28| Nature

493 13 14

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We were all currently sat around a table drinking some tea. I was sat next to Eren.

"It's safe to assume that our standing orders will stretch into next week, word to the grape vine is that we're gearing up for a big mission in a month from now. When we're a bunch of wet behind the ear graduates are slated to be our backup" Eld says. "That can't be right, why do something like that? The cadets have been through enough with the last titan attack, why subject them to that kind of danger again?" Gunther asks. "You'd have to wonder how many of those snivel drop runt peed themselves" Oulo speaks "This surely can't be right, they're just kids" I say

"Mission planning isn't my responsibility, but it is Erwin's. And you can bet the man is obsessed with every angle" Levi says, "Isn't that the truth" I say taking another sip of my tea. " especially given how unique the situation is. Consider how many people died on the path to taking back wall Maria, then hope comes up in a form no one expected. One that we're not even entirely sure how to deal with" Eld says, Eren gasps besides me. Everyone looks at Eren. "Staring won't make this any better guys" I say seeing that Eren was clearly uncomfortable. "Most of us still find it hard to believe. So how does it work? this whole changing into a titan trick?" Eld asks. They were being more nosy than usual, but to be fair. They had no understanding of Eren's abilities.

"Wish I could tell you but the fact is my memories still not clear. Guess it's kinda like being in a trance. I do know that the trigger seems to be hurting myself in some way. Like biting my hand" Eren froze shortly after. "You're not going to get much out of him, apart from what the scribblers have laid out in the reports" Levi picks up his tea and pulls it to his mouth "Not that you know who won't have a go at it" he sips his tea, "You'll be lucky if you come out of it alive if that one lays into you"

"That would one interesting ride i'll say that" I say making eye contact with Levi by accident. "Of course its a matter of time" "Wait who are you talking about?" as Eren said that a thud was heard from the door followed by and "ow!". "Speak of the devil" I say standing up and heading for the table. I open the door and there stood Hanji who was holding her head, "Stupid" I laugh, "Hey bestie!" Hanji hugs me. "Hey" I reply, "sorry about that. Good evening team Levi! How is castle life treating everyone?" Hanji asks

Levi sighs and takes a sip of his tea "You're too early" he mutters. "Am I? Suppose I couldn't help myself" she says as she makes her way over to Eren and me. "Section commander Hanji?" he asks, "Hello Eren,in the event you haven't pieced it together yet, it's my job to spearhead the scout regiments research efforts. Essentially I poke and prod our titan specimens, i'd very much like your help" "My help? In what way? Like what would I have to do?" The poor boy was confused. "Join me of course!" Hanji shouts in excitement "On a quest on scientific discovery!" I swear I could see her blushing at the idea of this. Why am I her friend again?.

"Well uhh- i'm happy to help but except I'm afraid that it's not up to me. I'm under close restrictions by the order of the higher ups you see" Eren explains, "Levi, What's on the docket for him tomorrow?" Hanji asks looking at Levi. "Clearing out the weeds?" he says earning a small laugh from me due to the way he said it. "Excellent then! It's senched!" She grabs eren's arm. "Young man. Tomorrow will be grand" Hanji says. "Uhm kay? But uhh just so I'm clear, what exactly will I be doing? Are you running experiments or something?" he asks. I sigh and face palm. Good job Eren. Have fun sleeping tonight bro. Not.

"Ah, I knew it. You posses a singular curious mind don't you?" This was our cue to leave. Everyone stood up, I pat Eren n the shoulder "I wish you luck" and with that I left. I wasn't exactly ready to go to sleep so I sat on a window sill over looking the landscape outside. It was beautiful. The way the sun hadn't fully set so there was still some dark blue blend into the dark starry sky, on the ground were trees and plants of all kinds. I could also see some birds flying into their small nests that they had built. Nature is something else at night.

"What are you doing?" I hear behind me i turn around and see Levi who was still in his uniform. "Oh hey, i didn't feel tired yet so i was just admiring nature from the window" i say, "May i join?" he asks. "Knock yourself out" i say and he sits beside me. "It's beautiful isn't it?" i ask "What is?" he asks, "The night sky, it's mysterious but it has a pretty look to it" i explain "Like you" Levi whispers. "What?" i ask not catching what he said, "I like it too, i said" Levi replies. "How come you don't feel tired though? Everyone else seems quite tried after me making them clean all day" Levi asks, "I'm not really sure if i'm honest" i start "There's just stuff lingering in my mind that's all i guess" i say.

I was lying. My brain kept telling me to tell the corps to tell them that i possesed titan abilities like Eren but at the same time, mine were different to his. I knew how i became a titan but that was one thing father never told me. How people became titans in the first place, he never discussed his past with me or how he became one himself. I hated that i was lying to them, especially Levi due to he said he had some trust in me. If i told them i knew all of that trust would go down the drain, i have to keep these abilities hidden for as long as i can. I just hope i don't have to use them. Eren will eventually gain control over these powers due to Hanji most likley doing all kinds of experiments on him but i would be hated on, most likey arrested too if anyone found out. Oh dad. Where are you? I need you to tell me what to do now.

"Lana?" I snap out of my thoughts and i realized my head was on Levi's lap. My eyes widened and i lifted my head. "OMG i'm sorry sir i didn't realize that i was doing that i was spaced out" i ramble, "Maybe you should get some rest" he said with his face showing no emotion what so ever, but that was nothing new when it came to Levi though. "You may be more sleepy than you thought if you rested your head in my lap, or you meant to do it for something else" he raised an eyebrow looking at me. "Pshh i didn't even realize that i was doing that. But fine i'll go to sleep" i say pouting, i heard a huff from Levi almost seemed like he laughed slighlty.

I said goodnight to the Captain and fell asleep in my room. Little did i know was that a certain ginger haired girl that heard what Levi had truly said to me.

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Hey guys! i hope you guys liked this chapter. Finally something actually kinda happened between Lana and Levi lol



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