Chapter 42: Uncovering Discoveries

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(3rd Person's POV)

Sora walked through the halls of the destroyed halls of the dorms of the 2nd floor. She looked lost in thought as her legs moved on their own.


Finally, she stopped and turned her head to her destination. She would turn to the door that contained the locker room.


Walking in, Sora would immediately head to the locker door with the card reader.

Only the owner of the locker has access to this. Normally, none of us would be able to use it... Sora thought. But... 

She pulled out the headmaster's E-Handbook. "What about this? According to Kiri, this handbook has no limitations. Let's see..."

Sora took the emergency handbook and ran it across the card reader, and...


 Looks like it worked. Let's see here... Sora thought as she opened the locker up, but aside from a few standard objects, there was nothing that could be a clue.

"Disappointing..." Sora mumbled as she walked through the locker room. Some of the lockers looked like they're empty, but... "What about this one?" She wondered as she looked at a intact locker room. 

She used the emergency handbook on the locker, and...


"Alright, let's see what's in here..." Sora mused as she opened the locker. ...Huh?

The locker was practically empty. The only thing that was in it was some kind of pocketbook. Sora didn't see a name written on it, so she doesn't know who it belongs to. But there's some writing inside, so it looks like it could be important.

Sora reached inside and grabbed the pocketbook. Opening it, the blonde could tell that it was a girl's handwriting. And all the letters are spaced out evenly, like whoever wrote them was measuring them. Whoever wrote this must have been really meticulous.

Somehow, I have a pretty good idea on who this belongs to...

"...?" Sora raised an eyebrow. She was flipping through the pocketbook, but her hand suddenly froze when she arrived at a certain page. She saw something written there, words that she's heard before from a certain person...


"There's a plan to turn Hope's Peak into a shelter, and isolate the students here in a communal life. I decided to talk to the one who came up with the plan directly. It just so happens to be the headmaster--and my father. He was willing to give me some more details regarding the plan. Here's what he said...

"'The point is to keep our student prodigies safe, to keep them as our hope for the future. Only their genius can overcome disaster, and only their hope can overcome despair. For the future of our country, our world, it's not an exaggeration to call this our final hope. We must isolate our superior youth from the corrupted world, to server as the foundation for a new era. This is the only hope we have. I hope that you'll be willing to go along with this plan...'

"So that's what my father had to say to me. As usual, he made a selfish decision without consulting anyone else. I can't imagine a worse father."


Sora let out a sigh. "I knew it..."

It was as clear as a crystal. This pocketbook belonged to Kyoko... There's no-one else who it could apply to.

"But...if this belongs to Kyoko and she wrote this..." Sora mused. What's it doing in this locker that belongs to our upperclassmen? And...what's written here clearly contradicts what she told me. According to her, she hasn't seen her father since she was a child.

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