H.B.C ⚜️

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Seven POV

I held her tight as she sobbed into my chest. As painful as it was to do this, I had been holding onto her since last night. It was just me and her in the house, I had Briana take Syx to his grandmother's house.

We rocked silently back and forth as her tears rolled down my chest. I wiped my eyes a little as she squeezed me tight. I could feel the pain oozing out of her as she held me.

I let a few minutes go by before I pulled her off. She covered her face and I placed my hands on her shoulders.

Me: are you ready to talk now?"  I mumbled.

Cyn; y-you were right." she sniffed as she looked up.

Cyn: this whole time I-Ive been acting like there g-going to come back." she sobbed.

Cyn: I made us have that stupid fight-"

Me: no you didn't Cyn, I pushed you first." I sighed.

Cyn: but you would've never pushed me if I wasn't so stupid!" she yelled. She shook as she looked at me.

Me: you weren't ready to except it, and I should've let you get ready on your own." I said placing my hand on her warm cheek.

Me: and I'm sorry that you found out the way you did..." I finished.

Cyn: Seven...I cant do this." she sobbed.

Seven: Cyn-"

Cyn: No Seven, I can't do this! I can't live knowing this!" she pouted breaking down all over again. I heard the front door open and sighed as I let Cyn go.

Me: I'll be right back." I said. Standing to my feet, I walked to the banister and saw Draco and Kyren coming inside. They had more groceries and I sighed as they frowned up at me.

Draco: well there you are. We called for you to let us in the house a few minutes ago." he said as Kyren walked past him.

Me: Ive been busy with Cyn." I said. I was about to open my mouth when she stomped out of her room and glared down the banister.

Cyn: get out!"" she yelled.

Me: Cyn-"

Cyn: I said get out now!!" she screamed.

Draco: What the hell is going on?" he snapped as she stormed away.

Me: she was called to the police station today...they found Lucas's ring with blood on it and confirmed that he is dead..." I mumbled.

Draco frowned hard as Kyren came back and looked at me.

Draco: when was this?" he said folding his arms.

Cyn: oh you should know!" she yelled coming back.

Cyn: YOU FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE DONT YOU!" she shouted this time.

Me: Cyn please calm down-"

Cyn: NO I DONT WANT ANYONE HERE GET OUT!!" she screamed long. I bit my lip hard as she stormed back into her room punching the door.

Me: I think it's best that you guys leave.." I mumbled. They nodded and headed for the door.

Me: King, Syx, Solae, and Ronan are at Mrs Coly's." I said. They nodded closing the door behind them. I waited until they left before going into the room with Cyn.

I sighed deeply as she dashed around the room destroying things. When she got like this, it was best to let her wear herself out. I leaned against the wall as she smashed windows, broke the TV, tore the blankets off the bed. She knocked her dresser over and broke the bathroom door.

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