Prologue Part Three: Mr. Monokuma

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(3rd Person's POV)


As soon as that noise filled their air, a shadowy figure made its way to a nearby monitor.

"Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two!" The figure said in a high-pitched tone of voice. "This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then...!"

Something about the voice didn't feel right. It was so playful, so unconcerned...and not in the good laidback kind of way. Sora couldn't help but tense up as a sense of dread crawled up her back. It was like someone jumping for joy at a funeral, or hearing someone laugh at the scene of a terrible accident.

"Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now!" The figure cheerfully announced. Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. ...That's all. I'll be waiting!"

And just like that, the monitor shut off.

"...What. The. Hell was that just now?" Junko wondered in fear, her face turning a bit blue.

"Well then, if you'll excuse me..." Byakuya said, not even remotely concerned as he turned his back to the students and walked off.

"H-Hey! What, you're gonna take off just like that!?" Junko asked, but he was already gone.

"Ohh yeah, now I get it! This whole thing was just to get us all pumped for the entrance ceremony! Man, thank god it was all a joke. I'd be totally freaked if this was real!" Hiro laughed. "Alright, guess I'll head out too. Wonder what they got planned for us next..." With a content smile on his face, Hiro walked away.

"Damn, I was totally looking forward to that nap too. Why'd they have to go and kill the mood?" Leon complained as he walked off as well, silently grumbling.

"W-Wait for me! I wanna go with you!" Chihiro said, right behind the redhead.

"That is that, then. I will see you all there." Celeste said with another flag-raising smile as she left.

"N-Not that anyone cares, but I-I'm gonna go too..." Toko stuttered as, with a slight stumble in her step, she left, too.

Most of the students took off, but Sora stood still. The dread she wouldn't go away and certainly wouldn't let her go so easily. ...But, it looks like she wasn't the only one.

"This...this doesn't seem right." Sayaka said.

"Yeah, that announcement was totally weird." Junko agreed.

"Maybe, but just staying put doesn't mean we'll be safe." Kyoko told them. "Besides, aren't you guys just a little bit curious to find out what's going on around here?"

"If we do not move forward, we learn nothing. The only choice is to push ahead." Sakura said.

Sora sighed. They're right. Even though this whole thing is really strange, it's not like she had a choice. She has to go.

"They said to go to the gym, right?" Makoto asked.


After walking around the floor and being cut off at multiple dead-ends (seriously, they really should've given them maps to this place), the students finally found the door to the gym.

"God, I had no idea this Hope's Peak Academy place was gonna be such a pain in my balls." Mondo groaned. "It really ain't that much different from the time I spent in juvie. Hell, this place is even worse!"

"...Juvie?" Sora tilted her head.

"Don't ask." Mondo told her. "It hurts just thinkin' about it."

"And why isn't there anyone here? Walking through the halls, I didn't see a single person..." Sayaka pointed out.

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