40| Crystalized

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I watched out the window as they conversed about whatever and that's when a huge lightning strike appeared further over in the district. "Shit" i mumble.

"What is it?" Jean asked, "Annie's transformed. Get ready to jump out" i say, i look over and see Nile Dawk yelling at Erwin. "Let's go" i say

Me and Jean jump out of the carriage, "Who told you to move Jaegars!" a soldier asked and i simply pushed him out of my way. Jean removed his wig, "How about this damn wig, you moron!" i tried to hold in my laugh at the reactions everyoen had. It was pricless. The MP'S are idiots.

"Call me jeagar again and it's you rass you got that!" Jean ran over to Levi and Erwin before i did, i just walked. No need to rush. Jean asked for equipment and ran off. I caught up with them. "Commander here!" a soldier yelled and he put his gear on. Nile yelled at Erwin but i ignored that until he lifted his gun at Erwin. I stood in front of him.

"That wouldn't be the best idea if did that. Or if you shot me you'd be done for murder so i would suggest lowering the gun" i say staring into his eyes. "Move Jaegar." he said sternly, "Lower the gun". "Lana, back away for now" Erwin places his hand on my shoulder and i nod going next to Levi. "Something isn't right" i say, "What do you mean?" Levi raises an eyebrow. "Eren hasn't transformed yet. Should i-" "Not yet"

"Take my gear Lana. Go group up with Hanji's squad" Erwin says looking at me and handing his gear to me. I nod and out it on. Nile began shouting at Erwin once again, before I ran off I went back to Levi and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back" I say flying off, I knew he worried slightly. Over the years I've been able to read his body language and it showed a bit of stress.

/ / /

"Hanji!" I say arriving where she was, hooks were latched onto annie from every angle. "Lana, glad youre here." she said before walking up the annie. "Do us a favour. Behave yourself. Calling your friends for help isn't an option this time" she taunted her. Annie had other ideas and slid her foot around taking out the anchors and other soldiers too.

"Crap!" I jump onto a roof. "Damnit not enough traps. Don't let her get away!". I latch my ODM gear onto another building and go in for an attack. She tried punching us again like in the woods but I changed direction fast enough to not get hit. I speed up and slice her flesh like ribbons as I went down her body with my blades, I notices Mikasa lost her balance and fell, I would've gone to help her but she was alive and I knew she'd be okay. she's a fighter.

I continue to chase after Annie, she clearly didn't realize I was the titan that beat her ass in the woods back then which was good. If I had to transform i'd be a nice surprise for her. As I was going into another attack lightning flashed behind me and that indicated that Eren had transformed and quickly after he landed a punch on Annie. Once she had stood up she began running awat and of course Eren wouldn't let her get away.

I landed next to Hanji, Armin and Jean. "He seems like he's in control this time. We might not need you to intervene Lana, that's good." Hanji said. "Yes but it doesn't mean that this will go smoothly" Jean said and I sent him a glare. "Eren is stubborn as hell as you know he wouldn't have transformed if he didn't know that he could beat her this time. Besides, I taught him a few new things" I smirk. We all turn to watch him chase after her. We split into teams and went around to where she was taking us.

This was going to be a pain in the ass later, the damage that was caused will not look good on us scouts that's for sure, yet again. No one liked us anyway. Eren and Annie got into a fight stance and soon Eren let a screech before going for a hit. Annie blocked it but he grabbed her leg and threw her over buildings. I was on my own at the moment, I just kept following Eren, making sure that if Eren was in any trouble. If he was in that much trouble, I had to get involved which I wasn't looking forward. BUt I signed up for this in the end.

My thought were quickly checked out when Annie was beating Eren to a pulp. This was my time now. "You'll be fine Eren" I say at him and I bite my hand.

Instantly I began chasing Annie and she realized it was me and picked up the pace. I grabbed her but she quickly kicked me away and before I could get up a raging titan jumped over and attacked Annie. Guess Eren was fine after all.

I stood up and noticed Eren was going ballistic, even I was going to back away from this. I saw Erwin stood watching all of this go down. I was still in my titan form watching this as Eren crushed Annie's face, and she let out a horrid scream and kicked Eren into a building. I jumped on her as she climbed up the wall and I fell off but it didn't last long before I jumped out of mt nape and grabbed my baldes. "Get her Eren!" I yell as I fly up to Annie.

Eren was also kicked off. "Nice try bitch!"i yell as I slice one of her hands. I noticed Mikasa did the same with the other, I land on Annie's face which showed fear. "See you later. It's over" and then I jumped off and watched her crash into the ground as Eren attacked her.

" Eren Don't!" I yell, as he ripped her nape open. "EREN YOU IDIOT!" I say as I make my way to him before being blasted away by a gust of wind. I saw a figure land on Eren's nape and pull him out. "Levi" I sigh.

/ / /

Annie was incased in a crystal made of the titan hardening. "Wake up!" Jean yelled more at her as he continued to break his blades trying to cut through it. "Enough" Levi said. "Get me a wire net! she belongs underground!" Hanji ordered.

I made my way over to Erwin. "Sorry sir, I didn't help out much" I lower my head, "Nonsense, you bought Eren some time" he said and I turned to see Levi limping his way over. His leg was still hurting. "Valiant effort but can't win them all" Levi said.

/ / /

We were back at HQ and I was sat in Eren's room with Mikasa, Jean and Armin. I listened into their conversation until they all left leaving me and Eren all alone. "Why didn't you tell me" Eren asked.

I sighed and sat next to him on the bed. "Dad made me promise, I know I've kept it quiet and people expect me to know loads of stuff but I honestly don't. I only know the basics" I explain. "I will have to explain all of this to the higher ups sometime soon though. Now eat your food you idiot" I smile and ruffle his hair. I stand up and make my way to Levi who asked to speak with me after all of this.

I saw him leaning against the wall outside the room I was just in with Eren. "Hey"

/ / /

Welp we finally finished season one. Definitely didn't take long hehe.

I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT! I'm also planning writing some sort of Modern au story for Levi but i'm not fully sure of it yet so if you could comment some ideas that would be really helpful!

Also I have noticed the support you reader have left and I'm really grateful so thank you! I;'m glad you are all enjoying it because sometimes I feel like this story is going no where :(

I'll see you in the next chapter


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