29| Remembering the past

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I woke up and got ready for another day of Levi's deathly cleaning duties. Yay fun. Can you hear the sarcasm?

I was in the middle of putting my hair up when I heard a scream from downstairs. I take it everyone heard it because we all rushed to where we drank our coffee last night. "What's going on?" I ask, "Someone's killed Hanji's test subject" levi said adjusting his Cravat.

Soon enough we were at the location where Hanji kept her subjects which she called Sawney and Bean. Kind of bizarre names if you ask me. Hanji let out a painful scream as she saw the situation. "Sawney! Bean! How could this happen! Someone tell me this isn't real!" she cried. I was stood next to Eren as we watched the whole scene unfold. "Oh dear, someone's gotta start grieving now don't they?" Oulo spits earning an elbow to his side from Petra. "How did this? How did this happen?" Eren asks, "Odm obviously, just need to know which bastard soldier did this" I say. "Let it go, this is a matter of the military police" Levi says and turns to walk away.

"I hate seeing Hanji like this" I say, "They're just titans though, can't we catch more?" Eren asks. "It's not exactly easy you know. Plus Hanji loves to study them and gets attached so just let her do her thing. Even if it's painfut to watch" I reply. Erwin appeared behind us and placed his hand on Eren's shoulder from behind. "What is it you think you see? Who do you think the real enemy is here?" he asks, Eren and me look at him with confusion. "Ignore me, loaded question." he says leaving me and Eren even more confused but I shrugged it off. Erwin was the type to ask weird questions to be fair.

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We were all cleaning out the stables or sitting down drinking some tea. "After the whole inspection not one suspected person came out. So who could've done it?" Gunther asks, "Who knows" I say. "I'm more worried about the recruitment drive tonight, how many cadets are stupid enough to join the regiment with the highest casualties?" Eld says. "You'd be surprised" I say sipping my drink.

"Hey Eren! You know if anyone in your class is thinking of joining us?" GUnther asks. "Yeah there are a few" he replied whilst feeding his horse "Or at least there were, i'm not so sure anymore". We hear horsesteps coming closer. "Fall in!" Gunther yells

Levi had returned. We all lined up and saluted. Levi stopped on his horse, "Make ready people. We're going on patrol" Levi says "Yes sir!" Me, Gunther and Eld say.Eren runs up and salutes "Good morning Captain! reporting for duty!" "Eren you will stay within ten meters of me at all times, the only reason you're out of that cell. Is because i'm keeping an eye on you understood?" Levi says. Did he forget that I was put on this squad to protect him as well?

"Yes sir", "Lets ride" levi leaves on his horse once again and we all catch up to him on ours. I was riding beside Eren as we were behind Levi.

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Flashback (Age: 18)

"Another fight Eren?" I say as I clean his face with a cloth, "be glad mom isn't around to see you all bruised up like this. I know you care for Armin but try not to get yourself beaten up everytime. At least win a fight for once?" I say. "Well if you taught me how to win maybe I would!" he yells. "Don't yell at me" "how come you know how to win in the first place? What made you need to protect yourself?" Eren asked which triggered a past memory I never wanted to re live.

(age: 15) (this may trigger some people so just a warning)

I was walking around grabbing some ingredients for something mom was making later for dinner. I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned around to see a older man with an ugly appearance and he reeked of alcohol. "Hey little girl. Need any help?" he smirked, "No thank you sir, i'm just about finished" I say paying the stall manager for some carrots I just purchased. The man grunted in frustration for some reason and walked off. I didn't think much of it and began walking home.

I was humming a tune as I was walking until I hand covered my mouth and I was pulled into a alleyway. I tried to scream as I was in a panic and kicked my legs around to try and escape. "She's a pretty one eh?" the same man from earlier said to another I couldn't see, "Not too shabby, do what you want " and that man left. I felt something on my neck and realized he was kissing my neck. "Get off me!" I scream and I try and punch the man but he grabbed my wrists and tightened his grip around them. I was about to give up due to I had no combat abilities until the man was knocked off of me. I looked up traumatized to see my father with a distressed look on his face. He pulled me close "I'm so sorry Lana. You're safe now" he whispers to try and calm me. I wasn't crying but I wasn't okay. Just numb.

Father took me home and checked to see if I had any injuries ,which I didn't have and explained to my mother what had happened. I was in my room hugging a pillow feeling useless due to not being able to defend myself. My parents kept telling me that it wasn't my fault and even 5 year old Eren tried to comfort me even though he didn't understand what was fully going on. He hugged me whilst I was sat on my bed which comforted me for a bit. That's where I made the decision to train and never go through that ever again.

Flashback over

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The next day

The new recruits would be arriving soon and I was just cleaning my room at the moment due to it was alittle messy and Levi would be frantic. A knock on my door was heard. "Come in" I say as I try to reach the top of my wardrobe. I was 5"6 but yet I still couldn't reach. At least i'm not Levi's height

"What are you doing?" Speak of the devil. I turn my head and see Levi stood there with his arms crossed. "I'm trying to dust the top of the wardrobe but my dumbass can't reach" I giggle, he rolled his eyes. "Get down for a minute I wish to speak with you" he says sitting on my desk chair. I lean against the wall. "Sup". "As you know, there's an expedition coming up soon" he says, "As if I didn't" I reply. "I was just going to say that you should stay with Eren at all times", "As if I wasn't going to be doing that. He's my little brother for god sake Levi" I say scratching the side of my face. "Just don't die on me brat okay?" he adds, that was unexpected. "I don't plan to" I reply. "You said that on the one of the other expedition but yet you basically got eaten" he says, "Hey! don't forget the fact that I saved your short ass" I say and my eyes widened after realizing what I had just said. "Uhh sorry! That kinda slipped out-" "Sure Lana sure. I may let you call me Levi when we're alone but that doesn't mean you completely forget the fact that i'm your Captain" he says sternly and leaves.

Shortly after Petra walked in looking a bit curious, "oh hey Petra" I say stepping off a seat I was on "What's up" I ask. "I need advice" she says, "on what?" I reply dusting my clothes "To asking the Captain on a date" she admits. "Wow didn't expect that" I say "I noticed you two had been spending time together recently, like in cleaning or just talking some random time so I was wondering if you had any ideas for me"

"Petra, i'm like the worst person to ask. I've never had a real relationship you see. I've told you this, why? Finally plan on asking the Captain?" I ask. She stutters over her words and I laugh, "just go and ask him, what have you got to lose?" I say. "You're right, I'll tell him tonight!" She says, "good luck" I smile

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Here's another chapter for you all

Hope you liked it!

- Em

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora