Class Trial #5: Poltergeist Persistence

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(3rd Person's POV)


Monokuma lets out a cough as he gets started.

Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate! ...Okay, well! I'll leave the rest up to you!

Byakuya: Well then, let's discuss the specifics of the victim. First, we need to clarify who exactly the unidentified victim is.

Hiro:  It's Kirigiri! There's no other explanation!

Everyone gave Hiro confused looks, as if he had three heads growing out of him.

Toko: But Kirigiri's standing right there...!

But Hiro just shook his head in denial.

Hiro: No! That's a ghost!

Kyoko: ...

Hina: But...she has legs and stuff.

Hiro:  Well that's just because...she's like the latest evolution in ghost technology!

Sora: (Facepalms) Kami...

Byakuya: There's a limit to how much ridiculousness I can tolerate...

Sora: How did you manage to survive this long...? (Shakes her head) Anyway, I guess I have to prove that the corpse isn't Kiri's, right? So, let's compare her traits to the one's that the dead body has.

Hina: Her traits...?

One important trait Kyoko has that proves the body doesn't belong to her...


-Kyoko's gloves

-Kyoko's piercing glare

-Kyoko's face



Sora: I'm talking about those gloves she always wears. Those might help in the mystery, probably.

Byakuya:  In that case, I think it would be helpful if someone explained why she actually wears those gloves.

Kyoko: And would you happen to know the answer?

Byakuya chuckled as he pushed up his glasses, making them shine.

Byakuya: In fact, Monokuma told me. Apparently you have scars on your hands you don't want anyone to see.

Kyoko: ...

Hina: Oh! You know, now that I think about it...the corpse wasn't wearing any gloves, right!?

Hiro: They probably just got burnt up in the explosion! I'm not convinced! The ghost is just trying to fool us all!

Makoto: (Scratches his cheek) Well, I...guess we're gonna have to prove that the body isn't Kirigiri's...

Sora: Wait a minute, are we seriously gonna waste a Nonstop Debate on Hiro's dumbass logic-?!



Hiro: That "Kirigiri" there is just a ghost!

Toko: I-Impossible...

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