Class Trial #5: Unrelenting Suspicion

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(3rd Person's POV)


 Hiro: Suspicious... Very suspicious indeed! The knife we found stuck in the body came from Shirayuki! Now I'm totally convinced he did it! Twelve thousand percent convinced!

"Considering everythin' up 'till now, I should be able to make it clear..."

Sora took a deep breath and faced the others, eyes shining with newfound determination.

"I gotta prove that I didn't murder anyone! I'm NOT the killer!"



Hina: The knife we found lodged in the dead body...

Toko: I-It's the same one we g-gave to Mistress!

Hina: It really is, isn't it? I was afraid of that...

Hiro:  If she did have that knife before, then...that seals it! Shirayuki did it!

Sora: Tch. So what, just 'cuz I had the knife once...that automatically makes me the killer?

Hiro: Well, getting stabbed is what killed her right? So there's no question! You took that knife of yours and killed her with it!

Toko: I-I can't believe you, Mistress... and to think I viewed you as the perfect friend with benefits candidate!

Sora's Truth Bullet: Disguised Dead Body



Sora: Wait a minute. The stab wound wasn't the cause of death. The description of the cover-up proves that!

But Hiro refused to hear it.

Hiro: Lies! We never talked about what killed her!

Sora: Hey, just listen to me, would ya? The killer covered the dead body with the tarp, and then put the bloody coat on it, right? That means the victim never wore it until after they were killed.

Hiro: Okay, fine! So what!?

Sora: When we discovered the body...the knife had been thrust through the coat along with the body. In other words, if she wasn't stabbed until the coat was put on, and she was already dead at that point...then the stab wound wasn't what killed her! That's "so what?!"!

Hiro looked taken back at the reasonably refute, but still insisted that Sora was the culprit.

Hiro: M-Maybe you stabbed her twice! Once to kill her, and once to cover it up!

The victim was stabbed twice in the same spot? No, there's no way that's possible...



Sora's Truth Bullet: Monokuma File #5



Sora: (Shakes her head) No, that's wrong. The Monokuma File clearly states that there was only one stab wound.

Everyone widened their eyes.

Hiro: Oh yeah, it sure did! I totally forgot about that!

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