7| Meeting the team

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Lana's POV


I look around to look for Section Commander Mike. "Jaegar" I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn around and see who I was looking for.
"Yes sir?" I reply. "You will be choosing your horse today" he starts "over there are the un-owned horses, take your pick" he says. I head over to the set of stables and a particular horse catches my eye. It was a grey horse with a white strip going down it nose. I pet its mane and the horse leans its head to my shoulder as if were to hug me. I smile. "I'll take this one section commander" I say.

"Just call me Mike and alright, let's go meet your squad mates" He says. I follow him to the ODM forest where I see two men and two women. "Squad this is our new member of the squad, Cadet Lana Jaegar. Introduce yourselves" he says. A girl taller than me with blonde hair styled in an undercut approaches me. "Hello Jaegar, I'm Nanaba glad to have you on our team" she smiles. "Please just call me Lana, that's to everyone" I reply back, "And I'm glad to be working with you guys" I smile. Next the other girl who was slightly shorter the Nanaba spoke. She had brunette hair styled in a ponytail. "Welcome I'm Lynne!" she says. "Thank you" I respond.

I got introduced to the others and after that Mike made us practice our ODM skills. Nanaba and Henning were in the forest having their turn of finding some fake titans. "I've heard you've got some impressive ODM skills Lana even though you only trained fro three months" Mike says to me. "I'm okay I guess, I wouldn't say impressive but yeah" I reply. "We'll see, your up with Lynne, show me what you've got"he says as Nanaba and Henning return. I nod and speed off with Lynne.

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Nanaba's POV

As I returned from the training, Mike ordered Lynne and Lana off for their turn in training. I watched as they flew off but I noticed Lana got way ahead of Lynne in a short amount of time.

"She's fast" I say. "You got that right" Henning agrees, "How come she didn't join the scouts sooner?" Gelgar questions Mike. "I don't have specifics but I believe that she only just joined because of Commander Shadis" the blonde man replied. "That makes more sense but was she forced?" I ask. "Let's ask her about it sometime" Henning suggested. We agree.

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Lana's POV

I swing from tree to tree whilst keeping a look out for any unexpected 'Titans'. As I was looking around I heard a yell behind me. "Lana watch out!" I hear Lynne yell. I look forward and realize I'm about to crash into the titan. I quickly swing my swords around activate the hooks of the ODM gear and swing around. I rest against a tree and switch my one sword backwards. I push off of the tree and slice the nape. "How did you do that?!" Lynne asks. "I don't know, my reflexes kicked in I guess, but if you didn't warn my I would probably have a big injury so I owe you one Lynne". She laughs, "It's fine, you're my squad mate after all, we have each others backs" I nod my head and we split off again, I ended up slicing about 5 more 'titans' before returning back to the rest of the squad with Lynne.

"They were right about your impressive skills Lana" Mike says. "Yeah, your reflexes are super fast Lana, I thought you were going to crash into that titan prop" Nanaba adds. "You are too kind but if Lynne didn't warn me the situation would have ended differently" I explain. "We are a squad, we help each other out obviously" Henning smiles.

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After a long day of training I headed to my room and took off my ODM gear and sat on my bed. Hanji wasn't here she was most likely working in her office. I lay down on my bed and just think about how nice my squad is, I'm sure we will all be great friends. I close my eyes and take a quick nap due to I had some spare time.

I wake up a small while later and I look around my room. No Hanji spotted. I stand up and check the time. It was 5.30pm so dinner would be getting served around now so I decide to make my way to the mess hall. As I'm walking down the hall I began thinking about how my family were doing, It's been long since I've seen them and days off in the military aren't very often but whenever there is one i'll go visit back in Shiganshina. I wonder how Eren is doing, probably causing trouble still. I wouldn't be surprised if he was to be honest but I know it would just annoy mom more which wasn't exactly a good thing. I snap out of my thoughts once I knocked into someone and hit my head against theirs.

I look up holding my head and see the Captain. "S-sorry sir, I wasn't looking where I was going" I say. "Tsk watch where you are going brat" he scoffs. Brat? that's rude. "Um sir with all do respect I woyld appreciate it if you didn't call me a brat" I say. I should've kept my mouth shut. "Do you give the orders around here? No. I do, I suggest you leave before I give you cleaning duties for talking back cadet" he snaps. "Yes sir, once again I apologize" I say and I walk away. Damn, I was nice to him but he called me a brat? Who does he think he is? I know he's a Captain but he shouldn't treat people like that.

I enter the mess hall and I see Petra's group and my squad mates sitting together just having a conversation. I grab my ration of food on a tray and sit next to Nanaba. "Oh hello Lana, you're a bit late to dinner" Petra says. "Yeah I had a run in with Captain Levi on accident" I explain. "What do you mean on accident?" Gunther asks. "I was thinking about stuff and I didn't look where I was going so I ended up bumping into him in the hall way, I apologized but he called me a brat and when I asked him politely not too he just told me to leave otherwise I would have cleaning duties" I explain. "Yeah don't take the whole 'brat' thing to heart Lana, he says that to everyone" Eld begins. "I don't think he says it to be rude, I guess it's just his own way of calling people I guess, but like Eld said, don't take it to heart. Up and close Captain Levi is a pretty okay guy" Petra smiles. "You're only saying this because you have a crush on the Captain Petra" Gunther says. "What! Who said that?!" she replies.

I look over to my right and realize my squad is having a complete different conversation which makes me laugh a little for some reason. "I think it's cute you like the Captain Petra, I mean its nice to have the idea of love and settling down in the future" I smile. Petra blushes a little. "Have you ever been in love Lana?" Oulo asks. I shake my head no. "What! a girl as pretty as you hasn't had love?" Petra yells. I laugh. "I haven't really met the right person I guess" I reply. "That's too bad" Petra says. We start to hear a loads of chairs get dragged on the floor. I look over and see all the higher ups are standing up.

"Attention all cadets!" Erwin says. Everyone went silent. "A new expedition will take place in a week time, prepare yourselves but don't overwork yourselves, we need everyone at full strength. That is all, now all head back to your dorms, you will be briefed about the expedition by your squad leaders in the morning at your training sessions" Erwin states.

With that everyone stands up and makes their way up the stairs to the floors with the dorms on it. "I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow morning" I say to my squad as I leave the mess hall. "Yes sleep well Lana" Nanaba replies. "You too". "Jaegar" I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn around and see the short Captain. I can't say anything I'm the same height as him. "Yes sir?" I say as I salute. "I apologize for my behaviour earlier, I wasn't in the best of moods and I shouldn't have taken it out on you" he says. This was unexpected. The Captain...apologizing to me? "It's okay Captain, I understand that, we all get cranky every now and again" I laugh a little. I swear I saw a tiny smile on the side of his lips. "Anyway, excuse me sir i'll be heading to my dorm for some good sleep" I smile. "Goodnight Cadet" "Goodnight Captain"

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Sup broski

I'm sorry that was cringe. ANYWAY! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a little longer than the last few chapters :)


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt