Chapter 2: Adaptation

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(3rd Person's POV)

The students then began their search around the school. Some people split into groups, while some went on their own. Sora was one of the latter individuals who took this path. Not only does she not trust anyone here all that much, but she works best when she's by herself. Having someone with her would only slow her down.

Sora aimlessly walked around until she found a hallway of dorm rooms. She walked to her dorm, which had a room plate with a small pixelated version of herself. She also noticed that it was between Makoto and Kyoko.

Putting that aside, she pushed open the door and went inside.

"...?" Sora tilted her head as she saw the room. It was rather spacey for a school dorm. Like a motel of sorts. It had a bed near the wall and a desk near the edge of the room with a stack of sketchbooks, with a rolling chair in front of the desk, as well as a comfy chair in front of the bed, and a circle-shaped table. There was also a little mini-fridge next to the desk, and an espresso machine on top of the table. 

Her gaze wandered as she saw another door next to the desk. Sora walked in and saw the bathroom. She peered behind the door to see a fully-functional shower and sink. She walked to the sink and tested the waters.

One lever is hot, and one is cold. Just like I thought... Sora thought in her head. She sighed as she walked back into the room. What now...?

She shrugged as she took out the student handbook and re-read the rules. It kinda sucked that she couldn't sleep anywhere she wanted, but it is what it is...

She doesn't know how much time has passed, but she blinked her eyes as she regained her sense of time. She looked at her wristwatch. Before everyone split up, Taka said they'll be meeting up in the "dining hall". It's in two minutes...

Sora got up from her bed, went out of her room, and power-walked through the hallway. She soon found her way and opened the doors, where she found that a few people were already there. Including Makoto, who seemed to be just fine.


Soon, everyone strolled in one after another. After a few minutes, everyone had gathered in the dining hall. Taka then planed his hands on the table, getting everyone's attention.

"Okay! It looks like everyone's here. Time to start the meeting! Let's all go around and share what we found during out respective investigations!" Taka told everyone. "The sooner we find out what's going on, the sooner we get out of here!"

"Wait, hold on a sec!" Junko cut through whatever Taka was about to say next.

"What's wrong!?" Taka asked in an impatient tone.

"What about, uh...what's her name? You know, the silver-haired girl..." Junko played with one of her pigtails, trying to run her train of thought. "Uh...oh yeah, Kirigiri!"

"...What about her?" Taka asked.

"She's not here." Junko bluntly told him.

"What!?" Taka shouted. Sora looked around the dining hall, and, sure enough, Kyoko was nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder where she went. Has anyone seen her?" Hina asked, but everyone just shook their heads.

"Wait, so nobody's seen her?" Chihiro said, confused.

Hm...Kyoko's not here yet? Is it because...? Sora thought as her mind flashed back to what Monokuma said earlier.

"Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, crushing, hacking, drowning, igniting, how you do it doesn't matter. You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that. The rest is up to you. Give it your all to achieve the best outcome in the worst way possible."

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