Chapter 34: Headmaster Trespassing

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(3rd Person's POV)

The group would head out of the gym and walked up the stairs to the fifth floor. They soon stopped walking around as they laid their eyes on the door of the headmaster's room.

Sora would walk up to it and tried to turn the doorknob, but...


"It's locked. As expected." Byakuya said.

"Now what?" Sora asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We're going to tear this door off its hinges." Byakuya responded.

"Wait, but...the rules say--" Hina was about to remind him.

"We've seen that the mastermind isn't watching us. Those don't matter anymore."

"But like Shirayuki said... If the mastermind did show up while we were in there..." Hiro trailed off.

"Then we'll just have to finish our business before that can happen." Byakuya folded his arms.

"Okay, sure...but..."

"We've come this far, we can't back down now. We agreed this is what we have to do. So we have to do it."

"S-So beautiful...!" Toko gushed as she felt her cheeks flush red.

Hiro looked at Toko. "For serious...?"

"We don't have any choice... We're desperate!" Hina exclaimed as she glared at the door. "Let's do it! Let's rip this door down!"

"Okay, are we gonna do that?" Hiro asked. "This thing looks pretty sturdy..."

"Then we'll need something sturdy of our own." Byakuya mused.

"Oh well, what about that thing in the toolshed?" Sora spoke up.

Hiro's face lit up. "Oh yeah! The pickaxe!"

"Interesting. That could very well be exactly what we need." Byakuya slowly nodded. "Now then..." He turned to Toko. "Fukawa, what time is it?"

"W-Well, when we left the gym, it was j-just before 9 o'clock. So it's probably 9 on the d-dot now..."

"Okay. Go get the pickaxe and be back here by 9:01."

"That's straight-up unreasonable!" Hiro exclaimed.

"I-I-I...! By m-myself...?" Toko stuttered.

"Surely you like to have your me-time once in a while, right?" Byakuya looked at her.

"W-Well...if it's me-and-you-and-Mistress-time, Master, then y-yeah..."

"Please don't bring me into this..." Sora groaned.

"You know how much time it took you to say that? Ten seconds. Take too long, and I'll erase your existence from my consciousness." Byakuya threatened. 

"Don'tcha try to do that every single second you're around her?" Sora raised an eyebrow.

"UnacceptabbbbbbllllLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!!" Toko scremed as she ran off.

"For serious, though...are we just gonna knock this door down?" Hiro asked Byakuya.

"No problem is solved by running away. Find your stones and be a man."

"I think Hiro lost those a long time ago." Sora snarked.


But I guess he has a point. Sora thought. I don't think it's good to away from whatever scares ya...

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