27| Cleaning

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" That's what you get for flapping your jowls on horseback" Petra says, "The rookie needed to know his place. First impressions are important" Oulo replies. "Well you definitely made an impression on my brother, no problem there" I say.

"Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned" Oulo said, I just roll my eyes. "What uhm exactly happened to you? You never used to talk like this, I mean it's really none of my business but if you're trying to act like the Captain it's kinda embarrassing, you and Levi couldn't be any different if you'd be born different species" I laugh "Isn't that the truth"

"If you intent to nag me like a wife petra, there's more of me that you need to be Acquainted with first" Oulo smirks, "Hah! You wish! I'd tell you to bite your tounge but you've already gotten that covered, next time I hope you bleed out" petra says. "You kids argue way too much" I say walking over to Gunther and Eld who were talking about how messy the place looked. I knew from when they mentioned the whole messy condition thing Levi would appeard and I was correct.

"Best grab a broom and get to work" Levi says. I was ordered to dust the mop the floor whilst Levi dusted the window. Levi pushed the window open and started cleaning, I just got on with the job because I knew what Levi was like.

"Your squad seems like a nice bunch when working together" I say as I mop the floor, "Pain in the ass sometimes but they have skill" he replies whilst cleaning a window, "let's just hope Eren doesn't cause anymore problems, the paperwork is hell" Levi says. "I wish I could say that there won't be any trouble but knowing what Eren is like I can't guarantee anything sir" I say. "That's honest of you. We're all still in the dark about his abilities and what their limits are" he pauses.

"How come you didn't know that your own brother was a titan?" he asks me, "I don't know why you're asking me that because I was shocked as anyone when I first saw him emerge from that titan" I say. "Well to me you didn't seem all scared" he points out. Did he think I knew about this all along?

"I wasn't. I was in shock though, my little brother is a titan for gods sake." Levi sighs, "And your father being M.I.A isn't helping, are you sure that you don't know anything?" he asks. "Like I said. I've been down into the cellar but it was mostly all of his doctor equipment. I knew he had medicine down there and some guide books but that was about it. I never went down there often" I say. A silence fell as we continued cleaning.

"What's he like? Your father?" Levi asks, "He was a caring father. Sometimes i'd go with him into stohess for example to help him with patients due to when I was a child I wanted to be one like my father but i didn't really know a lot about his past. He never really seemed to talk about it to be honest but I knew how he met my mother and all but that's about it" I explain. "Right."

A silence fell for about five minutes as we continued to clean until Levi spoke once more "You know. You aren't as annoying as the others" he says. I was confused "What do you mean?" I ask, "Well Oulo copies me for some reason. Petra tried to get my attention all of the time for some reason and Eld and Gunther are just serious" I laugh, "Speak for yourself sir" "it's Levi remember?" he corrects me. "Oh yeah, sorry" he rolls his eyes and continues scrubbing the window sill.

Footsteps were heard coming down the hall way and Eren appeared. "I'm done with the upstairs sir. If I may ask Captain, where will I be sleeping?" he says pulling his mask down. Levi turns around. "Your sleeping quarters are in the cellar" he replies, "The cellar? again sir?" "Our safest option. Your abilities are far from being under control, you might go titan in your sleep. one of the conditons if having you in my custody is if I keep you under strict security" Levi answers. "While we're in dream land, you're in restraints. That's the rule. I'll go check your work, take over here with Lana. I want it spotless" Levi says walking out. "Yes sir" Eren replies.

"Sup" I say as I pick up the bucket. "This isn't how I thought it would go" Eren says, "Hah! Welcome to the survey core we clean!" I say as I rinse a cloth. Petra walks in, "Oh Eren, try not to look so discouraged" she says making Eren jump, earning a giggle from me. "You don't mind me calling you Eren right? I notice the Captain does and well he pretty much sets the tone for the rest of us". "Whatever" Eren starts "It's just uhh did I really look discouraged? or are you just saying that" he asks. "Trust me you aren't the only one Eren" I say.

"Everyone reacts that way at first. Up close and personal, Captain Levi doesn't seem like the hero he's cracked up to be. For one he's a lot shorter". I drop the cloth into the bucket, "Petra you're smaller than him." I say earning a bored look from Petra which makes me laugh. "He's a bit on the temperamental side too. Not exactly viewed with wht you'd call the social graces" Petra says. I start to dust the shelves knowing that Levi will most likely pop around the corner any second now due to how fast his cleaning judging skills are. "It's not that, i'm more put off by the seriousness. He's so dead earnest about following the higher ups orders" Eren says

"Let me guess. you think strength means living by your own rules, flouting everyone else's" Petra answers. "Well yeah. He didn't strike me as the type to take orders" "Time was he'd live up to your expectations. That's what I understand anyway, I don't know all the details. Story goes, he was quite the rouge before joining the scouts. A high roller in the Capital's black market" Petra says. Eren looks surprised, yet again. I wasn't but I knew the real story behind it from when he told me that one night.

"How the hell did he-" Eren gets cut off "Beats me. People talk but who really knows what happened. The most popular one is that he was dragged here kicking and screaming by Erwin". "Guys i'd focus more on cleaning right now because he's probably-" "what's going on?" Levi appeared. "Called it!" I say swinging my arms in the air. "Your cleaning is lamentable. Back upstairs now" Levi commands. I tried not to laugh.

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Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for a bit. School stuff.

In A level i'm given so much extra homework its insane but it'll be fine.


- Em

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now