Class Trial #4: Hiro's Confession...?

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(3rd Person's POV)

Hiro: Yeah... Yeah, that's exactly what happened.

Everyone looked at Hiro as he made his confession.

Hina: Ah! He admits it!

Kyoko: I figured as much.

Makoto: But...why would you write something like that?

Hiro: B-Because...

He looked at them with a fearful expression on his face.

Hiro: Because I killed her!

Sora: What.

Hiro: Please, just let me explain what happened... I got Ogre's note, and so I headed to the rec room right before noon, just like it said...

Byakuya: You just did exactly as the note asked? What a fool...

Hiro: And when I got there...


"Sorry, but do you mind waiting? I asked a couple of other people to meet, as well."


"Would you like a piece of candy? It might help give you some energy."

She handed him the candy, and he hesitantly took it.

"O-Oh, sure... Thanks."

"And that's all she said. After that, we just stood around in awkward silence... Suddenly, I heard her mutter something..."

"This is it... I'm going to end it today... I'm going to end...everything."

"As soon as I heard that, I just knew... I knew she was gonna try and kill me! She was gonna kill me and make her escape! So of course I freaked out, and then..."


"I saw my only chance. I grabbed a Monokuma Bottle from the shelf, and smashed it across her head! I...I hit her from behind, before she had any idea what was happening!"


Hiro: Then she just...went limp. I didn't see her move again after that. Once it was over, I pulled myself together. I realized if I didn't do something, I'd be caught and executed. So I wrote Fukawa's first name in blood across a magazine on the table, and...I ran away.

Unlike the others, who were shocked or surprised at this information, Sora was...impressed.

Huh. Who would've thought he had the balls...? Sora thought.

Toko: I-I can't believe you! You're the worst! I hope you d-die!

Hiro: Well, that's what happened. Go ahead, roast me, boil me, do whatever you want...

Hina shot a fierce glare at him, her eyes full of hatred.

Hina: You're not gonna get off that easy. It's death...death for the one that killed Sakura!

She turned towards the lever on her podium.

Hina: We're ready to vote now, right!? We know who did it!

But Kyoko would shake her head.

Kyoko: No, I think there's more to Hiro's story...

Hina: What are you talking about? What else could there be!?

Kyoko: There's one thing that Hiro's story just now doesn't explain. And until we figure that part out, we can't consider the case closed.

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