18| Cadets

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I was admiring the view from on top of Wall Rose as I was walking to the next group of cadets. "You idiot! You aren't supposed to put the canon like that!" i hear a familiar yell. I turn my head and I see two tall boys at eachothers throats. I recognize one as my dear brother, "IS THAT RIGHT JAEGAR! HOW ABOUT I SHOW YOU!" a boy slightly taller than him with lighter hir shouted back. "Guys please stop arguing!" a small blonde boy- well I say small, he's taller than me. I'm the same height as Captain Levi so most people are. If Levi ever heard me say that I would have a huge amount of cleaning. "I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS!" Eren yells, I walk up to where the commotion was located and I pulled the two apart. "Alright ladies, calm down" I say earning a small laugh from the blonde boy. "Who do you think you are?" Eren asks me, "Wow Eren you can't even recognize your own sister" I pout. His eyes widened, "L-lana! Sorry!" I laugh.

"It's fine, I mean you haven't seen me for about 3 years. Anyway just get the job done" I order "Woah I didn't know you had a sister!" the other boy said, "Yep, what's your name soldier?" I ask. He salutes "Jean Kirstein ma'am!" he replies, "No need for the formalities, I don't have a rank" I smile. He nods and goes back to the canon, "So you haven't grown much" Eren says. I punch his shoulder, "I'll still beat your ass in a fight, still causing trouble lil bro?" I ask. "I was in the top 10 of my class, i'll be joining you in the scouts soon!" he replies. I face palm, "how many times do we need to go over this Ere-" "Oh don't lecture me! You're just like mom now!" he shouts. "Eren, i'm only looking out for you! Sorry for caring! Mom is gone, Dad is missing. You're the only family I have left okay? So stop being stubborn" he stiffens up, "Lana I-" I sigh. "it's fine, just finish your job, I need to go to the next station anyway.

/ / /

The rest of the day was pretty boring, I was now back in my room going over the papers Erwin had given me for the things me and Pixis would be discussing in the meeting, most of it was just boring stuff. I sigh and look at the time, 10:30pm. "I should get some shut eye". I get changed into my sleepwear and lay in bed, I will admit. It was weird not sharing a room with Hanji, she was always snoring or writing new things she found out in her notes at late times in the night. It was peaceful but yet I still felt alone. That was my one true enemy. Loneliness. I can't stand it, I'm scared that i'm an outcast or I'm being left behind. It's not like I was treated horribly in my childhood, it's just that I've always felt like this for some reason.

/ / /

The next morning

I was walking with one of Commander Pixis's soldiers and we were on our way to Lord Wald's place. I was told that the meeting would be held after Pixis's time with Lord Wald. We eneter a large building and we walk down the hall and we hear laughing. We knock and enter. "Just stand here and wait until they've finished" the girl said. I wasn't new to meeting higher ups I knew what to do but here we are.

Commander Pixis and Lord Wald were drinking and playing chess, it was quite amusing for some reason. "Come now, take this seriously. Very well. Yet another victory is mine." Lord Wald said moving a chess piece on the board, "dear, oh dear. One would think our monthly rows would see at least some modest improvement in your approach to the game, Pixis" The short man said.

"One would think so, yes. Clearly my brain is inferior to yours, Lord Wald" Pixis replies. It was followed by a snicker from Lord Wald, "Such obsequiousness from the single highest ranking officer in the southern territory" Lord Wald says and he stuffs some biscuits into his mouth. " Tell me. Seriously" Wald starts, I hear someone running down the hall getting closer to this room but think nothing of it. "How can you hope to thwart th titans when you can't even win-" "Commander Pixis, Sir! I bring news!" a young boy with brown hair bursts in. "I beg your pardon young man, this is a private" Wald gets cut off once again, "the colossal titan has laid siege to the city of Trost! Reports say the gate has been destroyed!" the boys yells. My eyes widen. This isn't good- wait wasn't Eren out there?

Pixis stands up and grabs a wine bottle and begins to exit the room. Mee and the two other soldiers exit the room with him. "Pixis wait! You can't just march off! I command you to stay!" Wald yells. I turn around, "Look sir, people are laying down their lives as we speak. Stop thinking about just yourself and your money. Would you like to fight the titans with us?" I snap. "How dare you speak to me like tha-" You aren't the boss of me, if you have a problem run it through with Commander Erwin" I turn to Pixis "Excuse me sir, I need to go help right away" he nods and I rush out and grab my horse.

I gallop back to Trost as fast as I could, luckily my horse was very fast so I managed to get there within half an hour. I met up with some of the higher ranking officers. "What is a scout doing here?! Aren't you guys over in the other districts?" an officer asked me. "I was here for a meeting but this has happened sir" I explain "You will be stationed with the elites, they have already left but they at the rear guard" I nod and fly off using my ODM. I saw a huge vast of titans everwhere. It's just like shiganshina all over again

I spot two titans up ahead, I grip my blades as I approach them. I land on one of their heads "Time to die bitch" I jump off and hook the wire onto a nearby house and swing around its neck and when I had the correct angle I sliced the nape off. I push off of the other titan and quickly slice the nape of the second titan. I run along the roof tops and I see some people who I could only assume were the elite squads. I catch up to them and I notice Mikas was with them. "Mikasa?" I ask and she turns around, "Lana, good to see you" I smile. "and you, anyway what is our mission?" I ask. "We need to defend the inner gate so everyone may evacuate" the person in command said. I've always been bad at remembering names, especially people who weren't in my own regiment.

/ / /

Hey! We've finally reached the Trost Arc lol

hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now