Prologue Part One: The Prelude To Despair

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(3rd Person's POV)

It was a bright and sunny day in Tokyo, Japan. A short young woman looked up at the school as she raised an eyebrow.

The massive high school towers over all the other buildings in this bustling urban area. The vegetation forms around the school like a barrier of some sort. It's like the school stands at the center of the entire world.

Hope's Peak Academy is a government-funded school of privilege that brings in top students from every field imaginable. They say that if you come here and manage to graduate, you'll be set for life. With hundreds of years of tradition, it sends the cream of the crop into the work force every year. It was built to raise hope in the nation's future. Which makes Hope's Peak a pretty fitting name.

There are two things you need to attend Hope's Peak... One, you have to already be attending high school. And two, you have to be the very best at what you do. No ordinary student could enroll here. The only way in is if you're scouted by the school itself.

And standing there at the gate of the ultimate school filled with the ultimate students...was her.

The woman ran a hand through her unkempt hair. This young Sora Shirayuki.

She was a small and pale-skinned young woman with a curvaceous build, bearing an... above-average chest and a sizable rear. Her facial structure and skin was very soft and smooth, as if she took a lot of time taking care of it, along with rosy pink cheeks, which makes it look like she's always blushing. She also had a beauty mark right below her right eye.

She had messy and unkempt golden blonde hair, which reached to her lower back. She had light blue eyes and an ahoge that resembled a heart. She wore a white t-shirt, covered by a light blue sweater vest, along with white wrist-length gloves, a knee-length rose pink skirt with white polka dots, dark-colored stockings and cyan blue Mary Janes.

This day was bound to happen sometime. She had a feeling that Hope's Peak has had it's eye on her for awhile now.

The title they gave her: The "Ultimate Volleyball Champion".

Honestly, it sounds embarrassing. But she's been doing it since she was a child and she's pretty damn good at it too, so she supposes it makes sense that they were to give her such a title. 

But... Sora isn't exactly a "people" person. Having to be around tons of people every single day for who knows how was complete torture to her. Because of that, she was thinking of declining, but when she heard that you were practically set for life once you graduate, she couldn't just pass that up. 

Regardless, she had made up her mind. But...actually standing there in front of the school... She started to have second doubts about this.

But still, I can't just stand out here forever... Sora thought to herself while looking down at the acceptance letter clutched in her lazy grip. It said that there'd be a meeting for all incoming students in the main hall at 8:00 A.M.

Sora looked down at her wristwatch. The meeting isn't for a full hour but... It wouldn't hurt to be a little early, right?

I think it's best if I just went in...

With some reluctance, she headed into the school. But...the second she planted her feet into the main hall...


She felt a pain shoot up her head. Her sight started deteriorating as her vision became more warped and twisted by the second.

"W-What's goin'...?"

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