Chapter 9: Exploring The Second Floor

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Hm....what's this 'new world' Monokuma mentioned...?" Sora wondered to herself as she was walking aimlessly around the halls. She glanced at the stairs and walked passed it. Stopping, she moonwalked back to the stairs as she tilted her head in confusion. Didn't Sakura say these were blocked to gates before....?

So this is what he meant...the second floor of Hope's Peak Academy...

Without a second thought, Sora walked up the stairs and was me with a whole new landscape. Walking around again, she stopped as she saw a door that was labeled as "Pool."

Why the heck is there a pool on the second floor....? Sora thought before shrugging. She opened the door and met some familiar faces.

"Oh, Shirayuki..." Makoto turned to see her.

"Hey, Shirayuki! Guess what I found!" Hina exclaimed, grabbing onto Sora's shoulders.


"A pool! There's a pool here! A POOL! Pool pool pool!" Hina started shaking Sora with extreme force, like something out of a cartoon.

"Okay okay, I get it." Sora calmly said as she pried Hina off her, who nervously giggled before backing away from the blonde a bit.

"And there a ton of exercise equipment in the locker room! Sakura's gonna go nuts when she finds out!" Hina said.

"Yeah, you're right about that." Makoto nodded in agreement.

Sora folded her arms behind her back. Hina seems way more hyper than usual...

"The locker rooms connect to a pool! It looks super nice!" Hina added. "And big! And fantastic to swim in! Ahh, I'm beyond excited right now! I can't wait to dive in! In fact, I'm gettin' kinda mad thinking about it!"

Sora rolled her eyes. It's way too early for her to be dealing with this stuff...

Walking over, she saw Celeste, who noticed her walk over.

"Ah, Shirayuki." Celeste greeted. "The 2nd floor has opened up, the living area has grown, and a number of facilities are now available. Whatever else is going on, I must admit things have been made much more comfortable for us. If things continue like this, the occasional class trial may not be so bad. Hmhmhm..." She unsettlingly giggled.

"..." Sora took a BIG step back away from Celeste before looking up to see a type of gun on the ceiling. ...I've not even gonna ask about that...

Looking in front of her, the blonde noticed two doors. One has a label that said "Boys", and one that said "Girls".

"Oh! And I guess you need your handbook to get into the locker rooms!" Hina said as she was next to Sora, as well as Makoto.

"Really?" Makoto asked.

"Really really!" A voice exclaimed as Monokuma appeared behind the three.

"Uwaah!" Hina cried.

"...How do you keep doin' that?" Sora asked, tilting her head.

"Puhuhu...that's for me to know, and you to never find out!" Monokuma chuckled. "If you wanna unlocker the locker room you'll have to swipe your personal e-Handbook across the card reader next to the door. However, to ensure maximum security within each locker room only a boy's handbook can open the boys locker room, and the same goes for the girls! And that's the bottom line!"

"Hmm...but what if someone opens the door, and then someone else sneaks in?" Hina asked.

"Anyone who commits such indecency will be punished without mercy for their scandalous sexual depravity!" Monokuma said, putting his paw up and revealing his claws. He then pointed to the ceiling." See, there's a Gatling gun mounted on the ceiling, right? And it'll be all DUKKA DUKKA DUKKA DUKKA!"

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