Free Time Events

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Welp. The main story may be done, there's still a ways to go before we truly end this book.

This time, we'll be doing the extra content that Trigger Happy Havoc has to offer. First, we'll be doing Sora's Free Time Events.

Now...let's get this started!

 Sora Shirayuki's Free Time Events (Note: This'll be from Makoto's POV):

Free Time Event #1:

I found Sora standing around in the halls, absent-mindedly staring into space. I walked up to her while she seemed to be lost in thought.

"Kill to escape? Good grief... What a bother..."

Should I spend a little time with Sora?

-Yes ✓


"Eh, why not? Got nothing better to do..."


I spend some time walking around the school with Sora...

...I feel like me and Sora have gotten closer.

Would you like to give Sora a present?

-Yes, definitely ✓

-Not really, no

Give Mac's Gloves as a present?

-Yes ✓


"This looks like it might come in handy one day. You sure you want me to have this? I mean, I'll still take it, but..."

I get the impression that she liked it. That's good...


"Oh, geez..." Sora let out a sigh. She looked pretty disappointed.

"What's wrong, Shirayuki?" I asked.

"I was about to ask you something, but I forgot. Again." She explained. "Good grief..."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm sure you'll remember eventually..." I assured her.

"Yeah, maybe... But it's so frustrating, you know?" Sora folded her arms with a frown. "Something just randomly pops into your mind and then before you even know it, it just disappears right from the face of your subconscious. And this time it was really important, too!" She groaned. "Typical..." it really that bad?

"You say that like it happens all the time..." I sweatdropped.

"Because it does." She told me.

I looked surprised. "R-Really?"

"Yeah. It usually happens at least twice a day, but it happens at the most inconvenient time, too! Like this one time when I was in middle school, I was taking a super important exam. Like "Will make or break your entire school year" important." Sora began. "I was doing pretty good and I was almost finished, but when I got the last question..." She grimaced, clearly forcing herself to relive the memory. "I just up and forgot what the answer was!"

"Yeah, that sounds pretty annoying. Having something like that slip from your mind, and during an important exam like that..."

"I know, right? Because of all that, I had to straight-up guess! ...I mean, granted, I still got it right and ended up acing the exam altogether, but still...!"

I blinked in surprise at that last comment. Even after all that, she still passed it. And by making an educated guess...?

"Geez, you sure lucked out on that one, huh...?" I muttered.

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