Class Trial #6: Junko Enoshima

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(3rd Person's POV)

Sora: That's the whole story behind this incident! Well? What do you have to say to that!?

Monokuma: ... .... .... .... .... ...

The bear's head flopped down, looking at nothing but the floor. It's as if he became despondent.

Byakuya: What, are you broken again?

Monokuma: ...

Hina: You can't get out of this, so don't even try!

Monokuma: ...

Hiro: Come on! It's time you finally revealed yourself!

Monokuma: ...

Toko: It's not like y-you're an endangered species or something! How l-long do you plan to keep hiding?

Monokuma: ...

Makoto: I told you, didn't I? When you killed Alter of these days, you will pay for what you've done! And that time is right now!

Monokuma: ...

Kyoko: Give it up, Enoshima. The game's over.

Monokuma: ...

The bear silently turned his back to the students once again. And then, he spoke...

Monokuma: ...Over? Puhu... Puhuhu... Did you really think the story would end once we reached the climax of the case? Wrong! There's still plenty more to go!

Without any warning, Monokuma jumped behind his seat. Then, a mysterious gust of smoke entered the trial grounds, and surrounded the bear.

Once the dust settled, the students looked to see that...Monokuma was gone. And in his place was a young woman. A young woman with strawberry blonde hair and deceitfully sweet light blue eyes. A young woman that the students recognized all too well.

Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair...

Opening her eyes, the blonde formed a smug smirk as a crown appeared on her head and proceeded to speak in a royal tone of voice.

Junko: We have been waiting! Waiting so very long for peasants like you to appear! If you swear your fealty to us, we will reward you with half of the entire world! We've even drawn up the deed already! We will grant you honor, status, and some of our home cooking! Have you made your choice? Will you serve under us?

Sora/Kyoko/Makoto/Byakuya/Hina/Hiro/Toko: (Bluntly and in the most deadpan way humanly possible) No.

In response, Junko let out a sigh as she struck a pose while covering half of her face with a hand.

Junko: Oh, did you think I was being serious? Sorry, I was just messing with you. It's been so long since I've had an audience, even I'm not sure what kind of role I'm supposed to play.

So...this is the real Junko Enoshima. The mastermind behind all of this... Sora thought as she narrowed her eyes.

Junko: Anyway, looks like I've finally been set free. Having to play Monokuma all the time, day after day... It was like I was stuck in purgatory, or like a slow suicide. I get bored so easy, ya know?

Toko: (Gasps) Y-Your face...

Junko: Huh? What about my face? What's wrong with my beautiful face? People have told me I'm cuter than a hundred chihuahuas combined.

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