Surprise 😈

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Will POV

Case: since things have settled down, I need you to pick back up on drops." he said coming over to me.

Me: For?"

Case: Ray has surpassed you." he said simply. I glared over at Ray who smirked a little before turning away.

Me: that don't matter to me." I said playing it cool. It did bother me, I use to be the highest maker here but since Issa and Ray joined us they were taking all the spots.  I didn't mine at first because I was spending time making up the time I had lost with Liv.

Case: well it needs to. So I made you a list of people to drop on." he said sliding a paper to me. I sighed and slowly took it before stuffing it in my pocket.

Case: how's my sister?" he said as Ray left.

Me: she's good, when I left she was resting." I said sitting down.

Case: good, keep her distracted." he smiled.

Me: how was the Gala?"

Case: it was good. Some weird shit happened they ended the rooms early last night." he shrugged.

Me: what you mean?"

Case: I mean I tried to see who was down there but it was closed off time I got down there." he said.

Me: well shit did you figure out what happeend?"

Case: nah I ain't care that much to ask questions. I just headed back upstairs and got my shit and bounced." he said.  I frowned at his dismissal because a cancellation has never happened at the Gala.


But of course the day I don't go they wanna act crazy. Shaking it off I sat up and opened the list of clients. I chuckled a little bit as I remembered some of the names on the list.

Me: you know C. Bobby is a feen right?" I chuckled looking up at him.

Me: we keep supplying him he's gonna turn out bad."

Case: as long as he is supplying you with the money you keep supplying him with the honey." he joked. I sucked my teeth as he started laughing.

Me: he won't be supplying if he dead." I laughed.

Case: shit he will until then." he said walking off. Shaking my head, I looked over the list again before heading out behind him.

Kejuan POV

Kiante: come on bro you gotta chill." he said as I walked home with him and Hayely.

Kiante: the two of you need to get a room." he teased as I kissed her.

Hayley: you know we can but someone won't make a move." she said nudging me.

Me: say no more i'll make the move right now." I said making Kiante suck his teeth.

Kiante: I can't wait till I get me a little shortie. I'm gonna make you both sick as hell."

Hayely: oh please."

Kiante: it's crazy because you older then him to aren't you Hail?"

Hayely: yeah." she laughed.

Me: nigga and what?" I said pushing him.

Kiante: ain't no and what, that's a point for you homie. The girls our age don't even like you." he said making Hayley laugh.

Me: how about you make fun of me when you get one of those girls then we can talk." I joked back. He immediately stopped laughing as Hayley laughed harder.

Turning the block I slowed my roll as I noticed a familiar black car. A flash black made me freeze as I realized the license plate. Backing away I grabbed Hayley and Kiante harshly.

Hayley: babe what the hell?" she said as my heart beat out my chest.

Me: We need to run!" I yelled, turning. I was about to take off when his slim dark figure stood behind us. Hayley gasped as she tugged on to me. His devilish smirk sent chills down my spine as the rest of them surrounded us.

Lucas: surprise." he hissed.

Me: Kiante get her out here." I mumbled.

Lucas: I wouldn't do that." he snarled as Drebo slowly flashed his gun.

Kiante: yo I think you guys have the wrong people." he said stepping up. Sam chuckled as Kiante stood in front of me and Hayely.

Drebo: nahh I don't think we do." he said glaring down at him. My heart really hit the floor when I noticed that Cory was alive, as he stepped around Sam.

I had to be dreaming..

Me: look they have nothing to do with this." I said cautiously.

Drebo: we know." he smirked. The sly smirk on Lucas's face said it all.

Me: Hayley run!" I yelled as he lunged at me. I fell to the ground as Lucas forced a bag over my head. I struggled as I could hear Hayely screaming as she was wrestled to the ground. The bag tightened around my head and I felt as my head was lifted and slammed onto the concrete. Sending me out.

Issa POV

I swallowed my last drink as it buzzed down my throat. Throwing it against the wall I opened another one as Ray came in.

Ray: you need to see this." he snapped slamming the door.

Me: can't you see i'm busy bro." I slurred. He ignored me and showed me a photo. Snatching it from him I looked at it and froze.

Me: this shit can't be." I said as I saw him towering over Kejuan.

Ray: that came from one of our lookouts on the kid...said he seen them for real." he said as I sat up. I grew angry as I saw the 6 of them.

Me. There suppose to be dead!" I yelled.

Ray:..I knew it..I fucking knew it was to good to be true!" he snapped. This wasn't right! He can't be alive....

Gritting my teeth I looked at the picture again and burned a hole through his grinning face.

Me: does Case know?"

Ray: no, he will soon." he mumbled. I shook my head and looked over at my gun. Gritting my teeth even harder I snatched it off the dresser before standing up.

Ray: what are you doing?"

Me: we shoulda made sure they were dead for real." I snapped as I stuffed a few bullets in my pocket.

Me: clearly no one checked like they should've and now there back." I said loading my gun.

Ray: so what do you wanna do?"

Me:..I wanna do the job that Will was suppose to do a while ago." I snarled. Ray raised his eyebrows at me as I slipped on my dark hoodie.

Me: are you in or out." I pressed. He looked at me but slowly nodded his head.

Ray: you know where they're at?"

Me: trust I have a feeling where they are." I said. I flipped my hoodie over my head and covered my dreads. There was only one way to make sure Drebo as out the way, and I was going to make sure it happened.

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