Class Trial #5 Epilogue: The Ultimate Detective

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(3rd Person's POV)

"So, you said that you had a reason for investigating all that stuff on your own." Sora recalled. "How'd that turn out for ya? You remember anything?"

"I think there's still a lot I don't remember. But at the very least..." Kyoko flipped her hair. "I was finally able to recall my purpose, and my ability."

"Your "ability"?" Sora raised an eyebrow.

Kyoko folded her arms. "My ability--what everyone should have known me for..." She made a small smirk as she looked Sora straight in the eyes. "...I'm the Ultimate Detective."

The two stood in silence at Kyoko's revelation. A brief breeze of wind brushed over the two as they both exchanged serious expressions before Sora broke the silence by letting out a small giggle.

"Obviously." Sora snickered.

Kyoko blinked. "Obviously...? You knew?"

"Not exactly, but I had a pretty good idea on your talent for a while now." Sora said. "I mean, come on, Kiri. Not only do you fit the "Mysterious Detective" trope to a T, but you were really detailed when it came to the dead bodies." She explained. "Like, taking a look at Fujisaki's head wound? Knowing what rigor mortis is? By the time the 4th trial came around, I just assumed you were either a detective skilled in homicide cases or some kinda serial killer with a fetish for corpses." The blonde chuckled. "Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't connect the dots and find out yourself."

"I-I told you before, I'm not "into" dead bodies, I'm into solving mysteries."

"...Which involves checking out dead bodies. Sooo..."

Kyoko rolled her eyes. "Anyway... The reason I came to Hope's Peak Academy... There was someone I had to find here in the school."

 "Who's that?" Sora asked.

"Well... It was the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy." Kyoko told her.

"The headmaster...? Why would you want to find them?" Sora raised an eyebrow.

Kyoko let out a sigh. "Because...he's my father."

"...I'm sorry, what." Sora deadpanned.

"I was separated from him as a child." Kyoko explained. "As it turns out, he became the headmaster of Hope's Peak."

So you mean to tell me... Sora thought. That Kyoko is the daughter of the headmaster, who runs the most well-renowned school in Japan?! What kinda last-second surprise plot twist bullshit is this...?!

"But then...that explains why you acted so out of character when Alter Ego and Doppelgänger told us that the headmaster might be involved..."


"I'll find a way..."


"No matter what it takes...I will find the headmaster. No matter the cost..."

"Kirigiri? What's going on...?"



Kyoko closed her eyes. "My memory hadn't come back at that point. But when he said that, I felt...strange. It makes perfect sense now, of course, since my whole purpose for coming here was to find him."

"I guess that...kinda makes sense." Sora mumbled.

"But listen, Shirayuki." Kyoko opened her eyes. "I want to make this perfectly clear, so there's no misunderstanding... I said the headmaster wasn't the mastermind, but I didn't say that to protect him. I only said what I felt based on what I'd seen when I snuck into the headmaster's room."

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