39| Dream

419 11 1

Erwin entered through the doors along with some other people like Mikasa and Armin. "Sorry to keep you waiting" Erwin apologizes.

"We believe that we've uncovered the female titan's identity" and i look up and raise my eyebrow. "She won't slip away this time". We were handed papers so i began reading over it as Erwin explained what the plan is.

"If she transforms before reaching underground, she'll be Eren's responsibility", "But sir. Lana is a shifter like me! She's got more experience than me with this" Eren said. "Eren, I've never dealt with other titan shifters before this" I point out. "lana will be needed to help Eren be the bait. The court know that you'll stick by his side to keep him safe therefore i want you to go with Jean who will be his body double. If Eren is in a situation where cannot go on, that's when Lana will get involved. Understood?" Erwin looks at me.

"Yes sir" i say looking back at my paper and i felt a pair of eyes on me but i didn't take any notice of it. "She's an MP. Probably the one responsible for the deaths of Hanji's test subjects and a fellow trainee in the 104th cadet core" Erwin said, "What! I trained with her?!" Eren says. "Her name. Is Annie Leonhart"

/ / /

The day came, and I was currently on my way to the carriage. I was dressed in civilian clothing but for some reason it was extra windy today, as I was approaching the carriage I felt someone place a cape around me. "Tch, don't get a cold brat" Levi said before turning away and i smile at the gesture.

I climb into the carriage which Jean was already there, he had a wig on to look more like Eren. This made ma laugh though.

We eventually set off and were sat waiting to arrive in sina.

"I'm going to take a nap while we wait. Wake me up if I don't when we get to Sina first please?" I ask Jean and he nods.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep

"Look how cute she is! Aww my little Lana! You look just like your father!" A woman with short blonde hair said. "She's going to be a beautiful woman when she grows up. I'm sure Zeke will too" she smiles

"She's only young dear, we have plenty of years together to see them grow" a man with brunette hair said. "Oh I know. I hope she takes your looks" the blonde lady nudged the man with her elbow, "honey. It's very clear you have the looks in this family". Now shall we go? I need to go collect Zeke, can you look after Lana for me?" He asks. "Of course grisha"

I wake up in a jolt. "What the hell?" I say holding my head. "Bad dream?" Jean asked, "I'm not even sure myself to be honest"

Who the hell is Zeke? And who was that woman and man? Most important why were they in my dream? I probably ate something off, I'll ask Hanji after all of this bullshit is over with.

"Where are we now?" I ask Jean looking out the window. "We just entered Sina actually, Eren and the others should be already on their way through the capital" he says. "Let's hope this goes well" I say pulling the cape tighter around me.

I noticed it didn't smell like mine. I slightly smile at how Levi gave me his own cape, it smelled nice. It's exactly how I imagined he smelled to be honest, clean, minty and a bit of cologne too. "So how come the Captain gave you his cape?" Jean asks.

"He didn't want me getting cold in guess" I shrug and he raised an eyebrow. "You two a thing secretly or..." Jean asked and I laughed lightly, "I don't think that's your buisness but no. Nothing is going on between me and the Captain, it wouldn't be very professional of us given the situation" I reply

The Carriage came to a halt and I looked out the window and saw Levi and Erwin step out of their carriage. I will not lie. He looks good in that suit, the jacket is a bit too big but it fits him well actually.

They were talking to Commander Nile Dawk. The idiot who wants to dissect my brother. " I wonder how Eren is doing. Also I hope I never have to be his body double again, we look nothing alike" Jean complains

"Yes but you actually have a brain that can see that unlike those MP's" I say, "I cant believe that there was a time I wanted to be one of them" He said. "Many people only do it for the sake of living in the interior and having a lot of food. Due to we barely get any rations of food, whilst they're up there eating meat of all sorts. The greedy shits"

"I don't think you should be swearing around me Lana, your higher ranked than me" Jean says nervously, " I may be more of a veteran than you, but I'm still classed just as a scout, like you. Nothing else." I smile and he nods.

/ / /

Hello! Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual.

I had school work and my motivation went 📉📉📉📉 but the next chapter will be longer I promise!

- EM

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now