8| Preparation

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I headed up to my room after talking with Captain Levi. I walk into my room and I see Hanji working at her desk. "Hey Hanji" I say. "Oh hello, so how do you feel about going on expedition?" she asks. "Well this one would be my first one but i'm sure i'll be okay" I say. "Well with your skills I'm sure you'll do fine" she smiles. "Just listen to your squad and don't do anything stupid is my best advice" she adds.

I yawn and lay down. "Thanks, anyway i'm going to sleep now. Don't want to do bad in training now do I?" I say. "Okay goodnight, i'll be heading to sleep soon anyway as well" she replies. I close my eyes and drift off into sleep.

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I wake up and make my way to the baths. As I enter I see Petra talking with some girl. I decide to not disturb them so I have a quick shower and wash myself. I couldn't help but listen it was some interesting stuff to hear. "I can't help like him, he's just very admirable, he's strong and smart and looks out for his squad" I hear Petra saying. I could only assume she was talking about Captain Levi . "I don't see what you see in him but if you like him so much go tell him and stop nagging to me about it" another girl replies.

I finish doing my routine and dry myself off. I slip on my uniform and head for breakfast. As I was walking down the hallway Mike stopped me. "Lana" I turn around. "Yes sir?" I reply, "Just for your information we will be training along side Captain Levi's squad" He says. "Okay good to know thank you sir" I reply. He nods and dismisses me.

I walk into the mess hall and grabbed the usual plain bland porridge that was served. I sat between Lynne and Henning. We began talking about the expedition in a weeks time. They mostly explained how the whole system worked, things such as some of the meanings of the flares but they said I would be taught about that soon enough.

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Training grounds

My squad and Captain Levi's squad were together on the training grounds. "Okay we will be going over hand-to-hand combat for a part of today, so pair up. You will be under Captain Levi's supervision due to I will be going to speak with Shadis and Erwin" Mike says. My squad salute "Yes sir!" we reply. Mike leaves and we all decide to pair up. Due to an uneven amount of people I was left without a partner, I stand there wondering what to do I look around and I see Captain Levi watching over the groups spar. I walk over to the Captain and tap his shoulder, He jumps slightly. "What is it Jaegar?" he says monotone. "Sorry sir, I don't have a partner to spar so I was going to ask me if you would be my sparring partner?" his eyes widened a little. No one had ever tried to challenge the Captain. "Fine, don't expect me to hold back just because you're a cadet" he says. "Good, I didn't want you to hold back anyway Captain" I reply.

I get into my fighting stance and Captain Levi charges at me. He goes to punch me but I dodge it and go to punch him. He also dodged my attack, he then grabbed my arm and twisted it behind me and pinned me to the ground. "Give up?" he asks. "I'm no quitter sir" I say as I free my arm and roll over making me  on top of him. He pushes me off and punches my stomach. I grunt in pain but it doesn't stop me. I try my best to attack him but he took this to an advantage and started punching and kicking me over and over. He backs off after a bit. "Need a break?" He asks pointing to my face which had blood over it. I wipe my nose and busted lip, I spit out some blood and stand up. "Like I said sir. I'm not quitter, I won't back down unless I need to" I smirk. He seemed surprised. "You're all beat up, go to the infirmary and get healed up"

Well I don't need to for that but yeah..... I agree "alright then", "you put up a good fight fair played, the other brats would have tapped out near enough instantly. It's been a while since I've had a fight like that" he states. Was that a compliment? "Thanks sir, I still have a lot to learn but I appreciate it" I smile at him. I make my way to the infirmary and the nurse stitched my lip up. "That Captain should hold back on you cadets sometimes" she says. I laugh. "Don't worry I asked him to not hold back, besides I don't expect him too. You shouldn't overestimate people" I say. "Wise words" she replies "anyway your pretty face all fixed up now, be careful it should heal in a few days" she smiles. I thank her and head back to the training grounds.

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Few hours later

Captain Levi made us practice our ODM skills as well. Me and Petra paired up and sliced some of the titan dummies. I won't lie she was good at using her ODM gear, as we land onto the ground once again she asked me a question. "You know you're holding your blades wrong right? You don't hold them backwards" she says. "I know they aren't designed like that but I find it easier for some reason, I mean I can still slice the name so I doubt it matter" I say. "Petra don't questions people's methods if you will only correct them" Nanaba says. "Captain Levi also holds his blades like so if you haven't realized and he's got the title of "humanities strongest" so I think Lana here will be fine" she defends me. "I wasn't correcting her it was more of suggesting a method" Petra replies.

"Alright you brats training is done, get cleaning" Captain Levi says. That earns a grunt from everyone. "Stop complaining". We all head inside and grab the cleaning supplies. I was cleaning Captains office with Eld. "Damn I don't know why he wants us to clean here, it's spotless anyway" I say as I dust some shelves. "He's keen on keeping hygiene a top priority, if you think about it, it's kind of a good think because it reduces the risk of us getting sick if we clean often" eld says. "You have a point there I'll give you that" I reply. The door opens and we look to see the short captain. He runs his finger along one shelf that I cleaned and inspected it. "Finally a person who can clean without me asking for them to re do it" he says as he checks Elds side. "Not bad, Jaegar move to the hallway and Eld you clean the windows" Captain Levi says.

"Sir you don't have to call me by my last name, I mean Mike doesn't and I don't mind" I say. He just looks at me. "Whatever brat go clean" he says. I shrug it off and head to where I was told to clean.

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A few days later
(Expedition in 1 day)

I collapse onto my bed after another long day of training. "Hey Lana you like science don't you?" Hanji asks from her side of the room. I stand up and walk to her desk, " a bit why?" I ask. "I need help with this...what do you think is happening" she asks showing me some sort of test tube full of bubbling liquid. I inspect the tube. "I think whatever you've put in there is reacting in a negative way with the water which is making it bubble" I say. "Makes sense" she says and writes some stuff on her notepad. She stands up and sits on her bed. I was already laying down on mine ready to fall asleep. "So... you've been here for about a week an a half, any love interest?" She laughs.

"Oh no we are going straight to this, but if I'm being honest. Not really. I guess I've been focused on training and getting a long with my comrades that I haven't really payed attention on people in that way" I say as I look up at the ceiling. "What cha thinkig about?" Hanji asks. I sigh. "Just my family, I wish to see them soon. I want to see how my little trouble maker of a brother is holding up without me" I giggle a little. "You have a brother?" "Yes, he's called Eren, he loves to get into fights. That kid won't back down until he faints I feel like. I always had to save his ass" I laugh."I'm sure he's doing fine, anyway we have an expedition tomorrow we should get some rest, we don't want to be sleepy when fighting titans do we?" She laughs. I nod my head "yeah, that would be spelling disaster for us"

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