4| Training

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The photo at the top is Lana so
Ya know

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Lana's POV

I wake up at around 4am and put my uniform on. I still had a problem with applying on the straps but I eventually figured it out. As I'm about to leave the dorm room I hear a thud on the floor followed by a painful grunt. I turn around and see Kylie on the floor. "Uhm what happened?" I ask, "I fell out of the bed" she says as she stands up. I hake my head and help her up. "Get up and dressed we need to have breakfast and the we begin our training with ODM gear" I say leaving the dorms.

I enter the mess hall and see Jonathan and Luke talking with each other. "Hey boys" I say, "Where is my sister?" Jonathan asks me, "She'll be here soon, she fell out of bed just now so she's getting ready" i explain. "Nothing new she always managed to fall off her bed somehow" Jonathon laughs. "Your sister is a bit of a dumbass" Luke says which earns a small giggle from me ,which he heard drawing his attention to me. "She can be a bit clumsy but everyone is different i guess, i mean take you for example Lana, you have only really used the ODM once and you are already getting  the hang of it" Jonathan says. "I just somehow have a thing for picking up skills and new things i guess" i say. "Hey guys! Sorry! i fell out of bed again!" Kylie says from behind me. "We have been made aware of that, thanks to Lana" Luke says. "Okay! anyway i need breakfa-" "CADETS GRAB YOUR ODM GEAR! WE ARE PRATICING SLAYING TITANS!MEET AT THE TRAINING GROUNDS IN 10 MINUTES!" a higher up orders earning a "YES SIR!" from all of the recruits.I head to my dorm and grab the ODM gear and put it on. This time i managed to put the straps on correctly.

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In the forest

"JONATHAN LOOK AT ME GO!" i hear Kylie shout in the distant. She's always so optimistic. I was paired with Luke but he split away from me to find more titan dummies to slice. As im flying along i notice one ahead of me and i swoop in and slice the nape. "Damnit Jaegar! You stole my point!" i hear the same girl from last night yell. "Not my fault you are so slow" i laugh. "I'll get you Jaegar!" i hear her yell as i fly off to find another titan dummy.

7.........8............9............10............. I really got the hand of the manuever gear fast and i also found out holding my blade backwards actually made it easier for me to slice the nape. I wonder if anyone else uses this technique i can't be the only one. As i continue to fly around i crashed into someone and fell to the ground. "Sorry!" i yell. I fell on top of that person and i looked to see who it was and it was Luke. "Luke sorry!" i say standing up and offering him a hand. He smiled slighlty with a small blush on his cheeks. Must be becacuse i landed on top of him.

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3 Months Later

Eren's POV

1st person

"Damnit Mikasa i had it! I was about to show those scumbags!" I yell. "Eren, you can't always be getting yourself into fights nearly everyday" Mikasa says. "Whatever! You sound just like my mom and Lana" i say. "Maybe you should listen to them, they are older and have had experience in this world more than you so i suggest you quit whining" Mikasa argues, "Besides we should head home, dinner will be ready soo-". "There you two are! Eren why do you keep fighting so much!" Armin cuts Mikasa off. "Enough with the lectures already! How am i supposed to join the scouts if you won't let me win a fight!". I yell

I miss my sister, it's only been a few months but knowing her she's already been put in the scouts, i hope she can visit soon and hopefully she could teach me some fighting skills!

"Another fight Eren?" i hear behind me. "Mr.Hannes", "Hello, don't get into trouble Eren" he starts. "Heard anything from your sister recently?" he asks, "We've had nothing" i say sadly. "Knowoing her shes either in the scouts carving her way through titans or she's still in training" Hannes tries to reassure me. "Trust me. I've known your sister for a while and she won't go without a fight" he says. I nod and eventually head home.

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I know this chapter was a bit shorter sorry :/


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now