Class Trial #2: Crossdressing Conundrums

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(3rd Person's POV)

All the students were left wide-eyed at Sakura's revelation.

Hifumi: Ah, I see. So "she" was actually a he. Interesting. Thank you for confirming this fact.

A second later, Hifumi did a double-take to make a more appropriate reaction.


Sora: ...What.

Hiro: ...You're joking, right?

Sakura: I wouldn't joke about this!

Taka: Th-Th-Then... Then it's really true!?

Makoto: Fujisaki was...a guy?

Monokuma chuckled at the students various reactions.

Monokuma: Hmm? Oh what, you guys didn't know? Heck, I knew that right off the bat! Chihiro Fujisaki was totally a guy!

Genocide Jill: Th-Then...he was a cross-dresser!? Now I'm REALLY on fire! I wish I HAD killed him!

Monokuma: So that's what Kirigiri wanted to show everyone, huh? Interesting...

Kyoko: ...

Monokuma: Puhuhu. Yes, that certainly does make things much more exciting! Now, let's ride this wave of excitement back to the courtroom and get back to the trial!

(Scene Transition brought to you by Chibi Sora being dragged by Monokuma)

Monokuma: Ahem! I do apologize for keeping you waiting. Now then, let's resume the class trial! We've all just learned of the shocking revelation that Fujisaki was actually a boy! Let's pick up from there!

Kyoko: Yes, well...I don't know his reason for hiding it, but the fact is, Fujisaki was not a girl, but a boy.

Sora was still recovering from this sudden fact. Chihiro...was a guy all along...? The thought had never crossed her mind.

Sora: So, Fujisaki... wasdesignatedmaleatbirththoughIcannotsayeitherwaywhethertheyidentifyaseitheroranygenderbutnonethelesstheirIDrecognizesthemasmale.

After her speedy sentence, Sora takes a huge breath of air as the others sweatdropped.

Kyoko: I...suppose you can put it like that, yes.

Byakuya: Well, just like Shirayuki so eloquently pointed out, assuming that his handbook listed his gender as male, then he would have no trouble getting into the locker room.

Monokuma: Of course his handbook said he was a boy! He dressed like a girl, but he was a boy through and through!

Kyoko: So then, there should be no issue with Naegi's and Shirayuki's initial assertion... The victim was killed in the boys locker room, and was then later moved to the girls locker room. And the killer could have easily used Maizono's or Enoshima's handbook to get into the girls locker room.

Taka: So Fujisaki really was killed in the boys locker room!?

Kyoko: I still don't understand the motive for moving the body, but...yes, that does seem plausible.

Byakuya: Well...I must admit, I did find it rather odd... I knew he felt a There was a certain incongruity to his "female" body.

Genocide Jill: This is a most titillating situation!

Byakuya: So now everything has been connected. All the mysteries have finally become clear.

However, Byakuya wasn't off the hook in the eyes of some of the students.

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