22| Mission fail

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Armin was now in a salute, he was going all out with this. I had to give him creds for the balls he head to shout at the higher ups.

"For humainty's glory. In what little time i have left to live, I will advocate for this strategic value!" he shouts, this earned a reaction of the garrison that were surroudning. "Sir, his words are worth considering. Maybe we should-" i start

"QUIET!" He began lifting his hand once again. What the hell is going through this nutcase's mind! Did he not listen to a word that Armin just said? His hand was caught by Commader Pixis.

"That's enough" i sigh in relief "You should really do something about your nervous disposition Captain" Pixis says giving his hand back. "Can you not see this soldier's heartfelt salute? I've only just arrived but i was informed of the situation on the way. Gather our reinforcements, i think we could do these soldiers the least favor of hearing them out" Pixis says.

I look at Eren, i nod saying that he was going to be okay. I went to go check on the cadets whilst Pixis spoke with the three on top of the wall.

/ / /

We all were waiting for Commander Pixis's order. We were all stood around getting impatient or fear was getting to everyone. The higher ups were shouting at other soldiers to snap out of it.

i scoff, "you guys think that this is fear, you've never been outside the wall surrrounded by them at every angle"

I was caught off by a loud "ATTENTION!" being yelled from the top of the wall. Damn that man could shout

"Take note. The blueprint of the trost recovery operation is this, our primary objiective is to reseal teh whole. Yes you heard that right, once more it will be done manually." Pixis explained, everyone was in total confusion to how it would be done.

"As for how the task will be done, that's where this felllow comes in. Allow me to introduce Cadet Eren Jaegar. Don't let appearence deceive you. This man is the successful tool of curring edge science! Fantastic as it sounds, cadet Jaegar has the power to transform himself into a titan at will." Pixis continues

"Uhm someone tell me that the commander has just gone inasne, because i'm just stupid to understand what he's talking about" i hear Connie said. Cadet Jaegar will transform and use his ablility to hoist the huge boulder and block up the hole and thats it! So this is where you all come in. Your duties are to protect him from any oncoming titans!"

I know that due to me being a scout will be placed to defend him in the most threatning area of where the titans are. I don't get why people think i'm strong, i may be as fast as Captain Levi but i doubt i could meet his skills.

"This is a lie!" Everyone began to leave. "TRAITORS I'LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!" a higher up yelled. "Anyone who wishes to leave will not be accused with treason but you will hav emy blessing! Attend to your families that may need you if you so will!" Pixis yelled. Eren is my only family, and i'll protect him.

/ / /

We had been split into groups, the mission is underway, i was currently running with Eren and the squad and Rico was lecturing them about making deaths mean something. I really wanted to say something but i saw no point.

We jumped off the wall to the area where the boulder was placed. Shooting out our ODM geras. We flew through the district and a lightnigh strike was seen, signaling that Eren transformed. I land on a roof next to Mikasa, Eren turned around to face me and Mikasa. He came closer.

I read the signals of what Eren was doing and i noticed he clenched his hand. "Mikasa move!" i push her out of the way whilst trying to dodge Eren's punch myself. I was gliding around on the roof and a piece of the rubble cut straight down my eye. Crap!

I stand up and I see Eren was going in for another punch. "Ackerman watch out!" the leader yelled. She quickly moved before she could've gotten herself more injured. "He's lost control!" I say. Damn it Eren, why now?

Mikasa landed on Erens face and tried to snap him out of it. "Eren! I know you're in there, godamn it! I know you recognise me! We have a wall to seal up! Snap out of it!" she yelled. Rico sent a red flare meaning we failed. I notice Eren's arm had healed and went to punch her again. "Mikasa get out of there!" i yell

Eren then punched himself in the face making him stumble back against the boulder. There was warnings that there were titans approaching and everyone was saying to withdraw. "Like hell you cowards! Your job is to protect him not abandon him!" They look at me wide eyed, "This plan was doomed from the start! Sir! Just give the order and we'll listen!" one of my squadmates shouted.

"Jaegar, take out the 12 meter approaching from behind, i trust that you can manage that on your own?" Ian asks, I clench onto my blades "No problem" i reply. "Team Mitabi and Rico will handle the two front-runners" he ordered

"Are you nuts?!" Rico yelled, "I'm the one in charge here! Now do as your ordered soldier! We are not leaving Jaegar here defensless on the ground." Rico scowled at Ian. "Change of plans, our job now is to keep the other titans away from him until he can be recovered, wether we like it or not. He's still our best last chance"

I could transform here and so it but that would break fathers promise and make everyone most likley hate me! " Eren can't just be replaced". "Please don't talk about our last chance. He's the failure who's caused countless of soldiers to die!" Rico argued.

"Rico snap out of it! Countless of people die on expeditions to gain infomation or claim back land! The amount of people who will die today is nothing comapred to the scouts. So stop trying to act all noble when in reality you just want to place the blame on someone else so you can feel less guilty about not doing anything besides complaining! Well tough shit Rico! i feel guilty for letting friends die!" i yell

Rico stared at me and said nothing. "i'm making a judgment call here" Ian turns to look at Eren's titan form, "That's why we can't afford to beat a retreat. Not just yet at least. We may not know what else is in there but there's hope, and as long as that's the case, we're going to fight to the bitter end. Look at us, always on the run. Don't you think if we had a chance at freedom for once that we should take the chance?!" He was asking a lot from the squad, but I knew I was definitely in.

/ / /

Heyo! Hope you liked the chapter!

I've also started Todoroki story now if you want to check it out :)


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