Class Trial #4: Surprising Suspect

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(3rd Person's POV)

"It was me."

Everyone in the trial grounds turned to...

Hina: The footprints...they're mine.

Makoto: H-Hina...?

Hina: ...If you're all gonna find out anyway... I'd rather you hear it straight from me, ya know?

Hiro: Then...Ogre's killer was--!

Hina sighed.

Hina: Yup... I did it! I killed Sakura!

Byakuya hummed with interest.

Byakuya: Just as I suspected. The footprints were made by a pair of sneakers--there was no mistaking it. And the only people here who wear sneakers are...

Sneakers... Sora thought. The only people who wear those are...


-Makoto and Hina

-Makoto and Leon

-Makoto and Byakuya



Sora: Well... The footprints can only be from Naegi and Hina. I mean, personally, I only wear heels, so there's no way that can be mine.

Kyoko: Plus, your feet are smaller than anyone else's.

Sora: ...How do you know that?

Kyoko: (Smirks) Oh, I have my ways...

Makoto: So Togami...that explains why you...


"These footprints must be... Naegi, are they yours?"


"Okay. Then let me see your shoes and I'll confirm their size for myself."


Byakuya: If the footprints didn't belong to Naegi, that left only one other possibility.

Hiro: Just Hina...

Byakuya: Plus, Hina's been acting strange ever since the trial began. You were in an awful rush to get to the vote, weren't you?

He made an accusing point towards the swimmer.

Byakuya: This whole time, you've been focused on pinning the crime on someone else, haven't you?

Hina: ...

Makoto: I...I can't believe it.

Byakuya: What about it can't you believe?

Makoto: Well, it's just...the two of them were so close.

Byakuya simply chuckled.

Byakuya: That's likely exactly why it turned out this way. Because they were so close, Ogami didn't think twice about it when Hina handed her the concoction. Hina used that trust to kill her! She deceived the victim, and she tried to deceive all of us. I have to say, Hina...coming from you, this was a particularly nasty little scheme.

Hina: ...

Makoto: it true? Did you really...kill Ogami? And if you did... Why!? Why would you do that!?

Ultimate Life Or Death Despair Game (Danganronpa THH X Fem! OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα