Chapter 6: Find The Murderer

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Wh...? H-Huh? This wasn't...supposed"

Still holding on to what little life she had, she weakly turned her head to Sora, tears filling her eyes.


"...?" Sora tilted her head in confusion

Suddenly, right at the end, her eyes shot wide open. And just like that...she never moved again.

Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Fashionista...was dead.

"Wh-What the..." Hina uttered, her hands covering her mouth in horror.

"I don't..." Chihiro trailed off.

"Th-This can't be real..." Leon said.


"Huh." Sora blinked. "I was right. Punctured by multiple spears..."

"Who gives a shit if you were right?!" Mondo yelled. "Didn't ya see what just happened?!"

"Now I am painfully aware of the great power and meaning of a promise... I really wanted to keep a corpse from popping up for no good reason, ya know?" Monokuma said, lifting up his paw. "But I guess you all needed to be taught a lesson, after all. Ahh, what an amazing promise! But now you guys understand, right? Now you see just how serious I am..." His lone red eye started glowing again. "Defy me and you get shot full of holes, exploded, buried alive, cetera. So if you don't want that to happen to you, you'd best obey those school regulations!"

Sora looked at Junko's impaled body. She cringed at the excessive amount of blood pouring out of her body. This was the first time she'd seen somebody die right before her eyes.

"It's really not all that shocking. She just died, that's all. Just went and died." Monokuma chuckled. "It's no more remarkable than the inevitable demise of the entire human race. It's just as natural as the eventual end of the world itself. This isn't some superhero comic. So it's not like when you die, you didn't really die. This is reality!"

" ...Why did you have to kill her? Didn't you say you would put her in prison or something?" Kyoko asked, staring straight at Monokuma.

"I changed my mind." Monokuma said, turning away from the students.

Kyoko shook her head. "No, you've been wanting to kill this entire time."

"Kill this entire time...?" Monokuma tilted his head as he turned around again. "Don't be silly, you can't kill time! Or are you being metaphorical? Are you saying I wanted to waste time this whole time? Come on, what do you take me for? I'm Monokuma!" He then shook his head. "Anyways, none of that matters right now. I have something I'd like to give you to help you in your search for the blackened!"

He pulled out little black and grey booklets and passed them out to the students. "This little file has all the information I've gathered about the death in question. I like to call it... The Monokuma File! I mean, naturally you guys aren't experts at this kind of thing, so you can only do so much with a corpse." Monokuma said. "So instead, I've gathered up everything I know about the circumstances and cause of death. What's that? How do I know the cause of death, you ask?"

We didn't ask... Sora thought.

"Cuz the surveillance cameras picked up the whole thing! I got to see it all go down!" Monokuma proudly announced.

"Wait, so know who killed Maizono?" Kyoko asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I do!" Monokuma laughed. "If I didn't, I couldn't possibly pass a fair and accurate judgment during the trial, now could I?" He rhetorically asked while Sora made a shrug that said 'fair point'.

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