True HeartBreak 💔

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I tossed and turned in bed last night, and I could see the dark circles under my eyes.

Looking in the mirror, I watched as Lucas got dressed in a casual but dressy outfit. Slipping on my black dress, I practiced a fake smile, for this weekend wasn't about me.

It was about Seven saying goodbye to her mom.

I carefully put a little makeup on, not too much because I know I was going to be crying. I put my hair in a slick bun, and put two pearl earrings in. Slipping my feet into some sandals I looked up to see Lucas smiling at me.

His adoring look made me shiver as he came up behind me.

Me: are the boys ready?"

Lucas: yeah, Dre told me that Seven's Aunt is going to come get the boys during the funeral." he said. I frowned and turned to him fixing his collar.

Me: her aunt doesn't want to be there?"

Lucas: I don't think so baby." he said. I nodded and walked back into the hotel room, grabbing my purse I made sure to fill it up with my necessities. I looked at King and Ronan who sat together watching a show on their ipad when the door knocked.

Walking over to it, I smiled as I noticed the women immediately as Seven's Aunt. She has baby Syx behind her who squealed when he saw his cousins.

Sevens Aunt: don't you look ravishing!" she smiled as I smiled back.

Me: thank you." I cooed as I turned for the boys.

Me: boys come on!" I called. They grabbed there little bags and walked out to greet there cousin Syx. I smiled as I carefully grabbed my bag and my phone.

Lucas came up behind me and closed the door behind him as we left out. I could hear the boys giggling down the hall as we went the opposite way to the elevators.

Me: baby you have the address?" I mumbled.

Lucas: yeah miss lady." he said. We went down the elevator in silence, and I looked to see if I would see Blake or Adryan. I didn't see them as we walked to the car.

Looking at the time, I sighed as I checked again to have my tissues. The last funeral I had been to was Mekas. I didn't have enough tissue for that, and knowing that I would be seeing Seven in her weakest state was going to make me ball my eyes out.

Lucas pulled out fast, and I was surprised as the church wasn't that far away. We arrived and I immediately spotted Blake and Sam walking in.

Lucas: Sammy!" he called out the window. Sam and Blake turned and he smiled as he saw us.

Lucas: say, where you park at?" he said as they came to the window.

Sam: last car on the end. There should be two spots next to me." he pointed. Lucas nodded and I leaned up and waved at Blake. She smiled at me and Sam blew me a kiss as Lucas pulled forward.

Just like Sam said there were two smooth parking spots, and I noticed the one next to Sam on the right, was Dres.

He backed in, and parked perfectly before shutting the car off.

Lucas: ready?" he said. I nodded and carefully got out. Shutting my door, I grabbed Lucas's waiting hand as I fixed my dress.

Walking inside, it was very crowded as family members and friends stood in the lobby. I stood close to my husband as people talked and some cried.

Dre: Lee!" I heard behind us. Lucas turned us and I saw Dre waving us inside the church area. Following his lead, I walked behind him and inside. The door closed behind us as Lucas dapped him up.

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