Chapter 26: Information Update

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(3rd Person's POV)

When the students got to the dressing room, the first thing they saw was Toko sitting alone on one of the benches, the laptop resting on her lap.

"...Fukawa." Makoto called out, getting her attention. "Did you decide to come hear what Alter Ego and Doppelgänger has, too?"

"I-I already heard it...with M-Master and that short Italian girl..." She then smirked. "And Master!"

"You don't have to keep saying it..." Hina remarked.

"Oh, so Shirayuki heard it, too?" Makoto commented.

" Y-Yeah... She was the first to hear about it. A-After blondie heard about it, she told m-me and Master." Toko told them.

"Anyway, so what are you doing right now?" Hina asked.

Toko scoffed. "Shut up. Stop b-bothering me."

"Get out of the way. We have to talk to Alter Ego and Doppelgänger." Hiro said.

"N-No. I made Master a p-promise."

"A promise?" Sakura inquired.

"Master told me to w-wait here, so that's what I'm d-doing." Toko said.

"What are you, his dog!?" Hina exclaimed.

"If it's wh-what Master wants, I'd do anything h-he asks." Toko lustfully grinned as she pushed her index fingers together.

"You just love being mistreated..." Hiro sighed.

Toko frowned. "W-Well fine, if you really want me gone, by a-all means... Hachoo!" As soon as her sneeze rang in their eyes, a chill went down the student's spines as Toko immediately switched places with Genocide Jill. "Hey guys! What's goin' on!?"

"Um...we'd like you to move." Hiro requested, apprehensive of the serial killer's sudden appearance.

"Sure thing! Just kneel before me and beg!" Genocide Jill cackled.

"First a mega masochist, now a super sadist!" Hiro stepped back in fear.

"Um, Fukawa...? Seriously, I'm asking you nicely to let us use the laptop." Makoto spoke up.

"Hm? HmmMMmMmmMmMMMmmMm~~?" Genocide Jill then pointed her scissors at Makoto. "Didn't you hear what I said!? I told you to kneel and beg!"

"Come on, Naegi! Give her the ol' one-two combo!" Hiro exclaimed. "One--drop to your knees! Two--beseech!"

"Why are you acting like you're not part of this...?" Makoto sweatdropped and sighed. He reluctantly kneeled down in front of Jill. "Please, I'm begging you... Will you please let us use the laptop?"

"Kyeeehahahaha!" She cackled as she blushed. "Such an ultra miraculous feeling of happiness! All my pent-up anger at Master for abusing me is evaporating!"

"So even you realize it's abuse..." Hina mumbled.

"That should be enough, right? Hurry up and let us talk to Alter Ego and Doppelgänger." Kyoko spoke up.

"O-kaaaaaaay!" Genocide Jill complied as she stepped aside.

Makoto got up from the ground as the others gathered around the laptop as the saw a pale green and light blue light coming from it.

"Bout time ya got here!" Doppelgänger exclaimed.

"Everyone, come closer!" Alter Ego requested. "We already told Togami and Shirayuki, but... we were finally able to crack open all the files that were on this laptop! Sorry to have kept you all waiting!"

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