52| Comfort

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"You can come in" Levi spoke.

I slowly entered his office and made my way to his room.

"You can take the bed, I don't use it that much anyway" he sighs and takes his jacket off, "But where will you sleep?" I ask"The chair or small couch. Besides I don't sleep remember?" He reminded me

"Yes but you should. Imagine how much better you'd feel with energy in the morning" I yawned."Not easy when you can get 3 hours of sleep on a good day" he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Just take the bed Levi and get some sleep I'll take the chair"

"No you won't"

"Yes I will"

"No. That's an order"

"Are we seriously having this argument?! At 3 am?" I ask "Yea now shut it brat and take the damn bed" he ordered

"Fine. We both share the bed then" I say and Levi froze slightly but I didn't give him a chance to speak due to I lied down on his bed.

I heard him sigh and enter the bedroom.

"This is the one time I'll let you win" he spoke and lies down beside me. "Just don't be creepy and don't touch me"

"Wouldn't dream of it sir." I smile, "I said to call me Levi"

"Yeah yeah" I yawn and fall asleep

"Tch. Idiot"

/ / /

The next morning I woke up and I felt a weight on my side. I turn my head and see Levi resting his head on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me tightly. I knew it was Levi but I wasn't sure on what to do

I felt awkward enough as it is so I decided on trying to get out of bed without waking him. However this plan did not work.

"Don't leave" Levi muttered as he grabbed a pillow and pressed his head into it


"everyone else leaves me. Not you too" he whimpered

"Levi I'm not going anywhere" I say as I sit next to him on the bed. I soon realised he was asleep, most likely having a nightmare.

He whimpered some more and I will admit, it was odd seeing him so vulnerable but everyone has times like this.

I stroked my fingers through Levi's hair slowly and I think I started to wake him up lightly. His hand touched mine.

"Mom..." he yawned, he sounded relieved and calm. My heart broke at this, I wasn't his mother but clearly this was something his mother did when he was a child to calm him.

"Levi wake up please" I gently shook him awake and his eyes opened.

"Lana? What's wrong" he stretched as he noticed my saddened mood.

"Oh nothing it's fine" I put a fake smile on and stand up to leave due to I needed to change uniform.

I felt hands wrap around me to stop me from moving. "Levi what are you doing?" I raise an eyebrow. "Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone right now" he begged.

(A/n: idk if this seems OOC or not but I just wanted a scene where Levi was a bit upset so sorry if he is a bit OOC)

I turned around and gave him a hug. "Alright" I had to visit Eren too due to I hadn't seen him around too much and I knew that Hanji and Erwin scheduled a meeting for us today.

For some time now I held Levi in my arms in silence. We just sat comfortably on a small couch that Levi owned but it was enough for the both of us. This time made me realise how close me and Levi had gotten over these few years, I somehow managed to tame this cold man's heart to a certain extent. I mean.. I kissed the guy, and that's a rare incident in general.

"C-could I rest my head on your chest?" He asks, he seemed embarrassed? "Yeah that's alright" I smile as he moves adjusts his position. I run my hands gently through his hair "you've been needing a break Levi. Take the day off" I suggest, "You know I can't do that Lana. I'm a Captain and we barely get enough rest due to all of the duties we have to do" I sigh and kiss the top of his head which makes him confused but he doesn't question it.

"It's not healthy to do so much work and not take a break you know. You told me that" Levi replied with a sigh, "besides we have a meeting later on with Erwin and Shitty Glasses" Levi begins to sit up but I push him back down and somehow I ended on top of him. "No, I'll go to that meeting, you will rest." I look at him with a serious look.

"Being so demanding recently, want to tell me something?" he smirked. I roll my eyes and got off him. "You are one confusing man Levi" I say as I turn for the door. "Oi" he stops me, "no goodbye kiss?" he raised an eyebrow. I laughed at the sudden request, "now who's being demanding" I smile and leave. "Tease." I hear Levi mutter before I stepped out of the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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