10| Expedition beyond the walls - part 2

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It had been a few hours and we eventually reached the place that we were trying to arrive. I look around for my squad. "Looking for someone Lana?" I hear a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around and see Henning, "Oh my god Henning! I thought you guys were gone!" I say. "We thought we were the one that lost you, the rest of the squad managed to find each other but we couldn't find you" he explained "what happened and how did you make It back here on your own?" he asks. "Well I was separated from the squad and 5 titans had me surroundede , I took 3 of them out and suddenly Captain Levi's squad was here and helped me out, I just stayed with them until we got here and I just hoped that I would find you guys alive, speaking of the others where are they?" I ask. "They're inside" Henning says.

I walk on inside and I see Mike "Section commander!" I call out making him turn around. "Lana, good to see that you're alive" he says. "Yes, thanks to Captain Levi's squad anyway" I say. "Alright, go get some food, I think everyone needs some rest right now", "Yes sir". I walk off back to my horse and grab some of the rations I had left. "What are you doing?" I turn around and see Captain Levi, "Oh, I was just grabbing some food to eat sir" I reply "I see, did you find your squad mates after?" he asks. I nod "Yes sir, they are all here and unharmed", "Good to hear, carry on cadet" he says walking away.  I grab the food and head back inside to the small hall where some scouts were talking. "Hey Lana good to see you are well!" Lynne says frowning, "Hey you okay?" I ask. "Many people, more than usual didn't even make it here" Nanaba explains. "Oh, i see" i look down.

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A few days later

The expedition was still going along, but not in a good way the number of soldiers we had kept dropping like flies, more than the average rate. Titans were coming from everywhere.

"Sir! A 10 meter abnormal from behind us!" "Lana take it out with Henning!" Mike orders, "Yes sir!" I jump off my horse and launch the hooks onto the titan. I zoom through the air, the titan starts trying to grab Henning, he was more focused on getting the nape that he didn't see the hand coming his way. "Henning watch out!" I say pushing him out of the way but getting grabbed by the titan in the process, "Lana!" Henning yells. "Just go for the nape I'll be fine!" I shout grabbing my blade ready to cut the hand of the titan, I had one hand which was able to move which would let me escape. Henning continued to try and attack the titan and that made the titan tighten it's grip around me making me scream in pain and cough up blood. "Crap!" Henning yells, "Stay with me Lana!" he yells avoiding the titan's other hand. Suddenly the titan just dropped onto the ground, taking me with it.

I now felt as if i was in a cage, and now i couldn't move at all due to the hand completely pinning my down. I refused to let myself die like this, my sides were killing me from when the titan's grip tightened still. I suddenly felt myself being dragged out from underneath the titan's hand. "Tsk, why am I always saving your ass?" I hear someone say. My eyes go back into focus and I realize that Captain Levi was carrying me in his arms back to my horse. "Are you injured badly" he asks, "My sides hurt but i'll be alright, thank you sir, I owe you one"  i say. He just rolls his eyes and sets me on my horse. He then leaves and Mike comes up to me, " It's good that you're looking out for your squad mates but remember about your own safety as well next time, you're still a rookie, one with good skills but you're new to this and you still have things to learn" he says. "Yes sir, sorry" I apologize, "No need to apologize, you saved Henning from a difficult situation just be careful next time" he says. I nod. "All soldiers retreat! head back to the walls" we hear someone from the command squad, all of the squads form back up and we head back to the walls but, it was not going to be an easy task.  

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Sorry i know it's a little short :/


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now