12| Survival

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I was helping Henning out with some of the titans until I hear a familiar voice yell. "Captain! Watch out!", I look and see one of my squad mates being grabbed by a titan once again. "Someone go help Jeagar!" Levi shouted. I try and get over there as fast as I can, which meant I killed a ew titans along the way. But it was too late, the titan threw her into it's mouth and swallowed. She's gone. "Soldiers! Most of the titans have been dealt with, go back to the wall! We aren't far!" I hear Shadis scream. I look over and see my squad mates sad, "wait until we get back to mourn, she was a great soldier who had good skills" I say. "Yes sir" Nanaba says looking down. We all get back on our horses and head home

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We were nearly back at the wall but many people were badly injured. Even some people didn't come back, with only an arm or a foot left of them. "This is going to be hell walking through the Main Street" I say, "yes, that public we're never that fond of us" Gelgar stated. I look over to Levis squad to see how they are doing, so far Oulo was in shock, Petra wasn't talking to anyone and Levi........I don't even know how he felt, this was the first time his life had been saved. He was always saving other people and never really needed to worry about himself but now? Who knows. I look behind us and it was the same Titan that look the life of Lana, I debated wether to go kill it but I was low on gas and it was a big risk. Not that being outside the walls wasn't a big enough risk it self. As I kept an eye on the titan it suddenly stopped. "The hell?" I ask.

I see the mouth of the titan slowly open and I don't understand what was happening. It was slowly fading away from my view because how we were traveling back to the wall. Suddenly I see blood come from it's mouth and some of the teeth came out. I then noticed a figure emerging from the mouth. I thought it looked like Lana but I didn't want to put my hopes up. "GO TO HELL!" I hear them yell and slice that titans nape.

"Wait there is a soldier back there" Henning says. I sigh "Go Henning", he turns around on his horse and heads back. Lana's horse which we brought back with us started looking around and then began running back to the direction Henning was. "Some weird ass horse" I scoff

A few minutes later Henning returned with....LANA? I myself got so many questions in my head. "How are you even alive?" Levi asks out of the blue, "Did you honestly think I would let myself be killed just like that? Hell no" she says.

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The titan threw me into its mouth but I made sure that the way I fell meant it wouldn't bite my limbs off. With my quick reactions I grab one of my blades and stab it onto the inside cheek of the titan. "Sorry no human on the menu today" i say, obviously i knew the titan didn't understand me. I could feel that the titan swallowed thinking it ate me. Dumb creature. I knew I was on my own due to everyone probably though I was swalloweed. Well not today! I still have a family to look after. I felt the titan beginning to move i held onto my blads which was still inside the titan's cheek tight. Somehow I could hear the familiar sound of ODM from inside the mouth of this ugly beast. This would be one hell of a story to tell if I escape this.

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I could tell that the titan I was inside was running after the scouts on their journey back home. I decided this was the time to get out of this filthy creature. I grab my second blade which i had with my free hand and sliced the mouth of the titan open which made the titan stop moving. I continued to slice through its huge mouth and I did a spin cut and flew out of the mouth. "WE AREN'T DYING TODAY!" I yell. I launch my hooks and go for the nape,"GO TO HELL!" It went successfully and the titan fell to the ground. "Lana!? How are you alive?" Henning asks. "I didn't die" i laugh.

I stand up and whistle which makes my horse turn around and head towards me. "Hey girl! I wouldn't leave you" I say as I jump onto my horse. Me and Henning gallop our way back to the squads. When I arrived there everyone was confused to how I was still alive. "How are you even alive?" Levi asks out of the blue, "Did you honestly think I would let myself be killed just like that? Hell no" I say. "I won't go down without a fight, I won't be silenced", " Well let's just focus on getting back to the walls safely now, we aren't too far" Nanaba says. "Right" Mike replies.

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We made it back to the walls and we walked through the main part of Shiganshina. The villagers were mostly yelling at the fact that less of us were back. I look around and spotted my brother once again. His face was full of excitement as he watched the soldiers walk by , it quickly changed after he saw the many injured people that followed us behind. I was glad to know Eren was still safe though.

An old woman started walking around looking for someone who I assumed was one of our soldiers. "Moses, Moses! beg your pardon, where is my son? He should be with you all, Oh pleas tell me he made it!" she grabs Shadis's cape. He sighs "iwish I had better news" he looks to a soldier with a bandage on his face, "Give it to her" Shadis said. This can't be good. They give her something which was wrapped up in some cloth. She lifts the cloth and it reveals an arm, I felt deep sympathy for the woman who just lost her son as she begins to cry. "I'm sorry, this was all that was left of him" Shadis says. The woman drops to her knees and cries more. I hated this already. I look over and see Eren and Mikasa's eye full of sadness on the scene they were viewing.

Shadis knelt down to the crying woman. "He- he did good, he was brave. Tell me my son stood his ground to the bitter end......THAT HIS DEATH MEANT SOMETHING!" she yells. I couldn't even describe the look on Commander Shadis's face. " TELL ME HIS SACRIFICE GAVE US A BETTER CHANCE!" she cries. It was dead silent for a small pause. "He was brave, but... his sacrifice meant nothing, so with all of our losses it's all the same. WE HAVE NOTHING!" he says.He begins crying "your son died because of me! I sent him to his death! I sent all of them ti their deaths! And there is nothing to show for it!" he yells. After a while we all continued on back to headquarters. "That was painful to watch" I say, "This happens more than you know, the one good thing is that we get a day off after expedition" Nanaba says.

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Shadis's office

I knock on the door. "Come in I hear from inside". I walk in, "Hello Commander, I've come to ask if I would be able to go visit my family due to the fact that we are close to Shiganshina at this point in time sir" I ask. He sighs, "Still all about your family huh Jeagar?" he says, "Uhm yes sir"."Vey well, say hello to your mother for me" "yes sir". As I turn to leave he begins talking, "You know, when I first met you a small child, I thought you would become a nurse or something, but look at you now". I lightly laugh, "If I am honest sir I didn't really remember you until you showed up at my house that day a few months ago", "Anyway you best be on your way, wear your ODM gear and uniform due to this isn't the actual day off for soldiers, it's just after all that had happened everyone needs a break" he says. I nod and leave.

I head to my room and change into some new clean clothes. I grab some money and walk out of headquarters and jumped on my horse. I hear a cough from behind me. I look and see Captain Levi, "Oh hello sir", "Where are you going brat?" he scoffs. "I'm going to visit my family sir, I got permission from Commander Shadis" I say, "Before you go I wanted to thank you" he admits. "Thank me for what?" I ask, "For pushing me out of the way of that titan, I will be honest, I didn't take you for someone who would do such a thing" he says "But i'm greatful". I smile, "anytime sir". After that I gallop my way into the main part of Shiganshina to visit my family who I had not seen fully for the past 4 months.

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Hey guys! This chapter was longer than expected but I finally started on Season one! I know it took some time but ehhhh I have fun writing this story sooooooooo


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now