38| The Truth

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You wanted to speak with me? Do you want Levi and Hanji to leave?" Erwin asks. I sigh knowing Hanji needs to know this too.

"No, it's alright." Erwin raised his eyebrow. "I'm a titan shifter. Just like Eren" i finally say it and Erwin and Hanji were taken by suprise. "I have my reasons to why i kept this to myself" i bow in front of Erwin, "i know i've betrayed your trust, and i aplologise for that. I know there will be a punishment for my actions and im prepared to take on whatever it is. I'll tell you anything you want to know"

"Stand up Lana. I don't know where you got the idea of all of this but i am greatful that you told me. I still trust you Lana, it's a little disapointing that you did not inform me earlier but however. I've known you since you joined the regiment and you would never lie. Therefor i know you had good reason behiind this. However, now that i'm aware, Hanji will run some experiments due to this transformation had an effect on your bidy" Erwin answers. "What do you mean?" i ask. "Your hair and eye color changed mid transformation. Did you not notice?" Levi says

"I guess i haven't looked in a mirror since i came back. I don't know why my hair and eyes changed though, whenever i've transformed before it stayed my natural hair color" i explain, and Hanji got a burst of excitment. "Yes! More stuff for me to research!" she jumps. "What would you like me to do now?" i ask

"Head back to your dorm, everyone is having a day off tomorrow. They need it" Erwin said and i glanced at Levi who looked away. I make my leave and go back to my dorm for a nap

/ / /

I woke up and i realized it was dark outside and Hanji was fast asleep on her bed. I changed into my sleeping clothes, which was just a shirt and some trousers. Nothing fancy, i felt a draft come through the door so i got up and opened the door to see where the draft was coming from and i noticed the door which lead a stairway to the roof was open. I walked back into my room and grabbed a jacket i had and made my way up the stairs.

I heard some sniffles from further over on the roof. I peak around the corner, and i see a figure sat down by themselves and i recognize them. "Why can't i just have peace and not have to worry about losing more" they said. Is that Levi? I walk over quietly and i place a hand on his shoulder "Captain?" he flinches, "What are you doing Lana? You should be asleep".

"I was checking to see where th cold air was coming from and then i heard crying so i came to check on whoever it was and it was you" I sit beside him, "Are you thinking about them?" i ask. "Of course i am" he sighs, "I'm sorry- i could've done something but-" "don't blame yourself, they knew what they were getting themsleves into". I could tell he was in alot of mental pain, i reach into my pockey at pull out the patch from Petra's Jacket, "Here sir. Have this, you need it more than me" i smile.

"Where did you-" "I cut one of them off after you did. I saw that you gave yours to another soldier to comfort him but you also deserve comfort so please take it" i say putting in his hands. "Thank you brat, it means a lot" We sat in silence for a while, a few sniffles from the both of us. I look over at Levi and notice how his eyes were practically glowing in the moonlight, I took this opportunity to admire some of his features such as his beautifully defined jawline and his raven black hair which looks very soft to touch.

He caught me staring when he turned his head to me. "What is it?" he asks, "Nothing I say looking away and wiping away dry tears which had escaped earlier on. We were back into our comfortable silence. "I didn't thank you for earlier" Levi speaks up, "What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow. "With after Petra's father approached me, it was slightly comforting" he says slowly moving his hand onto mine. I smile knowing he wanted some comfort so I interiwned my fingers with his. "I'm not good at asking for help" he admits, "Levi, if you need comfort or reassurance, don't be afraid to come to me, but also remember that Erwin, Mike and Hanji are also here. Sure Hanji is well. Hanji, but when ive had rough times, she can be very comforting"

Levi lets out a sigh "I'm just not used to this, you're aware of my past. I've always had to rely on just myself due to I would start to worry about others, such as Farlan and Isabel" He looks up to me and his eyes wander down to my lips for a moment. I did the same just as fast, I wasn't sure what was happening until I felt something warm and soft on my lips. I didn't hesitate to kiss back but it only lasted a few seconds until Levi pulled away.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for. Forgive me" "Levi, it's fine. Your emotions are all over the place so it's alright" I say placing a hand on his cheek. "I'm going to head back inside now okay?" I stand up. "Good night"

/ / /

A month later

Eren was being reprimanded from the custody of the survey core and he was to be handed over to the Mp's

Me, Levi and Eren were at in the dining room drinking some tea together. We didn't even speak to eachother about the kiss since that night. It think It was just a spar in the moment. "They're late,the mP's will get here first if they take any longer. I can't believe he's making me wait" Levi complains, "Probably having some trouble taking a shit" me and Eren giggle at the comment.

Levi and his classic shit jokes. You never get used to them. "You're pretty talkative today sir" Eren says. "Don't be stupid, I've always been talkative" Levi replies and Eren lowers his head. Levi places his cup down and whimpered slightly and held his leg. "Want me to re bandage it sir?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Sorry sir, back then, if only I didn't make the wrong choice". "No one expects you to make every decision correct. You made a judgment call today" he says with his usual bored look on his face

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now