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The next morning was kind of quiet. I had managed to get up before everyone else, as they laid sprawled out on my living room floor.

Looking around, Lucas was no where to be found this time, and after our early morning ordeal I expected him to be gone.

I had never seen him like that, so angry, so broken. I had hurt him more then I expected and I didn't even care that I was bruised and hurting. All I wanted to do was ease his pain. I unwrapped my bandages, and slowly made my way upstairs.

It was a bit hard for me to breath, but I made it up my flight of stairs as I heard our bathroom jacuzzi running. Coming into our room, I made my way to our bathroom as the lights were out. The smell of weed hit my nose as I slowly opened our bathroom doors.

He was leaning back in the tub, smoking and scrolling on his phone.

His eyes were a glossy red as his phone shined against them. The cracking of the door made him look up, he raised his head as he saw it was me coming in.

Me:..may I?" I asked as he looked at me.

He shrugged his shoulders as he looked away from me. Sighing, I came in and closed the door enclosing us in the darkness. I carefully walked over to the tub as he watched me silently.

Me: do you want to talk?" I said standing before him.

Lucas:..nah..not really." he said. His voice sounded cracked a little and it was expected from how he yelled at me. He looked back at his phone, ignoring me as I stood there.

Me: can we" I mumbled as he sighed.

Lucas: Nah." he said again.

Lucas: we can talk another day." he said. He went back to smoking and scrolling on his phone as I sighed deeply. This was going to be harder then I thought.

I slowly took off my shorts, sliding them down my hips. They dropped to the floor as I slowly took my shirt over my head and off of my arms. He looked up at me, putting his phone away as he smoked.

Undoing my bra, I let it fall to the ground as I slowly took my panties off. I poked at my stitches, making sure they were tight before stepping out of my clothes and over to the tub.

Climbing in, I carefully sat down on the other side across from him.

Me: I want to talk." I said more sternly as the hot water soothed my body. He looked away at the door, smoking as I stared at the left side of his face.

Me: I'm sorry-."

Lucas: you always sorry man." he snarled.

Lucas: ion wanna hear that shit." he said.

Me: I know but-."

Lucas: Cyn. Get. Out." he snarled looking at me finally. I could feel myself getting overwhelmed with how he had put up a wall to me.

Me: I am not going nowhere." I pouted.

Me: I am not going anywhere so your going to have deal with me." I snapped this time.

He chuckled angrily, grabbing his phone again. I snatched it from him, making him jump to get it. Holding it away from him he sat up as it buzzed in my hand.

Me: can you talk to me, please." I said as it buzzed again.

Lucas: give me my phone." he snapped. His phone buzzed again, and this time I looked at it.

The name that popped up made me freeze as Hailey's name showed visibly. He tried to reach for it, but I snatched away as I read the message she sent.

Me: I'm hear if you want to talk?" I choked as I read her message to him.

Resolution: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now