Chapter 35: Enigmatic Room

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(3rd Person's POV)

"Hmmm..." Sora hummed as she investigated the body of the mystery assailant. "...Ah!"

She widened her eyes slightly as she glanced at a...thing on the ground. She picked it up, staring at it curiously.

Is that...some kinda key? Is that the key that Kyoko stole?


 "What was it, then?"

"I stole this..."

"Is that...a key?"


Oh yeah, that's right. The key she stole was shaped like Monokuma. This doesn't like anything like that...

"Then...what is this? And what's it for?" Sora quietly mumbled to herself.

"What is it? Did you find something?" Byakuya walked behind her.

"It's certainly something, alright. I found this thing near the body." Sora showed him the object.

Byakuya stared at it. "I've never seen this key before. What could it possibly go to...?"

"So even you don't know, huh?" Sora sighed.

But Byakuya smirked as he looked towards Sora. "Shirayuki...I'm going to give you a very important task."

"...What." Sora deadpanned.

"That key might give you access to certain areas we thought were locked."

"A-Are you talkin' about...?"

"The bio lab, the data center, the headmaster's room, and the dorm rooms on the 2nd floor... It's in your hands."

Oh, so now I'm your errand girl? Sora rolled her eyes. Great...


Bursting open the door of the garden, Sora headed out as she left the others with the burnt body. She stared at the object in her hand as she clenched it into her fist.

"This key..." Sora mused. "I think I know where this could be useful."

Power-walking throughout the walls of the 4th floor, she finally found the place she was looking for. This key gave Sora a certain vibe. Namely, it looked like a piece of circuitry. So the place that would most likely work would be...

"The data lab..." Sora's feet stopped as she reached the door of the data lab.

This was definitely locked before...

"Welp. Here goes nothin'...." Sora said as she inserted the electric-looking key into the key hole.


"I-It fits!" Sora quietly exclaimed. Then this is the key to the data center! Looks like all that running around managed to pay off. "I gotta go tell everyone else!" As she ran to the garden.


"So, you're back." Byakuya folded his arms as Sora entered the garden once again. "How'd it go?"

"This's for the data center on the fourth floor." Sora told him.

"Then we can get into the data center now!?" Hiro exclaimed.

" Interesting... But why did the now deceased have that key on them?" Byakuya wondered to himself, glancing at the body. "I suppose we'll just have to go to the data center and find out."

"Yeah, I think you're right." Makoto nodded as the group headed to the fourth floor.


On the fourth floor...

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