Chapter 11: Reassurance

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(3rd Person's POV)


"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Awakened by the morning announcement, Sora yawned as she got out of her bed and did her morning routine. Once she was done, she got out of the bathroom and sighed.

"I guess I gotta go to the dinin' hall." Sora said. "Got nothin' better to do..."


The lazy blonde headed straight to the dining hall. As usual, she's one of the first people to attend. And soon, the others starting piling in as well, with Makoto being the last one to enter. But...

"Is this...everyone?" Taka asked, looking around the dining hall. "It feels a little...small. Even the table looks bigger, somehow."

Sora shrugged at Taka's comment. Byakuya and Toko stormed off and renounced their "allegiance" to the group, so it's not much of a surprise that they aren't here.

"I assume that is because three people are dead, and two are abstaining." Celeste said.

"Yeah, with five people missing, I guess it would feel kinda empty." Makoto conceded.

"Still... I know Togami's whatever, but shouldn't we go check on Fukawa?" Hina asked.

"I vote no. She's super annoying." Hiro bluntly responded as Sora nodded in agreement. The less schmoes she has to deal with, the better.

"How can you be so cold? You are like a piece of rock candy." Celeste said.

"What!? No, rock candy isn't cold! It's sweet!" Taka corrected, comically missing the point.

"...Anyway, Togami's the real problem. If we don't keep an eye on him, he might really kill someone." Mondo spoke up. "You can see it in his eyes..." He then banged his fist on the table. "We got no choice! Get some rope! We're gonna hafta keep him bound and gagged!"

"I think that's going a little overboard..." Makoto sweatdropped.

"But, you know, Owada's right!" Taka spoke up. "In this situation, there's nothing scarier than when an ally turns loose cannon! It's just like when we were kids, and someone would go crazy at sports day or whatever!"

Mondo gave him a weird look. "What the fuck are you talking about!? You gonna use the rope to do tug of war or something!? Idiot!"

Taka seemed to take offense to that. "I'm not an idiot...! YOU'RE an idiot!"

"Wow, great comeback Taka. You sure showed him." Sora sarcastically clapped without a hint of emotion in her comment.

"Thank you very much!" Taka exclaimed. It seemed he doesn't understand sarcasm. "I've been practicing verbal self-defense in case situations like this arise!"

"She was bein' sarcastic, dumbass!" Mondo told him. "And who're you callin' an idiot?!"

"..." While this was going on, Chihiro had her head down in sadness.

"Huh? What's wrong, Fujisaki?" Makoto asked, noticing this. "You don't look so great..."

"Oh, I'm just going through a little...self-loathing."

"Huh? Self-loathing?"

"Well, after what Togami said to me yesterday...I just got so nervous, I locked up. I couldn't say anything." Chihiro explained. "Owada ended up having to help me out. And even he said I was someone who "can't fight back"... I...I hate how weak I am."

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ