17| Travelling to Trost District

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I wake up and I saw that the sun was only rising so I decided I may as well get up and prepare because I was leaving in a few hours anyway.
I go and take my daily shower and then head to the mess hall and made myself something simple to eat, due to that it was too early for the cooks to begin cooking breakfast yet. As I grab the piece of bread I had and walk out of the kitchen I notice a small figure at on a chair. " Can't sleep again Captain?" I ask, he looks up from his tea "You as well?" He asks "no, i was grabbing some breakfast, I'm going to Trost remember" I explain. "Oh right, yeah. Don't cause trouble now, that will be annoying to deal with" he takes another sip of his black tea. "Yes sir, plus I never cause trouble anyway" I throw a cheeky smile at him, he rolls his eyes "I told you that you can call me just Levi when we're alone" he says. "Oh yeah" I rub the back of my back, "I'll be leaving now, I need to pick up my gear and bags before the carriage gets here" I say turning on my heel and walking towards the door, "mind if I join you?" I hear. I turn around again and smile "if you really want to, it's not going to be anything interesting, also don't you have your Captain duties to do?" "No ones awake" he says, "good point"

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Me and Levi walked over to the other side of the scouts base to get to the workshop. I open the door and I saw my gear there, looking all new. George did a good job. "You should test it out before you go, just in case you need to use it" Levi comments, "yeah true"

I put the gear on and fire the hooks into the walls. "Yep it works, George fixed it well" I roll the wire back into the gear. I turn and face Levi, "I should head back to my room and grab my stuff now because the carriage will be here soon probably" I say. "Right, need a hand?" Levi asks, "I think i'll be okay but you can come with me if you want" I smile. We walk to me and Hanji's dorm in a comfortable silence, I walk inside and grab the bag which had my belongings inside, "Is that all of it?" Levi asks, "Yup".

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It was time that I had to leave for Trost. Levi had already head back to his office due to it was around the time he had to start his Captain duties. "Miss Jeagar right?" The man who was in charge of the carriage said, I nod "yes that's me" "the carriage is ready you may enter now so we may arrive in Trost on time" the man replies.
I step into the carriage and sit down on one of the seats. I place the small bag I had with me beside me and I look out the window as I waited for us to start moving along.

After a short while we began moving, i was watching the world go by as I passed them. I saw young children run and play with their friends out in the sunshine with smiles on their faces.

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(Age: 13)

"Hey Lana! Come play with us" Kyle yelled from across the street to me, I look up and smile at the raven haired boy. "Sorry I cant! I need to look after my baby brother and my mom" I shrug, "Aww cmon!" Some other girl yells to me. "Sorry!" And I walk home

"I'm home!" I yell. I only see my father sat at the kitchen table reading a paper, "You're mother is out at the moment with Eren. How about we practice some more with you're titan in the woods?" My father says. I sigh due to this was what was the normal thing now, ever since I gained these powers my father just wanted me to train. "But first i need you to come down to my basement for a test" he grabs my hand and we walk down there. "Give me your arm" I tense up "are you going to make me change again?" I stutter, "no my sweet child, I just need some of your blood, I will not hurt you I promise" he assures me. I let him take some of my blood and he puts it under some scope of some sort and he looks at it for a while.

I sit down on the desk chair he had being as well that we wasn't using it. He suddenly gasps. "This is amazing. Lana you are a step forward for humanity!" He says, I look at him confused "You're cells aren't dying at the rate they are supposed to, it worked. It actually worked" he says. "What worked father?" I ask confused, "I'll tell you when you will understand later on when you are older" I decide to not question it and I nod

Flashback end
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I didn't notice how much time had gone by until the carriage stopped. The nice man opened the door and assisted me as I exited the carriage, I look up and see Commander Pixis standing there with two other Garrisons soldiers. "Glad that you arrived here safely Cadet Jaegar" Commander Pixis says, "Glad to be here sir and please, just call me Lana sir" I reply with a smile. "Very well, we should get you settled in, the meeting has been moved to two days forward due to something came up, but i'm sure that's no problem-" "Maybe she could help keep an eye on the cadets here" the brunette looks at me "These are cadets of the 104th cadet core who will be graduating soon" she says. Wasn't Eren in the 104th? Maybe i'll have a chance to see him because he joined the cadets like he said he would as a child. "Of course that shouldn't be a problem". Pixis nods "Very well, anyway we will show you to the dorm room you will staying at whilst you are here" He turns around and begins walking. I follow him and we eventually reach a long hallway which reminds me of the dorms back in the scouts building.

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I had already settled in and I was currently on top of the wall with some of the cadets, I can only remember this one girl's name that I've met so far. Her name was Sasha, the only reason I could remember her name was because she kept asking to have lunch breaks when the arranged lunch break was in about 2 hours . "Please, I'm starving!" Sasha begged one of the garrison soldiers, "Sasha, just get the canons clean" a boy with a buzz cut said and he turns to me "Wait you're a scout?!" the boy says, "Yes, Lana Jaegar nice to meet you" I smile "Jaegar? Do you know Eren?" he asks. I nod "I'm his older sister, is he here?" I ask, "Yeah he is, I didn't know he had a sister, he never really mentioned it. Oh! I'm Connie by the way" he replied. "Nice to meet you, anyway make sure Sasha doesn't have any food until lunch because I need to go check on the other cadets.

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Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's kinda boring but I promise there will be more action soon.

- Em

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now