Yes, just finishing putting the signal flares in my pouch" i reply, "All soldiers form up!" i hear none other than Commander Shadis yell. I jump onto my horse and form up behind Mike. "Nervous?" Nanaba asks, "A bit i won't lie" i say. "Everyone is like this before an expedition don't worry you aren't alone" she sasy. I nod.

We set off and we were riding through Shiganshina district. I saw alot of civilians shouting good luck to us. I look around seeing if anything had changed, in the corner of my eye i spot a small blonde boy next to a taller boy with brown hair. It was Eren and Armin. Eren spots me and shouts "LANA!", i smile and wave at him. "Someone you know?" Henning asks, "Yes, that's my younger brother, he really wants to join the scouts, hes always thought they were the bravest" i say. We were cut off by someone yelling "Look! It's Captain Levi! They say he's like an entrie brigade himself!". "Tsk, spare me please" i hear him say.

We make it to the gate and we come to a halt whilst we wait for the gate to open. "oooohh i can't wait to see how many titans are out there today!" Hanji shouts. "I think i can see an abnormal from here" Captain Levi says. This just hypes Hanji up even more, "What! where!" She begins looking around. Captain Levi turns her head to make her look at him, "I mean you". After hearing that it made me laugh slighlty. The gate finally opened and Shadis screamed " LET'S DO THIS! FOR HUMANITY!". We all then start gallpoing out of the gate and we enter the outside. I look up to the sky, "Damn. not bad" i say, "Lana remember to stay focused, we don't want you dying on your first expedition now do we?" Mike says. "Yes sir!" i reply and bringing my attention back to it. "SQUADS SPLIT!" i hear shadis yell.

All of the squads then split up to different ranks. Almost . instantly after the squads splittung a red falre was shot up. A titan has been spotted already? I watch how some fellow comrades attempt to attack this huge naked man type thing. "Thats a titan? Ugly thing" i say earning a laugh from Lynne. I continue watching how the soldiers are attcking it but one was grabbed and eaten. I wanted to puke but i knew this was a thing that happened alot in the scouts so i tried to shake it off. Mike started sniffing the air and then his eyes widened. "Titan behind us! Gelgar! fire a signal!" he orders. "Yes sir!" Gelgar replies grabbing a flare. I look behind me and see a huge titan running behind us. "Two of you take it out, it's too close to outrun" MIke says. I grab my blades and look at Nanaba. We both fly off and attack the titan. Nanaba took out the legs whilst I took out the arms. Due to me being closer I went for the nape. I turn my blade backwards and charge at the nape. "Die you ugly beast!" i shout as i slice the nape off. "Nice kill Lana, now lets go back to the squad" Nanaba said. We landed back on our horses and continued on.

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A few hours later

We continued on to slay more titans as we went along, but eventually we reached a forest, "Keep on your guard guys, titans could jump on us at any time" Mike says. As we were riding along there wasn't any falres going off, it was quiet........too quiet.

"Uhmm sir is it me or is it too quiet? I'm not complaining that there aren't titans around but something seems off" i say, "I was thinking that as well". I feel like something bad is going to happen. Suddenly there was the sound of many foot steps. Crap its a titan ambush! "MOVE IT!" Mike yells. We all try galloping away as fast as we could. A titan jumped in the middle of us sending us all flying off in different directions. I stand up and grab my horse looking around for any of my squad mates but it was no luck. I was on my own in a huge forest filled with titans. Just great. I jump onto my horse and continue on hoping i would find someone, instead i found 5 titans looking straight at me. Great

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Petra's POV

My squad and I were riding through a giant forest until we started hearing shouting in front of us. "Captain what was that?" i ask, "I'm not sure but get your swords ready" he orders. We approached the area that the shouting was from. None of us expected to see three dead titans and another two going after a soldier. Captain Levi took off and killed the two titans to help the soldier out.

That soldier landed and their hood came off of their head. "Lana?!" I shout. "Oh hey Petra and everyone else" she says. "What happened? where is your squad?" Gunther asks. "We were ambushed by titans and we got split up, i was on my way to try and find them until 5 titans decided to being annoying" she says. "You took 3 out by yourself?" Oulo says shocked. "Yeah, it wasn't easy but i wasn't letting myself die anytime soon!" she replies. We were quite suprised that a short girl like her could manage this by herself, "Thank you for the assistance sir" Lana says to Captain Levi. "Tsk, be careful next time. Anyway being as well that you can't find your squad at this point in time you'll join this one until we find yours, got it brat?" Levi says. "Yes sir!" she says getting back on her horse. "How much gas do you have left?" i ask her, "I still have enough, i'll just try and conserve it more"

Night time was closing in and we recieved orders to set up camp. Gunther and Oulo were setting up a campfire so we wouldn't freeze in the night. Me and Lana were setting up our little sleeping spot. "Hey Lana you okay?" i ask, "I guess i'm worried if my squad made it out or not" she admits. "Don't stress about it Lana, it will only eat you up" Levi says from behind Lana. She turns around "Yeah i guess you're right captain." Everything was finished being set up and we all layed down on our sleeping spots.

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Play music here

Lana's POV

I couldn't really sleep that much, so I just sat on a tree branch near by and kept watch whilst the others slept. I looked up to the night sky with the infinity amount of stars. I sigh

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"Teach me how to fight sis! i want to be strong!" Eren says, I ruffle his hair. "Maybe one day okay? Right now need to go help Mom prepare dinner" i reply, "BUt Lana! How am i supposed to win if you don't teach me! How am i supposed to join the scouts when I'm weak!?" Eren shouts. "You know there are other things you can do besides joining the scouts right?" i say, "I want to go outside the walls! I hate feeling locked up in a cage like this, it's like we are animals inside of a pen!" He argues. "Eren that's enough! I'm going to help mom" i say leaving

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I laugh at the fact i tried to get Eren to think of a different path instead of the scouts and yet here I am, sat on a tree outside of wall Maria on an expedition. Kinda ironic if you ask me. "What are you doing awake?" a stern low voice asks. I look down from the tree branch I was on and see Captain Levi, "I was keeping watch sir, who knows what's out there" I answer, "Tsk, you couldn't sleep could you brat?" he asks. "Yeah, and that" i reply. "How come you're awake sir?" i ask, "I barely sleep, i'm lucky if i get 3 or 4 hours of sleep" he says. "Oh" "Don't worry about me cadet, i'll take over your watch duty and you get some sleep, you'll need your energy for tomorrow". "Alright then" i jump down "Good night Sir".


I wake up the next morning and I see everyone was sorting thier horses out. I stand up and brush myself off before heading towards my horse. "Hey Lana, take this" Eld says handing me some field rations. They were only some plain crackers but they did the job I guess. "Thanks Eld" he smiles and walks back to his horse. I pet my horse's mane as i eat the crackers. "Squad get on your horses we are beginning to move again" Captain Levi says. We all get on our horses and set off. I won't lie, this was a nice squad to be in. I do like my squad with Section commander Mike but this one was nice too.

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So this chapter was slightly longer than usual lol :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter i'll be posting another one soon


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now