30| Upcoming adventure

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I was walking down the hallway. a few days before the expedition to when I saw Petra enter Captain Levi's office, I couldn't help myself I so I listened outside of the door to see if this was when Petra would confess to him.

"You wanted to speak to me Petra?" I hear Levi ask, "Yes sir, I- uhm have something to confess" she says. "What is it?" He asks, "I- I-" Come on Petra. You can do it! "I have feelings for you sir" Petra finally says. I didn't hear anything for a short while, I take it that Levi didn't give her an answer just yet. I spoke too soon. "Petra" Levi sighs "Thank you for the compliment but you see I have no interest in you in such a way. I see you as just a member of my squad" he answers. I could hear Petra reply saying it was okay and I decided it was my que to leave so I headed to the kitchen to get myself some water.

Petra soon entered the kitchen with a sad look on her face. "You alright?" I ask even though I knew why, "I spoke with Levi about my feelings" she says. "And?" I ask, "He only viewed me as a member of his squad" she stutters out. I giver her a hug "You're too good for him anyway Petra, don't worry. One day you'll meet a nice handsome man who will love you so much" I say as I stroke her ginger hair. "Thank you Lana. You will too." she replied and I laughed, "Who ever decides to fall in love with this dumbass must be blind". "Don't say that" Petra says reaching for a cup in the cupboard. "Ehh we'll see"

/ / /

Few days later

We were all now preparing for the expedition which was quickly closing in. Eld was explaining to Eren about Erwin's formation plan. He looked a bit confused but then understood, I can't blame him. When Erwin first introduced this whole idea my mind died I swear. "Our special ops squad will be placed here on standby, behind the center rank" Eld says, "So we will be quite far back then" Eren says. "It's the safest place in the formation, being that we need to look after you" I say smiling and ruffling Eren's hair up. "Lana stop! My hair" Eren argues. "It seems that the supply wagons don't get that fine treatment" Gunther says, "Today's expedition is kinda a test run. To see if we got a shot of you getting all the way over to Shiganshina" He adds. "Understood. Either way I still don't know how to fully use my ability. Who knows if I can even control it" Eren says.

"Did anyone understand what the commander said back then" I ask remembering it. "not a clue" Eld says, "If I said I did i'd be lying to you" Oulo said. "It's obvious that this expedition has some kind of goal. Yet, the commander thiks it's best to withhold it from the further ranks. If that's the case, leaving and coming back is the most of our concerns" Gunther says

/ / /

Eren was cleaning the horse stables whilst I kept an eye on him. Oulo was next to me leaning against the wall sipping whatever he had in his hand. I saw the new recruits walk by and I noticed a blonde boy and a raven haired girl. "Mikasa? Armin?" I ask myself. Eren walked out "Oulo may I be excused to talk to my friends for a minute?" he asks, "It's your stubborn sister who's in charge here not me but I accept that you think I am more mature for the jo-" "yes just go Eren" I cut off Oulo's muttering.

"Hey Mikasa! Armin!" Eren says running up to them. They turn around. "Man am I glad to see you guys!" he says. "Eren! Have they mistreated you in anyway? Like any cruel experiments or mental anguish?" Mikasa asked with worry on her face. "N-no not at all" Eren replies, "That pipsqueak took things too far, I will make him for it one day" she says referring to Captain Levi. I let out a laugh at her words and noticing Levi walking out of the stables with his horse hearing what she said. He looked at me as I laughed and I stopped once I noticed and he walked away.

Eren continued to talk amongst his friends as I just watched him interact with them after not seeing them for a while. "Look at them newbies, so fragile that will break in seconds after leaving the walls" Oulo says, "Leave them alone, you were like that once" I say "I've always been great" he stands proud. "I'm sure" I roll my eyes and smile. "Cadets! Here are your uniforms are here"

/ / /

We all split off but I decided to go check on Eren, that's until I saw him talking with jean. "Hey eren. I heard when you were in titan form, you intentionally tried to crush Mikasa. Mind telling us what that's all about?" Jean says sternly. "He thought he was swatting a fly" Mikasa defended, "I wasn't asking you" Jean cut her off "Oh that cut on your cheek looks pretty deep, how did you get that again?"

I step out from where I was stood, "That's not very mature of you Jean" I say leaning against a pillar and crossing my arms, "apparently it's true" Eren said "So humanity rests on his shoulders huh?" "Leave him alone Jean" Mikasa said. "Some of us aren't willing to throw our lives away for Eren like you" he snaps. I sigh. I've seen this before in a way. "Alright that's enough. I suggest you stop being an ass Jean, and if you don't listen to a veteran soldier i'll gladly go awake Captain Levi" They shuddered when I said that. "That's what I thought" and I walked away.

/ / /

The next morning

I woke up from my bed. "Today is the expedition" I say to myself. I get out of bed and throw my hair in my usual ponytail and put on my uniform and gear. I head downstairs and see everyone checking their gear, "Ready to go?" Eld asked me and I nodded as I looked over to Eren.


We were all now waiting for the gates to open so we may begin the expedition. I was placed next to Eren and Petra, due to I was put on this squad to look out for Eren. I wasn't going to leave him out of my sight. I turned my head to look behind me and I saw Nanaba and Lynne, I smiled and waved at them due to I had not seen them in a while and they responded back with a wave too.

"So cool!" I hear a young voice say I look and see a few children stood there watching us as we awaited to leave. "They have that symbol! The wings of freedom!" a young girl shouted. " This is it! Another chance for humanity to take another step forward! Let's show these titan's what we're made of!" a soldier yells from the front. The gates opened. "Forward!" We hear Erwin yell and we all started galloping away through the gates.

Little did we know that this expedition would turn out so different than any other.

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now