Chapter 40: Re-Trial Proposal

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(3rd Person's POV)


Sora pursed her lips. She nervously followed Kyoko as they left the trash room. The rapid beating in her heart matched the steps she took. She could hear the heels of her Mary Janes clack against the floor as the walked throughout the entirety of the 1st floor.

Eventually, the two would finally reach the gym door after what felt like an eternity. Kyoko placed her hand on the knob before looking back at Sora.

"...You ready?"

Sora sighed, honestly responding. "Not really. But..." She made a small smile. "If I spend all my time trying to avoid danger, then I'll never move forward. So..."

Kyoko lightly beamed. "Okay, then. Let's go." She said as she turned the knob.


Here goes nothing...

The two entered the gym. The first thing they saw was...

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey HEY!" Monokuma yelled, looking angry as he looked at the two. "Kirigiri I don't mind so much. But Shirayuki's supposed to be dead! What's SHE doing here!?"

"Good grief..." Sora mumbled. That's exactly how I thought he'd react... Are we really gonna be okay...?

"You were supposed to be punished! Did Kirigiri help you!?" Monokuma demanded to know.

Kyoko scoffed. "So what if I did? What will you do?"

"If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed. It's unfortunate, but that is the rule..." Monokuma growled, brandishing his claws while glaring at Sora. "So now I gotta punish you again! And this time I won't leave anything to chance!"

"Uhhh, Kiri..." Sora felt a drop of sweat roll down her face.

"Do whatever you feel you have to." Kyoko said.

"...What." Sora deadpanned.

"But before you do, let me just say one thing." Kyoko requested while she flipped her head. "If you execute Shirayuki, that means you lose. Not that that matters to you, right?"

"Huh? I...lose?" Monokuma tilted his head in confusion before replacing it with anger. "You! Explain yourself! What do you mean by that!?"

"Well, you set up this latest class trial yourself, right? I was getting in your way, so you wanted an excuse to kill me." Kyoko accused. "I was supposed to be chosen as the blackened and then executed, right?"

Monokuma froze in his place. "H-Hey, what are you talking about?"

"But when Shirayuki chose to overlook my lie, your plan came crashing down." Kyoko smirked. "The results of the trial weren't at all what you were expecting. Because you never imagined that in that position, one person would protect another like that. And in response to that unexpected development..."

She made a subtle glare at Monokuma. "...You reacted by proclaiming Shirayuki the blackened and trying to execute her. You made that choice out of desperation. No, more than that... You must have realized that Shirayuki, who refused to be manipulated, was a threat to you, as well."

"..." Monokuma stayed silent.

"But then there was another unexpected development waiting for you. An entity that would throw a wrench, so to speak, in your precious execution machinery."

Sora slightly widened her eyes. "Doppelgänger..." 

Kyoko nodded. "You never imagined the possibility of a being that could come to our aid even after you'd "killed" her." She made a fierce point at Monokuma as she proclaimed. "Now, here's the absolute truth. Shirayuki didn't kill Ikusaba. You did."

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