43| Her name

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"Eren slow down! Lana!" Someone yells. I sigh "I'm on it!" I say speeding up and catching up to him.

"Slow down, you'll stress the horse out too much before you even get there you idiot" I say. "They could be surrounded by titans! Don't you care?!" He argues. "Of course I do! My real squad is out there! Stop thinking you're the one who can fix everything all of the time! You can't!" I yell and he shuts up. He respects me and gets a little scared when I'm pissed at him.

I turn my head to look ahead of us and I saw a tower in the distance but it would still take us time to reach there.

/ / /

"What are you doing?" I hear a deep voice behind me speak, I turn to see Captain Levi stood there with his arms crossed looking at me. "I'm trying to hide, so be quiet!" I say as I pull a box in front of me as I crouched behind it. "Four eyes?" he rolls his eyes asking me. "Exactly, now shut up" I say, "You do realize that I'm your superior right?" he raises an eyebrow. I hear Hanji approach us so I yank his wrist pulling him down due to I didn't want to get mixed up in her crazy experiments. "What do you think you're doing? Jaegar?" "SHHHH"

"OH LANA!! WHERE'D U GO?! I NEED HELP FOR THE GREEN BIRD PROJECT!" I hear her shout. Levi gave me a weird side glance and I shrugged not understanding her either. "Section commander! It isn't safe!" I hear Moblit run after her. "Oh hush! I can tell she's around here somewhere. AHA!" she points at the box me and Levi were behind and moves it fast which scares me and I end up on top of levi from the brute force of how fast Hanji moved the large box.

"Oh my god! Moblit Sketch this quick!" "Have you no compassion?!" "She's on top of shorty!"

Soon enough Erwin arrived to see what all of the noise was about and he saw what was the problem. "Erwin, if you're my friend you will help me" I say looking at him, "You seem pretty comfortable there" he says, "although I would prefer it that you held back on this type of stuff with your superior" he smiles. I knew exactly what he was doing

"Tch, get off me brat" Levi says and I stand up and offer him a hand. He takes it and we brush ourselves off. "So... Lan-" "She's not helping you Four eyes" Levi cut her off. She didn't argue for once and skipped on her way back to the lap. That was never a good sign if she didn't argue back on something like this, she had some sort of plan.

/ / /

The tower was getting ripped to pieces when we arrived. A titan was attacking other titans by using bricks from the tower it was leaning on. "Shit, another titan shifter?" I ask myself, "We deal with it after, just clear out the titans" Hanji says and I nod standing up on my horse and jumping off. I killed a few already but there were many and I was quickly getting surrounded. "Can they give me a break?" I ask myself, "Eren that's not your job!" I hear someone yell as I see Eren fly past me and kill a titan.

"Hell yeah! My first titan kill!" "Hey watch out!" he trips and falls to the ground. I manage to get away from the other titans and head over to Eren's location and help him up. "You dumbass" I say rolling my eyes and handing Eren a napkin, "You got a few scratches on your face but you'll be fine" I note. "They'll heal, unlike the one on your eye though" Eren points out, "That's because I was stopping my powers from healing me but my eye ended up scarring anyway. This isn't the point but now we need to go over to everyone. It seems that they've taken out the rest of them" I say standing up.

I land next to Hanji who was watching Christa converse with Ymir, who was unresponsive. I look around in hope of seeing Nanaba or Lynne around. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I got the message and a few tears flowed from my eyes. "My name is Historia"

/ / /

We were now located on top of wall rose and Ymir was still unconscious.

"I'm telling the truth! Ymir, could've ran away anytime she wanted. She chose to fiht the titans to save our lives! She has nothing to gain by putting her life on the line like that, doesn't that show where her loyalties are?" Christa or formally now known as Historia claimed. I look over at Hanji. Historia continued to pledge for Ymir about how she's on our side.

"Under the certain circumstances, it isn't exactly going to make us friendly. This world keeps getting more complicated by the hour" Hanji sighs as she begins walking along the wall. "Historia. Nice to meet you"

I walked over to Eren who was hanging out over with Reiner and Betholt. "Hey kiddos, you all staying out of trouble?" I say crossing my arms and looking at them. I was obviously ignored as Bertholt begins blabbing about going home. This confused me but I just listened in, until Hannes arrived who explained that he saw no breach at all. "But that's not right? There's titans on this side of the wall. Were you drunk again?" I raise an eyebrow, "Hey! don't start being cheeky with me!" Hannes argued. "I'm 26. I can do what I like" I say rolling my eyes.

"Hannes turns to the trio. "it would be best that you kept your guard up. I'll be going ahead" he says and jumps off the wall using his ODM gear. "We head for trost" Hanji orders and we all begin making our way around the wall. I was about to start walking until I heard Reiner call Eren.

"I'm the collosal titan and he's the Bertholt" reiner says and my eyes widen. "What are you talking about?" Eren asks. Bertholt tried stopping Reiner but he didn't. "we're on our misson. Our goal was to insure that we confirmed man kinds extinction. Now, there's no need for that"

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now